
Austrians Arrive in Granada

A few days had passed, and the first of Berengar's armed forces had stepped foot upon the soil of the Iberian Peninsula. In southern Granada, Thousands of Austrian Soldiers gathered together with their arms and artillery as they prepared to advance north.

However, until the rest of the division could arrive; a temporary city devised of tents was set up on the edge of the region for the time being. This city of tents was used to house the thousands of soldiers waiting for the rest of their division and supplies to arrive. A General who had earned his spot in Berengar's good graces was currently leading the First Divison.

With his swift victory over the Swiss, Adelbrand von Salzburg was sent as the leader of the First Division until he regrouped with Arnulf and the forces of the Royal Granadan Army. At that point, Arnulf would seize command of all Coalition Forces in Granada by decree of King Berengar von Kufstein.