

a orphan on the verge of dying finds out he has powers, fueled by his hatred for demons he fight them but later finds out he's not human but a hybrid of angel and demon now with this confusion and happenings of events around him he must find the secret behind he's powers and the truth about his parents, join Zeke in discovering if his an angel, demon or human

masterdiabloPPP37 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

Hang out

On the busy streets walked two men, one was quite tall with long blonde hair and a bit muscular while the other was average high. As they walked the got the attention of every woman who walked past them even the married ones

will you stop that, your drawing a lot of attention

they should be great full that I'm gracing them with my presence, I don't understand why we have to hide in the first place, these humans are inferior to me

I know that but it seems they've gained a bit of power and according to my spies they've sensed the presence of a Valkyrie, I don't want any problems with the mission so we must wait till your all at full power, right now your barely at a quarter of that. By the way aren't you going to join the others

huh? I'm doing what

taking territories

lust has taken the red light street as she calls it, a place for lust to recover faster

wrath went to prison

greed is....

I get it I get it, you mustn't remind me of my siblings mephisto however I don't wish to indulge in there childish games, why would I want to mingle with these low lives

I forgot your the sin of pride, looking down on people is in your nature

so where are we going, to the library, I want to learn more about this world, it's vastly different from the last thousand yrs I was here.


Mean while in the demon slayer HQ

Commander Levi we've gotten reports from our spies


You where right sir, reports indicate sexual activities have increased dramatically, there seems to be gang war in the streets and in jail cells, there has been no investment done by any company at all and some are even laying off workers to gain more profit

I see

sir sorry for speaking out of line but why are we searching about stuff like this, this is just normal stuff that happens everyday

we are facing the seven deadly sins and there's a mastermind behind this, according to the report there not at full strength so it got me thinking, how exactly would these demons get stronger and that seemed simple, it's in there names

send of two squads to the prison center and recent sightings of the gang war, and one more squad to pleasure street, these demons aren't getting away this time


mean while

so where are we going Mr tour guide

we could visit the amusement park

ok, wait this isn't a date right? tana said with a mischievous grin

no of course not hehehe zeke replied with an awkward laugh

relax I'm just teasing you, lead the way Mr tour guide

And so zeke started he's hangout with his first actual friend and his first female friend at that, they went to the amusement park, and went on some rides, they really didn't enjoy the rides much because for one zeke fought demons at night and that was much more exciting that amusement rides, as for Tana she was a dragon kin. After the amusement park they went to see the central park with zeke showing and telling her about the streets all the way, they got to central park, walked around enjoying the afternoon breeze then sat on a bench and got ice cream

what's your life been like


sorry I ment like what do you do for fun, your hobbies and stuff

oh, well I wouldn't say I do much, apart from house chores I just usually listen to music and watch tv, as for what I like well I don't really know

what do you mean you don't know everybody have something the like, it's either a hubby or like a quirk

I'm being honest I don't really know

ok then I'll help you with that, from now on I'll make it my mission to find out what you like

we'll find out together then

alright, so umm what about your parents oh sorry I didn't mean to....

it's fine I was wondering when you would ask, well like I said before, I grew up in an orphanage, life in the orphanage wasn't really that great, I didn't realize it but I was the only one who could see ghosts, I di.....

wait, ghosts are real

yh, I know its hard to believe but so far only I can see them

I don't think your the only ones who can see them

wait you can see ghosts too

not really, I can feel the presence of spirits from time to time but it's mostly the elders on dragon island that see spirits, they claim to see the spirits of our ancestors, ghosts if you will

oh I get it, it's the same with me but like can they communicate with them

yh they can so it seems you and the elders or our island have something in common she smiled, anyway pls continue

ok so after the demons attacked the city and destroyed the orphanage I didn't really understand why I didn't die back then but I do now, after that I was adopted by the seeker family, I didn't really fit in well as the kids of Mr and Mrs seeker didn't really like me much and that got worse after the demons attacked again the seekers got killed and I was only able to barely save there eldest daughter Sara, now I live with her alone and it wasn't till recently I found out about my powers and other personalities, my grudge against demons grew so I decided to grow stronger in order to defeat them so I went to the gym and ended up meeting you

wow that's really a sad story


anyway we still have more places we could see if you want he said standing up

ok let's go

Zeke took tana to the highest building in the city, it was 60 stories high and had up to 15 balconies with glass floors, many people usually go there for beautiful scenes. when they got there tana laughing and having fun, not cus of the scene in front of her but cus of zeke

hahahahaahahah, I didn't know you where scared of heights

me neither, I've just never been this high before

hahahahahahaha, your that strong yet your scared of heights

hey it's my first time coming here ok I just wanted to make it exciting since you where bored at the amusement park

tana looked a bit surprised

wow, I didn't think he noticed she said before smiling a bit

hey zeke, follow me I have an idea

uhh hey wait for me zeke said as he tried to follow behind her

when they got to the edge of the balcony tana turned to zeke and said

do you trust me

huh? what kind of weird question is that

common just answer, do you trust me

uhh well we are just meeting for the third time and I don't really know when to call ... ahhhhhhhhhh zeke scream as tana grabbed him and jumped over and started free falling to the ground

ahhhhhhhhhhh tanaaaaaaa what the hellll

hahahahaha, relax will you

they where free falling and tana was enjoying the rush of falling while fr zeke he was always turning white with fear but then something happened, tana held his hand and drew him closer hugging him then whispered into his ears

just relax and trust me ok

he closed his eyes and hugged her tightly then suddenly the wind slowed down and it felt like he was floating

huh Zeke said slowly opening his eyes and seeing them float in the air

h...h ..how is this possible, y ..y ....you don't have wings

tana just smiled at him then they started slowly gliding through the air and up into the clouds. Zeke still hugged her tightly, if he wasn't so scared he would have noticed he hugged her so tight her melons were squished between them and he could feel her heart beat. They glided through the sky slowly and smoothly, slowly zeke's calmed down and started enjoying the view, it didn't take long for him to start enjoying the experience then suddenly tana let go only holding him with one arm, so how does it feel to fly she said. It feels amazing he said as a big smile was on his face, they kept flying all through the afternoon, some tiles she would let zeke fall only to catch him again, some times they would hold each other and slowly move through the clouds

They stayed up in the air till night fall, they slowly landed behind Tana's apartment

Wow, that was awesome, your really amazing tana

hehe thanks she said with a smile, well it's time to go home then

yh well see again tomorrow right ? he said

yh of course besides you still haven't showed me around town yet at least not everywhere she said as she hugged zek tightly

Zeke froze and his heart started racing, he hadn't really hugged a girl, well at least not one he had a crush on, so soft and warm where all he could think of

well then good night zeke she said as she went into the building

y....y ... yh g...g.g... good n...n .night he said with his face all read and smiling