
An Entertaining Lecture

Berengar was currently in a makeshift classroom temporarily located in the local tavern of the town square. He was currently writing the alphabet down on a blackboard he had created with a piece of chalk. As he went over the sound every letter made and how to read and write them, he gazed upon his class of laborers who had gathered to begin the process of basic education.

With the 40 hour workweek in session, there was a healthy amount of spare time for many of the laborers of his factories; because of this, Berengar had offered free drinks and meals to whoever was willing to come and learn from him and his staff for a couple of hours each day after work.

It had caught on pretty quickly as people could drink light beer, enjoy a nice meal, and educate themselves with brief breaks for socializing in between. Workers, supervisors, and foremen all gathered in the town square as if it were a festive occasion.