

Driven by her loyalty towards the queen, Erica must make the humans pay for their crime; but what happens when everything turns out to be a lie and there is bigger story she never knew about.

Estherio · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
75 Chs

Chapter 14: The Unknown

(Riveria at midnight)

" Did you hear that?" Prince Luca asked prince Obi

" Yes, it sounded creepy " Prince Obi said

" It sounded like a sea kraken" Prince Luca told him

" That's impossible, they only exist in fairytales told by our great ancestors" Prince Obi told him

" We are much far and outside of Riveria, the river of the lost is like six hours swim from this area; no one has ever been here before" Prince Luca said

" If it's really a sea kraken; why are we still here? If it finds us before we find the treasure, we are doomed and it's definitely going to find its way back to Riveria which is the closest" Prince Obi told him

" Let's move then, it's just an hour swim into the deadly part of the dungeon" Prince Luca said.

As they moved their tail, they noticed a huge figure move out speedily from afar out of their sight

" What was that?" Prince Obi asked

" I am not wrong this time trust me, it moved like a snake" Prince Luca said

" A snake big like that?" Prince Obi asked

" An anaconda, it normally guides ancient treasures; If am guessing right, it's beneath us" Prince Luca said nervously as they quickly looked down beneath the water and saw the huge snake moving in speed with its mouth wide open.

" Swim!" Prince Luca shouted.

(Mr. Hansel's mansion)

Mr. Hansel placed his phone on his ear to take the call which had come through from kelvin

" I found out the girl's home address sir" kelvin said

" Is that all?" Mr. Hansel asked

" Not only that, there is a more shocking news sir, I searched about her using her face ID from the CCTV footage you gave to me and there was nothing" he said

" What do you mean by there was nothing?" Mr. Hansel asked him curiously

" It's just like she doesn't exist in this world, there was no documented record about her, no family, no name and whatsoever" kelvin told him

" That's impossible" Mr. Hansel said

" Yes sir, there is another thing sir; Lava is involved with her and she is no marine biologist, the person sending information to me hacked the biologist list system and found no record of her among the marine biologist in Bellaire city or the next to it" he said

" You are going to go after her and make her talk" Mr. Hansel ordered

" Yes sir" he responded

" She seems to know more than she ought to, she is the real deal to expand my business" Mr. Hansel said