
Chapter - 19 ( The video chat )

Adam's P.O.V

Thank god I didn't cower away and didn't cut the call. After staying on the call for a few minutes I understood she told her cousins everything about us. I was pleased knowing she started sharing her life with the people she grew up with again. " Are you ok now? Did you tell them everything? Anyway, I was going to come to Bangladesh to let my parents talk to your parents about our alliances in a few days but don't worry, I will take the next flight. You won't have to wait for a long time. " I said. " Aww, he's so cute being all protective of her. I approve of him!" Said the teenage girl known as Lia. Carina had made sure I knew all about all of her family members. The little girl who had started the call I presume was Tianna.