
Two Doors

Eric was just your normal everyday high schooler. But one day that all changed, Eric was taken from his class and put into a hallway with two doors. That’s pretty much it.

A_Cat_with_a_hat · Ação
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

Eric Bird is in Ms. knights math class. He's minding his own business watching YouTube on his phone when:


"Mr. Bird, I don't think that's what you're supposed to be doing right now…" Ms. Knight sighs, "Here, let me help you out."

Ms. Knight snatches Eric's phone out of his hand before he can say anything and tells him "You can get it back after class".

Eric scowls and slumps down in his chair and stares at the floor. His friend Jerald leans over punches his left arm and whispers "Bro your fucking stupid, she stood in front of your desk for like a solid minute" while snickering.

"Shuddup" Eric tells him without looking at him.

Then silence. No teacher talking, no students whispering, no annoying Jerald just silence. Eric blinks in confusion and looks up to find himself in a pristine white hallway with tile floors.

He stands up and looks left and right. To his left is an endless hallway and to his right are two completely identical doors with black handles.

"Um, Jerald?!" He yells down the hallway "Did you drug me or something?". He gets no reply, not even an echo. "B-Bro this isn't funny…"

Eric starts running down the hall away from the doors. He runs for what seems like fifteen minutes and he still can't see the end of the hallway. He stops running and bends over holding his knees breathing hard. He spins around and the doors are the same distance away from him, it was like he didn't even run.

"What the fuck is happening?!" Eric asks no one in particular.

He slowly walks to the door on his right and pushes it open. It doesn't make a noise opening, unlike Eric who gasps in surprise at what greets him on the other side.

What it looks like to Eric is a market, a market filled with weird bi-pedal creatures. Blue people with fins on their heads and gills on their neck, weird dark orange-skinned people whose faces look like they were folded several times with black glassy eyes, he counted over ten different looking people. Even a few humans were in the crowd.

Eric stood, frozen in fear, at a couple of hairy people walking directly at him. But they don't seem to see him. Eric slowly swings the door shut.

"This isn't happening… there's no way something this cool is happening to me!" says Eric.

Well, now Eric's curious. He walks over to the left door, grips the handle, swings the door open, and is greeted with a… forest? It looks like any ordinary forest.

"Well, that's underwhelming. Okay, I gotta think about this rationally. I'm guessing that the forest is safer than the alien market, for one I doubt they would even know English, secondly- wait why am I even explaining myself?"

Eric steps through the door and onto the forest ground. Eric turns around and looks at where the door used to be, only to find the door gone.

"I should have expected this. Oh well, I'll figure something out probably…" Eric says while he walks in a random direction.

Eric walks for years (an hour) before he stumbles onto a trail.

"Ugh, finally" Eric moans as he rests on a rock for a bit

Eric gets up and continues walking for several more hours. The sun goes down and 2 moons rise in the sky.

"This has to be a game" Eric says realizing that if it is a game or an anime or something like that he has to be the main character.

Nighttime is much brighter because of the second moon so he spots the carriage easily. Eric runs over and notices two bodies on the ground next to the carriage. The carriage doors are just sitting open with nobody inside.

Eric walks over to the first body and kneels over it. A man, probably in his forties with a look of fear permanently on his face, with an arrow sticking out of his throat. The other body is a boy, also with an arrow in his neck. Probably around twelve with the same face as the other body.

Eric stands back up with a grim face "I can't believe this… it's just like an anime!" Eric shouts with joy "This is so cool!"

Eric looks at the older man's body and notices a sword on his hip. "Don't mind if I do" Eric says as he snatches it off of the body. Eric looks around inside the carriage and finds a purse. "I'm guessing there was a woman". Eric steps out of the carriage and sees a path of broken sticks and pushed bushes.

"I can't wait to fight some bandits and win the heroine's heart ha ha ha!" Eric yells as he walks into the forest.

After several hours of walking Eric finally comes across a cave entrance with many footprints outside of it. "Hm, I wonder why. Don't worry damsel in distress I'm coming!" Eric yells as he runs inside the cave. After about 30 feet it gets too dark to see so Eric waves his hands in front of himself to not run into a wall.

After around 100 steps he sees some light. He drops and starts walking over as quietly as he can when-

"It still amazes me how weak the humans are around here," Says an accented voice while laughing. "I know right? It's like they are asking to be eaten," Says another accented voice.

Eric smiles and jumps out from behind the corner drawing his sword "Surrender now and I might let you liv-" Eric says before he goes bug-eyed at the people(?) in front of him. Two short green ugly toddlers with wooden clubs go wide-eyed.

The green toddlers snarl at Eric showing him their pointy teeth and Eric screams like a little bitch and starts running away back to where he entered. He trips over a lump in the floor and falls face-first on the ground.

The short men run up and raise their clubs and bring them down on a dazed Eric. Eric curls himself into a ball when the first hit connects with his right arm and shatters it. "ARGHH" Eric screeches but is silenced by a decisive blow to the forehead.

Then he's back in the hallway.