
Typical But Not So Typical Reincarnation

Err, basically typical but no so typical reincarnation into a magic world where there are probably some cliché stuff happening but not so cliché i guess ?? short synopsis - mc , a bullied boy, accidentally got killed, accidentally got reincarnated, accidentally a noble, accidentally very young, accidentally in a typical fantasy magic world, accidents gonna be everywhere Well, find out more accidents yourself.. ***info dump at the second chapter*** - more info will be added in other chapters. Romance -- CHECK R18 -- Soon Incest -- IDK NTR -- less likely Comedy -- CHECK if it makes you smile The story will be mainly more focused on the main character built up. Comment if you have any suggestions. or mistakes. enjoy. GONNA UPDATE FURTHER WHEN I FEEL LIKE IT

Magthias · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Magic experiment #5

|| some updates on info dumps for better understanding in chapter 2 as well as synopsis which will be once in a while, these updates will be informed in upcoming chapters || also updated the ages for everyone after contemplating the suitability ||

for info:

-academy junior term 14, 15 there MC have 1 year of preparation

-senior term 16, 17

-intern 18,19 *extra*

-MC is 13 now

-Celine 15 which means next year when MC enter the academy, she will be at senior term

-Monster Invasion Disaster happened 13 years ago(date of Mathew's death)

//-basically it any further update will be announced//

The hallway was empty and silent when we passed through it. All of the children along with their families had probably finished their mana awakening, therefore only the sound of footsteps reverberated across the room.

Upon reaching the main gate, some familiar faces had already waited upon our arrival. From my guess, they are also waiting for their carriage driver to pick them up.

" Ara.. Ara.. Look what we have here, the Meredith family along with the Dmitri family( royal elf family ) and Whiteheart family(famous for magic & sword art usage)." Lisa whistled enthusiastically. We all bowed to show respect to each other's families.

"I guess you all can acquaint yourselves with each other, I will take my leave." Lisa bowed again before walking away.

"Thee, Mathias. What took thee so long!" Violet voiced up while pointing her chubby finger at me with a grumpy look on her face. ( cute!!)

All gazes turned towards me with curiosity and anticipation.

" Haha..err.. I was busy purifying my mana veins..." I awkwardly replied while scratching my hair.

" Hmph.. My time is 3 hours 28 minutes, breaking the new record... I know, I know, I am the best. Thank you for all the praises..." Violet proudly announced which is followed by awkward laughter and claps.

" I see.. Good for you. I knew you were this strong." praising her, making her blush.

Beside the Meredith family, Dmitri and Whiteheart family's children were also observing me. An elf girl from Dmitri family and fraternal twins(boy and girl) from the Whiteheart family introduced themselves.

"I am Elaine de Dmitri. Nice to meet you, Mathias Von Lafiel." (long green hair, green eyes , age 13)

"William Whiteheart, Nice to meet you." ( boy obviously)(white hair, blue eyes, age 13, imagine younger and cuter)<pic in auxiliary chapter>

"..Elizabeth. Whiteheart... nice..to meet you." she introduced shyly while hiding behind his brother.

(long white hair, blue eyes, age 13)

* pic in auxiliary chapter or here*

"Nice to meet you all, Mathias, Mathias Von Lafiel." We all exchanged handshakes.

Before we started to know each other better, all our respective carriages arrived to pick us home. We waved goodbye to each other before entering our own carriage to head home.


"ZEHAahahha, I knew that our grandson is a genius!

We are gonna have a big feast tonight!!Do you have any girl that you want to invite, Grandson ??" Magnus laughed.

" What about Celine !! What about Celine, Grandpaa!!" Celine voiced out jealously.

"Ohhoh, of course Celine is a genius too!" he continued while rubbing our hair at the same time with Celeste and Maya chuckling at the side.

"Grandfather, I think I am gonna rest today, you guys can enjoy it, I am a little tired today." I spoke while walking back to my room.

"Silly me!! I forgot you just undergo mana awakening. If you have any favour, just ask Maya or Celeste. Celine!! Let's go enjoy our feast! ZeHahahaha." Magnus continued.


Upon reaching my room, the first thing I did was to clean myself up, brainstorming the possibilities of my elements before testing it at the outdoor training ground afterwards. I must all train hard to be ahead of everyone else.


After arriving at the training ground with Maya beside me, I decided to try my magic theory in the novel I read previously for my first test as I prefer to discover first before asking Maya if I failed.

I try manifesting my mana on my fingertip, imagining the dark red colour of mana gradually flowing throughout my body towards the tip of my finger. A small dark flame ignited, but I did not feel any discomfort or pain. ( I guess my element is fire..) I sighed before enhancing my imagination, further igniting it into a bigger size flame before cutting off the connection, releasing the yoga ball sized flame towards a wooden dummy.

Beside me, Maya expressed an awed look which probably meant that people who had just awakened would usually not be able to perform what I did. The yoga ball sized flame traveled moderately towards the target before hitting it dead center.

"Ffloouumm..." the flame landed on the target. Not only did it not ignite the target, the flame just dissipated.

( Whattthe....f.) before I finish cursing, the dummy suddenly erupted, "KKAABOOOMMM!!"

A loud explosion caused the wooden dummy to explode, breaking the dummy into pieces which flew all over the place at high speed. Maya held up a mana barrier before one of the pieces flew directly at me.

Feeling exhausted after casting the big size flame, I did not even notice I was in danger.

" Thanks Maya" I showed my gratitude towards the maid.

"Young Master, did you just cast a spell without chanting?? And.. What was that ??.." She began questioning me.

"...er.. yes. " I replied weakly.( ..I should have at least, run my mouth chanting some bullshit before casting it.. Well who cares.. But it seems like a success, the power was decently strong not as I even expected and.. I don't think it was a fireball spell.. and my element is definitely not the main branch.. that is not holy fire as holy fire will probably remain burning the dummy until it becomes ashes. And it definitely wasn't demonic/blood or even magma.... what is it...

no way... Megumin??. Explosion...?" I chuckled. ( Am I a descendant of Megumin?? I definitely need to test it out tomorrow.)


After hearing the explosion, Both Magnus and Celeste rushed out , followed by Celine at the side.

" Mathias, are you okay ?? What happened??" Celeste and Magnus asked in unison.

"I am okay"I replied.

I decided to let Maya explain the details while I slowly walked back to my room before hearing a loud laughter from Magnus probably proud of another of my achievements.

I decided to sleep for the day before doing more experiments.

