
Chapter - 1 (Beginning)

Third P.O.V

Every story has a beginning! So does carina's but for now let's introduce our female lead! She is Carina Costa a young journalist and writer.

She has come to Bangladesh after 3 years. Her native land !

" Maa , papa mica how are you ? " Carina asked and then hugged her small family of 3 and cried.

Who wouldn't after not being able to see them physically for 3 years? She returned from Canada after completing her 3 years course in journalism and bagging a job at the vast BBC news. She's the writer of all the magazine and page 3 articles but one thing about our Carina is that nobody knows who miss C the writer of page 3 is and she likes to keep it like that!

Who would like to flaunt that they write gossip about anyone and everyone? Everyone except our Carina!

After she hugged them outside the airport in front of the terminal her brother carried her luggage to the car she had bought for her father as a gift. Though she couldn't come to Bangladesh she always would send gifts and money through someone or the other! She managed to fulfill the duties of a daughter pretty well with no complaints from anyone .

Let's introduce Carina Costa's family members

Carina's family consist of her mom , dad and her younger brother . Her dad's name id Xayden Costa ; her mom's name is Michelle costa and her younger brother's name is Michael Costa .After a lot of talking and gossiping about other relatives all of them went to their house .

When Carina entered the house the house was empty which shocked her and the shock could be seen from her expressions because she thought everyone knew that she was going to come home . Before she could point out her disappointment her cousins entered the living room shouting . There was Xavi , Rosanne and Lia . Only Tiana was absent from this reunion .

Carina's P.O.V

As I came out of the flight I smelled the air of my native land which I missed so much !!!! After taking all of my luggage I went towards my terminal gate and didn't have to wait for too long to see my parents and my younger brother Mica or Michael . " Maa , papa , Mica How are you ? " I asked this and then hugged them . I have missed them so much that I can't tell . After hugging them I went towards the car to put my luggage inside the car along with my father . after that all of us went to head towards our home . I learnt a lot of gossips and many new information about a lot of new family members . I had missed a total of 5 weddings and many baby showers . I was even more amazed to know that I had new siblings . One distant brother and another sister . But all of this were just the gossip I have heard through my mom . As we reached our gate the whole neighborhood people came to see me after all I was the most pampered . It was relaxing and overwhelming altogether. What I didn't miss was the five flight of stairs but in happiness of reuniting with my beloved cousins I managed to overcome that impossibility very soon too . I was getting restless and excited to meet all those munchkins after whole 3 years . I was the most shocked to not see them upon entering the household frame . I was waiting for them , Didn't they know that I was going to come today ? Weren't they pleased to know that I will be returning after 3 years ? When did we loose our grave friendship between us ? When did we drift apart ?

All these thoughts filled my mind and loomed on top of my head in a stormy manner when I heard shouting " Welcome Home our Baby !!!" I guess everyone understood that I was too shocked to say anything so they resorted to hugging the life out of me . I could see Xavi , Rosanne and Lia but the youngest was missing . My baby Tiana was missing that's why they could shout Baby to me or else everyone knows that Tiana loves being the baby of the whole family and I have no problem but sometimes all the family members call me the baby of the family because I have been pampered by everyone and anyone . I don't want to brag but almost everyone in our neighborhood knows me and loves me . I guess being nice to everyone goes a long way .