
Curing Depression

After leaving Momo and Mibu behind within his office, Berengar did not immediately visit Itami, instead he ordered a servant to fetch the Japanese Empress two gifts. First, Berengar ordered an assortment of chocolates to be obtained from the finest sweet shop in the city of Kufstein.

Second, he commanded the servant to purchase the cutest and cuddliest plushy they could find at the local toy store. While such qualifications were, in fact, subjective, he felt that a woman's eye would be better suited to performing such a task, rather than his own. 

Thus, after nearly thirty minutes had passed, the servant returned to the Palace with the gifts in hand, which Berengar took from her, before giving the woman a hundred mark bill, partially as a thanks for her efforts, and partially as a means of reimbursing her for the cost of the gifts.