
Typical Teenage Tale

me_duh2808 · Adolescente
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7 Chs


My brother and I were currently at and a restaurant waiting for Lucas to arrive. While he was looking happy I was looking grumpy, I didn't want to come. After see in my brother in the car ready to go I was about to just leave and go for a long walk while he met up with Lucas.

Of course life hates me, so instead of my walk I was chased by A and carried into the car. And to make matters worse he put child lock on so even I wanted I couldn't exit the damn car. I'd say that was a smart call on his side, because knowing myself I would of jumped out even of the car was moving. You could say I'm stubborn like that.

And that's how I ended up here with my brother. He has been trying to get me to smile since we got to this restaurant. Apparently I was going to scare Lucas away with how grumpy I looked. Hopefully I do, I think to myself.

I was about to go with my plan of scaring Lucas of but my brother had to make me feel guilty. "Atleast be nice for me, I know you don't want any friends and are fine being lonely," He sighed then continued, " ...but I wouldn't mind making a friend Z please atleast let me make a friend and don't scare him off."

I know u probably wondering why doesn't my brother make friends his own age, which is by the way only 19 which he turned last month. Well he is since Luca started a year late in school and is actually my brother's age. Even Nolan started a year late and is also my brother's age...now that I think about it. I wonder if it's a gang thing or just coincidence?

Then again it could be that they failed a year and were held back. I honestly didn't know. I just knew their ages and assumed they started school late. While I was still thinking, it seemed Luca joined and with him was Nolan. Didn't know he was joining, I thought to myself.

"Hey," they both said one after the other. I just nodded at them in acknowledgement. My brother on the hand said hi and was introducing himself since I didn't do it for him. We ordered our food with some flirt waitress. She kept flirting with my brother mainly, which annoyed me. I know I'm younger then my brother, but I'm very protective of him. He has gone through a lot and there is no way I hell I'd let some stupid waitress even touch him.

Once she realised I was glaring at her with a murderous look , she stopped and just took our order. My brother on the other hand didn't seem to notice me giving a death glare, nor did Lucas. Nolan on the other hand did, but he didn't seem very phased just a bit curious to why I reacted the way I did.

Even if I didn't scare the waitress like I did it wasn't like A would even give her any sort of acknowledgement. My brother was a gentleman and kept telling me I was the only girl in his life he needed. He has had a girlfriend before though, but that ended...lets rather not go there.

My brother and Lucas seemed to hit it off. Nolan and I on the other hand remained silent. Every now and then Nolan would look at me open he mouth and close it. He looked like a fish, which was kind of funny. It was as if he was contemplating whether he should talk to me or not.

I on the other hand wasn't actually looking to make any friends, but my brother didn't seem like he would let me have my way. He excused himself to go to the bathroom leaving me alone with Lucas and Nolan.

I was planning on staying quite when Lucas decided otherwise.

"Well you were right, your brother is a really cool dude, I'm glad I got to meet him," he grinned.

" Yeah that wasn't me who messaged you that actually, my brother stole my phone it's the only reason I'm actually here," I might as well say the truth. He looked kind of hurt that I wasn't the one who agreed to come.

"Was it also your brother who agreed for us to be friends?" He asked.

"Yip," I continued to eat my food, while he seemed to be deep in thought and also had a slight hurt look on his face. I wondered why it was so important for him to want to be my friend. Since we met all I've been is an ass to him, yet he insists on making friends with me. Nolan has a slight smirk on his face, if I wasn't right opposite him at the table I would miss it.

I wondered if they were actually friends or if they just hung out since they were in the same gang. A couple minutes went by and my brother still wasn't back. I decide to excuse myself to check on him. I told them if they wanted they could leave and I'd pay for the meals.

Before Lucas could say anything, Nolan's phone rang interrupting him. After the call Nolan just said that they would catch me around again some other time. It must of been gang related the phone call since Lucas complied.

I quickly payed for the meals at the cash register and then headed towards the rest room. When I got there I saw that stupid waitress cornering my brother. Why wasn't he doing anything, then I saw his face he looked kind of drowsy. That bitch must of put something in his food!

She pulled him towards a closet near the restrooms, but before she could close it I had my foot wedged between the door and wall. I pulled open the door glaring at her, knowing full well she was not leaving here uninjured. Nobody touches my bro and I mean nobody. I don't plan on loosing another best friend or sibling.

My brother would usually be able to defend himself, but currently he was drugged. I grabbed A out of her grasp and carefully layed him on the floor. The I got up ready to take care of her. She was trying to look for away out, bit then she seemed to calm down as if she realised something?

"Wait what are you going to do, your just a pathetic girl, also I do karate so I'm pretty sure I can take u down," she said smirking. " Is that so, in that case maybe I should be scared," I mocked her. I was done talking now. I punched her in the gut, knocking the air out of her.

I decided that messing up that little pretty face of hers now also sounded fun. I punched her in the eye and kicked her right in the jaw. She was knocked out...she didn't even put up a fight. Thought she knew karate I laughed to myself, amateur I thought to myself. She probably just bought a belt and thinks she knows karate.

I picked up my brother from the floor, swinging his arm around my shoulder to support his weight. I carried him to the restroom and splashed some water on his face hoping the cold water would help. He seemed to be now a bit more awake. Although I'd still HV to support him to the car.

One issue I am not legal to drive. My brother drove us here and he was definitely not in any condition to drive right now. I mean I could drive but if the cops stop us we going to jail. I just put my brother in the back seat and took out my phone.

I'm probably going to regret this later.