

a orphan on the verge of dying finds out he has powers, fueled by his hatred for demons he fight them but later finds out he's not human but a hybrid of angel and demon now with this confusion and happenings of events around him he must find the secret behind he's powers and the truth about his parents, join Zeke in discovering if his an angel, demon or human

masterdiabloPPP37 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

The Strongest Opponent

what's your name the girl asked

Zeke and you


that's a weird name grimm said

I'm here to save you the trouble, I challenge you right here and now aldo I would suggest you get some rest before we fight

are you the girl everybody has been talking about, the one who beat every group in here and is the strongest fighter, the rumors is that after you learned from each group you challenged them then defeated every student there and moved on to the next group is that right

correct, I see my reputation precedes me

no very one kept talking about it so it was kind of hard to miss

don't hold back just because I'm a girl she said as she walked to the platform at the center of the hall

don't worry I'm an ambassador of gender equality so I'll beat you to a bloody pulp grimm said with a smile

the got to the ring and everyone in the hall gathered to watch them, even the teachers, coaches, sensei's and masters all came to watch this match unfold, if zeke defeated tana here it would be a disgrace to them all, she was there last hope plus she was the only student who had learned and mastered all the fighting styles each group had to offer so in a way she was representing all the groups in one

let's get this show on the road, the sooner I beat you the better grimm said hopping up and down while tana stayed calm and just stood at her corner watching grimm intensely.

Try not to disappoint me lollipop grimm said taking a stance with his armed up like a boxer, she on the other hand took a stance with her left up making a loose fist while her right arm made a fist but was kept by her waist side. There was no referee or official in this match, they win by total knockout, submission or defeat. the both got closer to the center of the ring inching closer to each other then when they where a centimeter apart grimm went on the offensive with a kick trying to sweep her off hee feat but she leaped avoiding the attack but grimm didn't give her any breathing space throwing combos of blows and kicks but something strange was happening, she was redirecting his punches and blocking his kicks using his force against him, grimm pursed for a moment taking a step back as he recognized the style she was using but unfortunately she didn't let him any chance for a break she threw a punch so fast grimm couldn't react and was hit stunning him in the process, for the first time ever grimm was dazed stepping back a little, the crowd of watchers where surprised but all had smiles on there faces

damnit, it's like getting hit with a hammer, she's definitely not human, she's stronger that the bunny girl or any demi human I've met, and stronger than that demon slayer, or maybe not, I'm using zekes strength here not my own grimm thought to himself

what was that you said about not disappointing you?, your not gonna fall to a single punch are you, you've given me hope so don't fail me now she said taking her stance again. Grimm smiled and looked at her

let's rumble he said

he ran towards her but she took him down with a russian leg sweep the. went straight to a ankle lock gripping his leg tightly. Again grimm was in pain, he managed to stand on one leg then did a front flip using as the force he could muster to pull her towards the turn buckle, the he got up but somehow he saw tana in the air about to give a drop superman punch, she had climbed the second turn buckle and jumped, grimm countered with a spear sending her back to the turn buckle and kept spearing her trying to take the wind out of her lungs. She held his head then elbowed his back three times stopping him

damn she's strong, it's like a jackhammer to my back

She follows up with kneels to his face the switched to a german suplex giving him multiple german suplex then went for a sleeper hold. it was a bit overwhelming for grimm but he wasn't giving up that easily, she wasn't the only one with super human strength, he held her hair pulling it forward and started punching her directly to hee face

Isn't that move illegal

he can't pull her hair like that it's against the rules but the teachers around didn't do anything, they new in a match like this almost anything goes so long as they don't bleed

Grimm gave her five heavy punches then pulled her off of him, she got up but met a knee to the face, she was flung back but grimm wasn't letting hee get away, he held her arm then karate flipped her to the grown into an arm bar, she held her arm then lifted grimm off the floor then power bombed him to the grown making him let go off her arm. The but stood up immediately and stopped looking at each other with excitement and seriously, it was amazing t watch, it felt like they where equally matched but the fighters knew that wasn't true, grimm could tell she was way stronger than he is, in his other form he would have a better chance but something was telling him she was still holding back. On the other hand tana was thinking about grimm, he didn't stop even when she hit him and she could tell threw the fire in his eyes he wasn't going to loose that easily but something was off

when humans hit me or even demi human I usually just feel a slight push or nothing at all, mostly like a soft pillow was hitting me but with him it's like I'm fighting an opponent with gloves on, it's much harder than anyone I've faced here but still for him to still be standing, he's no ordinary human

both had the same thought

his/she's exactly who I'm looking for, a worthy opponents

they rushed again at each other, this time trading palm strikes till grimm jumped up attempting to give her a Lu Kang bicycle kick but missed as she countered with a superman punch to the side of his face dropping him on the floor

that's it, hee finishing move, no one has gotten up from that

he's gone the match is over

it was awesome even do it lasted for just 2 minutes

she had broken so many peoples jaw with that move

everyone thought she had won the match till they heard laughter coming from grimm, he stood up with blood coming out from his mouth, his jaw was broken and see was his nose but he was still smiling, he cleaned his mouth and looked at the blood on his hand

you'll pay for that grimm said

See him get up Tana was even more excited

he's definitely a worthy opponents, I've never seen a human like him, but is he even human at this point, I should be able to nock out any human quite easily, if I'm not careful I could kill them with a swing of a loose fist so why, why is he still standing

grimm, your ehhh I mean my jaw is broken

don't worry it'll heal in no time

so what are you going to do about her, you can't beat her she's too strong

it's simple, when the going gets tough, the tough get going

not in this situation grimm think of a plan first but zeke was practically talking to himself at this point as grimm already on the attack, throwing punches and kicks and just like the first time she was redirecting his palm away, at a point she started swatting away his punches like they where nothing but grimm wouldn't stop, the when she went for a counter attack with an uppercut he leaned back narrowly dodging it then countering her counter attack with his own counter hitting her with a spinning back kick which surprisingly sent her flying to the turn buckle

I'm not holding back anymore grimm said

he's getting a handle on my speed she thought

she immediately went to block grimms bunches and he came in hot a barrage of punches till he was knocked back again by a switch jab straight to the face, as he stepped back the strikes kept on coming, now grimm was the one on the defensive as tana was relentless with her strikes. Each strike was heavy and backed with power making eve blocking them hurt quite a lot for grimm but that wasn't what as on his mind, he was seriously focusing on her speed and power trying to figure her out and just when he thought he was ready for a counter attack she brushed him off the ground and with a palm strike sent him flying across the ring


did she use chi in that attack

I've never seen her use her chi before

everyone thought zeke was done for sure but just like before he stood up again and went right back in, this time using the techniques he learned from the kung fun group switching from tiger to crain to snake allowing him to get some hits in but still she was able to stop his advances in the end gave him a hug upper cut sending him flying again across the ring. it was a heavy blow and even the onlookers felt the impact but still grimm would stand up again, for the first time grimm was panting and beads of sweat where finally coming out of him, ever since his first match began he hadn't shed a drop is sweat but now he was indicating he was getting tired but even at that all that was in grimm's head was he needed to win this and beat this bitch. Without knowing it he's fingers had grown a bit and his fangs had grown as well, power was brewing inside him and the damage he took was healing faster, he's eyes slowly started changing from blue to red, unlike before he didn't ruch in this time, instead he took a stance with a hand behind his back and another stretched out giving hee a sign to attack. she smiled and came forward ready for another go but grimm did something that shocked everyone including tana, in an instant, almost like he disappeared and appeared right in front of tana with his arm pointing forward like a gun then punched her performing the one inch punch with all his might to hee mid section sending tana flying and coming back after bouncing of the ropes then gave her a huge punch making her back flip and crashing face first to the ground. Everyone was shocked

d.... did he just perfume the one inch punch

that's a really high level technique, not many in the world can do it

he hasn't even learned how to use chi and he can do that move which requires chi?

what the hell, is this guy evolving as the fight goes on, I'm not sure but I think no one has used that move against him so how did he do that

surprisingly grimm was the one that answered

I saw it on tv once, a trainer used it to break a brick perfectly in half

so you saw a move on tv and you can just do it? just like that?!

at that moment tana stood up holding her holding her stomach while cracking her jaw

that was the first time I've ever been hurt since moving here she said well done zeke

back at you

did she just say she was hurt

hehe I never thought I would see the day tana got hurt

this is crazy, are they even human at all

have you forgotten tana said she's demi human so the real question is is zeke human at all.