
Kinjaku shock

Kinzaku is a Kaldun who may have lived in the Hayan era, that is, from the golden era of sorcerers, but because he had ambitions to make the world a better place, in his opinion, he should create immortal people, that is, half spirits half people,

at first he and his wife from the Kammo clan had nothing he managed to do this,

although his wife was special and, according to rumors, could be given a gift from cursed spirits, but he came, but contrary to expectation, he exceeded nine miscarriages, just like pictures of the decomposition of a person, each subsequent one was worse and worse and seemed to be decomposing,

and even this is devalued by the phenomenon of "Picture of Death" until he himself became a woman

The experiments continued for another 500 years after the "death" of Norotoshi Kamo

Until one day Yuuji was born Niesensu who literally spoke second personality

Kinjaku realized this when he looked and discovered a large amount of cursed energy not of Yuuji himself but of a second one inside him he left Itadori with his grandfather and disappeared with his father

----------6 years later---------

While Yuuji was eating a bug and Nisensu was dissuading him from it, it was time for school, by the way, this is his first day and he definitely received a complaint in the diary for his pink hair, although it is real but no one believes it

In the same year, they noticed a strange creature of different shapes and a strange force inside their bodies, like a blue-haired one for Yuji and a green-red one for Nisensu, well, this did not bother them and they continued to live as before, well, as before, Yuji loved to put pressure on them and sculpt them like plasticine although their body was like stone for the super strong Yuji it was not a problem and as the other side of his strength Yuji had no friend he constantly threw the ball or pushed too hard or broke toys and although Nisensu treated and repaired with the help of his strength and this country for his energy but the children were afraid of approaching Yuji

At the age of seven, Nisensu's ability manifested itself, he called the ability an "unsolvable algorithm" during a battle or while studying, he could process a colossal amount of information, essentially becoming a computer for Yuji, he supports Yuji's brain RCE so that it does not explode, although Yuji does not use it, he is too stupid for this, because of this, Nisens had to take it upon himself to analyze and adapt to the situation, but in their case, come up with excuses for his grandfather Yuuji also has the ability to adapt his body and produces a large amount of CE when he repeatedly removes someone the force of the blow becomes stronger and faster but there are restrictions he must count each blow and if he makes a mistake he will immediately weaken they called it "Rampage"

2 years later-------

While Yuuji was walking down the street for decades at the request of Nisensu, they were already being followed by a strange man with glasses on his eyes, although how strange he would have been as a model if he wanted, he had white hair, a black jacket with black tights, he had a phone in his hands and was playing games although there was nothing to play there, but Tetris is Tetris, it's hard to stop

Nisensu: Yuuji is spying on us

Yuji: I know he's even hiding

Nisensu: Ignore him for now, let's go home

Yuji: Okay

Just as they wanted to turn around and go back, a man with white hair was waiting for them on the way, and Yuji, out of shock, hit him using CE, the blow touched the man and the biton coating crumbled like biton stones were poured into sheben and dust rose into the air. Yuji already thought that that man was finished and already regretted that he hit him, but when the ardor disintegrated, the man was not wounded, although he was surprised by the newcomer, he did not expect strength from such a small fist, but he was sure of one thing: they would be strong sorcerers, why are they yes because six eyes have already noticed another person inside his body of the source RCE which he has been tracking for a long time

Yuji: Oh... my clothes got dirty

To this Gojo grinned, "so young and already crazy."

Hey kid, you shouldn't greet everyone like that.

Yuji: But you sneaked up on me, it's your fault

Well, I forgot to add My name is Satoru Gojo, the strongest Mage of Jujutsu

And my name is Yuji Itadori, just a 9-year-old boy

Gojo: won't you introduce someone else?

While Yuuji was in shock, a mouth appeared on his hand.

Nisensu: My name is Nisensu Itadori, consider Yuuji's brother