
And So Our Story Begins [The End]

As the years went by, Berengar's health began to fade. Until finally, at the age of eighty, the reaper had kept a constant watch. At the moment Berengar was laying in a bed, within the Royal Palace of Kufstein which he had been transported to, so that the von Kufstein Dynasty's personal doctors and nurses could look after him in his twilight hour. 

Berengar was surrounded by his wives, lovers, children, grandchildren, and even a few great grand children. All of which had forlorn faces, as they said goodbye to the man who had built their house from the ground up. 

Despite the fact that he knew his time was coming to an end, there was no pain on Berengar's face. Rather, there was nothing but bliss. To be surrounded by his loved ones in the hour of his death. After a lifetime of accomplishments, that no man had ever matched before, nor any man would ever compare to in the future. It was truly a fitting end for the Great Kaiser of the German Reich.