
A New Era of Trade

Sultan Salan Mirza sat atop the back of a camel as he gazed across the Kaiser's Pass with astonishment in his eyes. It had been some time since the Byzantine Empire abandoned him to fight the Catholic Church alone.

However, just when his armies were surrounded by the Crusaders in Alexandria, the enemy suddenly broke ranks and fled for their lives. He had later come to find out that the Pope and all of his Cardinals were burned at the stake by the mad bastard in charge of the German Empire. 

The armies of the Crusaders were being decimated across Europe by the overwhelming power of German steel, and those who had been tasked with seizing Egypt for the Kingdom of Jerusalem had fled deep into Africa, hoping to escape the wrath of the German Army. After all, the Germans' influence spread across all the Mediterranean and the near east. There was nowhere in the civilized world for them to flee to where the Germans wouldn't find them and slaughter them.