
A Surprise Visit From a Foreign Beauty

A twenty-year-old girl sat on board a small fishing ship as it sailed across the North Sea and towards the German Port city of Hamburg. She had long and wavy platinum hair with ice-blue eyes. Her skin was as white as snow, and her body was exceptionally curvy, just like her mothers. 

Though the men on board the fishing ship ogled the beautiful young woman with their eyes, they did not dare lay a hand on her, nor did they even approach her for conversation. They had seen what she had done to the first man who had attempted to have his way with the foreign beauty, and they knew better than to do something so foolish. 

Siv did not acknowledge the fishermen either, instead she gazed off into the distance towards the city lights which lit up the night sky. Finally, after all these years, she would be able to visit the land of her father.