
Chapter - 2( Catching up )

Michelle's P.OV. (Carina's Mother )

I have no words to tell anyone how happy I am to see my daughter after 3 years .This 3 Years have been a hard time not only for her but also us and our whole family . Who would have thought that we were so dependent on her that the first week I would call her out to help me with the chores she would help me with . This made me realize that she was not only helping me out but taking care of me secretly . She knew how tired I would be If I did all the household work by myself . After that I was missing the little arguments we would have , the times I would ask for her opinion and the times she would tease me about some random things . After one month her absence was making me suffocate . There was not a single day I would not talk to her . During her night schedules most of the time because we had a time difference . Not only that but her dad and she had become more closer because she would ask for his help with the mechanical helps she needed around her dorm room and she would ask for all the random advices from me . But her departing from us made us realized that when our closed ones go away from us for a short period of time it makes us long for them more and make our relationship more stronger . As the children were catching up with each other we went and sat with them and talked with them some more and then we told carina about how we are trying to fix Rosanne's marriage with one of her father's friend . This did shock her because we didn't say anything to her or any other children but we only talked with Rosanne .

Carina's P.O.V

All of us cousins were sitting on the couch and floor and talking with each other . Even though we would talk with each other on the phone but it's a different story when we are sharing gossips and stories amongst us face to face . I learnt how many of my neighborhood friends went away to different places and countries for study or work purposes . Not only that but many of my family friends were already engaged or even married .I didn't realize that already being 20 mean you have to settle down even if you are not financially stable , but thank god my parents aren't like that . They always did what I wanted them to them to do or they always would support my decisions . I was the first girl from our family to ever go overseas without any family members. I know this sounds too conservative and thinking of a small minded culture and that is true . My parents were brought up in that kind of culture but as time went by they tried to evolve their mindset and other around them too . No matter what not many of my extended family were fond of the fact that I was going overseas alone and that too for my further studies and work . " Carina , you know Riva from class 10 , she's getting married ." Said Rosanne . " Why are you guys talking about everyone's wedding or engagement ? Can't we talk about your work progress Rosanne ,or about your new research Xavi ? What about your studies Lia ? By the way why are you at our house on a Wednesday 10:00 am when you should be in class?" I asked when my mom replied " She would be in school at this time if she didn't get suspended after getting detention for 5 times and then get ousted from her own house from your aunt for using violence again !" "What did the opposite person do ?" I asked which made my cousins giggle and my mother to stare me at disbelief " Why do you think that it was someone else fault and not her ? She's the one who used violence against the boy and even injured him . You know you shouldn't be supporting her acts of Violence !" She expressed angrily. When she said that she fought against a boy I rose up angrily and went towards her and started cupping her cheeks and asked " Did he touch you inappropriately or did he say something inappropriate?" Ma was shocked to hear my line of questioning and before she could say anything Lia burst out crying " I knew only you would realize why I use violence ! No one even asked me why I used violence they just started saying about how shameless am I and how disobedient I always am ! Not once anyone asked me why I used violence !" " Ma , You know I taught her all the punch , kicks and attacks and also the fact that to only use violence when needed . I know her all of us know her so why did no one ask her ? I told you guys to not assume anything and talk . Communication is the key ok ?" I asked her and papa and they nodded and then Lia told me about how that boy was harassing all the girls in the school and he started misbehaving with her when she used violence . I told her to not worry and that I will take care of it !

" Now that it's resolved , I think all of you should know that we are trying to fix Rosanne's marriage with one of her father's friends son and we asked her if she had any boyfriend or girlfriend and as she gave us the go sign we will talk to see them tomorrow at Mrs. Anderson's Son's holud evening . So I know Carina that you must be tired and jet lagged but do you want to see Holud after 3 years ?"My ma asked and I couldn't say anything as I was speechless but I couldn't refuse as well . Then my parents went to prepare for the lunch and all of us cousins went to my room to talk amongst each other .

Lia's P.O.V.

I am the most happy that Carina is back. She' the most understanding one amongst us and she gives the best advice and doesn't judge us at all . The fact she could understand me after not seeing each other for 3 years would amuse me a little bit but as it's Carina I don't feel no such thing as amusement. I think I am the most happiest because of her return but I know that uncle and auntie are planning something for Carina but behind her back , but I will find it out for sure!