
Conspiring Against the Sultan

Late into the night, there was a secret gathering of high-ranking officials within the Emirate of Granada. The Sultan's brother and several advisors were gathered in a part of the Castle where they discussed their treasonous thoughts in hushed voices.

Yusuf Al-Fadl was the younger brother of the Sultan; however, in his mind, his conspiracy that he had established was not a matter of succession; it was a matter of faith. As a religious fundamentalist, he had seen both his elder brother and his father before him spiral into damnation by secular rule. 

The fact that Hasan entertained the idea of military aid from an infidel while feasting on pork and drinking wine in his spare time was bad enough; however, the Sultan had allowed Adela, a woman, to walk around uncovered, in his eyes, it was simply disgraceful, and the Sultan's lack of faith had gone too far.