
Declaration of an Empire

Weeks had passed since Berengar and his army had first taken control over the city of Luxembourg. During this time, word of Hartman's defeat spread like wildfire across the North. As the King of Austria had expected, a chain reaction unfolded. Like dominos, the Northern German Duchies fell to the Austrian army in rapid succession. One by one, the ancient dynasties came toppling down, and the heads of their households were forced beneath the boot of Austrian authority. 

Those who remained unconquered quickly surrendered to Berengar, realizing the foolishness of further resistance. Logically, there was only one path forward, and that was to pledge their eternal allegiance to the von Kufstein Dynasty. Months had passed since Austria had first begun the war of unification, and finally, the fighting had ended. For the first time in history, the German people were now unified under a single banner.