
two reincarnations in naruto (and multiverse)

guy dies and gets reincarnated but due to some circumstandes he instantly dies the boss of the rob is angry and he gets again reincarnated but with op powers as monster

Lord_Ainz_Ool_Gown · Anime e quadrinhos
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2 Chs

shinobi world and new powers

´soo im reincarnated?


yeah why should i wait for an answer lets look where i am´

looking around he could see...


there was literally nothing. an black void devoid of any light let alone life. so the first thing i did was checking my new body and holy shit i look reaaly sick. my body was covered in an mix of blue and purple scales making me look really like an cosmic dragon. on my back there are two wings and my head, stomach and back are covered in cool spikes. on my front legs are four really long claws semmingly beeing able to cut trough anything.


i cant see my eye nor could i determine my heigh because im in an void but i think i should be pretty big. but there are still some problems the main one beeing where am i and when am i.

the only way to answer my question was to simply wait for another letter. but after some time i simply began to start oving my body properly. i also used the skill [COSMIC DRAGONS RAY] and holy shit that was an massive but beautifull blue ray. you could somewhat compare it to an bigudama breath or the starkiller base beam but in blue. after some experiments i discovered that i could controll the beam. i could do an small almost invisible laser cuttting trough anything or i could form an gigantic breath bigger than my own body. i also could make it bigger the further it is away. the range seems pretty good deasily flying far enough that the end is not seen by me. it also is faster than light.

i also discovered my eyes by looking at my scales.they are bright blue shining with wisdom but i could change them to red making me look evil.


the next thing i did was to fly. yes the wings are not neccesary to fly in space but i could feel that without them im about 1000000000000000000000 times slower. i think they are organs for cosmic energy need to fly really fast. i also discovered that im faster than the light. pretty cool yeah but im not just a little faster than light but im like 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000 times faster than light but im still not fast nough to overtake my beam. i am protected by cosmic energy so i can fly fast without any of the effects like time travel or other things.

and after firing my beams for a few times it leveled to [RANK BB: COSMIC DRAGONS BREATH]. it wasnt super obvius but i could feel the waste and the srength are better by about10%.

then after checking and familiarizing with my new body i started thinking about what to do. im currently in the naruto world. here are the mightiest enemys the otsutsukis. i think the first thing to do is to check if im in the right timeline and dimension. this is possible thanks to the [MULTIVERSE TRAVEL] wich allows me to see all the possible timelines and AUs. thanks to this i already know im currently still in hashiramas era and there are no differences from canon.

so i am currently flying at an comfortable spped still many times faster than the light. in the distance i could see an galaxy with an black hole in the middle. but as im closer to it i noticed that its really small. no its not small but my body is big. so im already as big as an entire galaxy. that also means that i easyly could blow it up. that means i should be far stronger than the otsutsukis. probably the boss could beat me but im pretty confident that i can win wit a little bit of time.

i shrunk my body on the size of an big star and started searching for enemys. i didnt bother to search all of the planets so i just looked if its the shinobi world and the left.


so i have been doing that for 1 month and traveled trough 19 galaxys and finally found the shinobi world. while traveling through the galaxy i fought some strong beasts and aquired some skills and level ups. the fights were pretty easy.


in the galaxy you could see two gigantic behemots on the size of an star staring at each other. the first one is an gigantc, beautiful and mayestetic dragon while on the other side is an ugly monster worm.

the dragon suddently accelerated and started charging flying faster than the worm could react. then you could see an blue purplish blur race along the whole body of the worm followed by an large wound with green blood.

ryuu made it like he was slicing open an fish stomach.


his new status was:

[Name: ryuu

Age: 0 (30)

Race: cosmic dragon

Lvl 1->7

Lifespan: infinite (one of gods gifts)

HP: A-> S


Str: A->S

Stam: A->S

Energy: AA->SS (Cosmic Energy)

INT: A->S (normal human has F)







*new[RANK B: COSMIC SCALES](making your scales harder to penetrate and making them more resistant against energy attacks)(devour skill)

*new[RANK A: COSMIC DRAGONS AURA](you are able to leak an aura making all beeings you favor gain new powers and other boosts and let the one you dont like get cursed or insta killed. you are able to change the range and the exact target. you are also able to chose if its temporary or permanent. for example you make the range 1 km and only allow 1 person to get your favor. as long as this person is in the range his strengt will raise permanent or just as long as he is in radius. if you are currently stay near an human and allow him your max aura boost the gains will be that all his stat are in 2 weeks on the B Rank (always two stages below you) and eternal youth and acces to higher energy after your choosing as well as other new individual powers, also heals all the people you favors while worsening the enemys wounds)(lvl up skill)




[RANK B->S DEVOUR (10% chance on stealing)]


*new[RANK A: COSMIC BODY ENHANCMENT](allows the user to coat parts or his whole body in cosmic energy enhancing it in varius ways. the most common is coating the claws, wins or the mouth enhancing slicing, speed and bite power.)(devour skill)

*new[RANK A: COSMIC LIGHTNING CONTROLL](you are able to create,controll and absorb lightning. you can change the power at will. you can absorb lightning from lower energys at all Ranks and cosmic energy lightnings at the Rank you are in yourself. absorbed lightning can be transformed into cosmic energy. you are immune to all lightnings from lower energys and cosmic energy lightning a stage below you.)(devour skill)

some skills leveled up because i used them or devoured skills similar to them. the most popular was regeneration. almost every star beast had some form of self healing powers.

but that doesnt matter because now i have found the shinobi world.

the first thing i did was to make myself smaller. i made my body at the size of bijuus but with my wings beeing bigger than my body i looked more imposing. so i started my new life in the shinobi world.