
Two dimensional love

Kat grumbled a little before reluctantly quieting down, allowing Lucian speak. He continued, his eyes locking onto hers. "The second thing the mark does is tie your fate to the Kelpie's. I injured it badly. stabbed it in the back and it's neck. If it dies because of those wounds, you will die too." She felt a cold shock wash over her. "What? That's insane! Why would I die if it dies?" "The mark it put on you," Lucian explained, his hands never stopping their motion with the pen. "As the Kelpie suffers, so will you. It's dying now, and if it succumbs to its injuries, you'll follow soon after." "Wow, Katherine, way to go. You really outdid yourself," Kat muttered to herself, taking a deep breath. "Seeing a wet horse despite the dry weather wasn't enough for you to think something was wrong." "You saw it wet?" Lucian asked, his eyebrows frowning slightly. "Huh?... Yeah, is something wrong with that?" Kat asked, wondering why the horse being wet was more important to him at the moment than her dying. Lucian didn't say anything but just stared at the girl in front of him. 'There is something more to her, I just can't tell what it is' he thought. To further confirm his suspicion, he moved closer to Kat, closing the distance between them. He reached for the shoulder of her dress and pulled it down. The sudden action startled Kat. She exclaimed, "What do you think you are doing, pervert? Get away from me!" She tried hitting him, but she barely had the strength to sit up, let alone push him away. Lucain paused, staring at her bare shoulder. Kat followed his gaze and gasped. "What is that?" she asked, her voice trembling. On her shoulder was a strange mark, like a tattoo of a hoof print with foreign writing within it. Lucain hummed thoughtfully, his expression still impassive. 'As I thought, she shouldn't be able to see it, but she can. That's unusual for a human.' Kat frantically tried to wipe the mark off. "Why won't it come off?" "That's the Kelpie's mark," He pointed out, his tone remained indifferent. Panic surged through Kat. She hadn't just narrowly escaped death; it was now chasing her, bound to her by an invisible tether. "Is there any way to break the bond...mark whatever it is? I don't want to die," she asked desperately, her eyes searching Lucian's for any sign of hope. Lucian's expression stayed the same. "I don't intend to let you die so soon," he said. "We can replace the Kelpie's bond with another bond." Kat clung to this glimmer of hope. "How do we do that?" she asked, leaning forward, eager for a solution. "It requires a new bond, a stronger one that can override the Kelpie's," Lucian explained, his demeanor calm and composed. Before she could ask what he meant, Lucian reached out and gently pecked her on the forehead. Kat froze, completely caught off guard by the unexpected action. The brief contact sent a jolt through her, and she barely had time to react before he pulled her into a gentle embrace, careful not to hurt her already pained body. Her mind raced, trying to process the sudden shift from their conversation to this intimate moment. The warmth of his embrace contrasted sharply with the cold fear that had gripped her moments before. She caught the scent of rosewood and felt his firm body against hers, making her heart skip a beat. "What are you doing?" she whispered, her voice shaky. Kat's heart pounded in her chest. She felt Lucian's face bury itself in the crook of her neck, his breath warm against her skin. His grip on her waist tightened slightly. She winced as she felt a sharp pain. Lucian's fangs sank into her neck, causing her to gasp and grip his shoulder, her fingers digging into his shoulder.... **** disclaimer: cover not mine.

Liya_Rose_6706 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs

Tea party: part one

Song recommendations: Neoni - DARKSIDE


Maids stepped forward pulling the chair's out for them to sit before serving the ladies tea and biscuits. The table was set with a peaceful floral pattern linen, matching tea cups and utensils. A silver tower of pastries stood in the center, and flower vases were placed around the table, creating an aesthetic setting.

The eight of them sat around the table, a perfect size for their small gathering. Adela spoke first, turning to Josephine. "Oh my goodness, my lady, your dress is stunning! The price must have been worth its beauty. Do you mind telling me where I can get one like it?"

Josephine replied, "I can give you the address, but the price I don't know. Do you, Kat?" Kat thought for a moment before responding, "Umm, no, but I remember most dresses were around 8 to 13 gold coins." The table fell silent as the ladies paused, except for Cecilia, who continued sipping her tea. Thirteen gold coins on a single dress! The girls were in disbelief that they had spent so much on just one dress. Even with their high status, if they were to buy dresses at that amount, they wouldn't be able to afford it. Maybe a dress or two they could afford.

With each passing second, they only grew more envious of Kat, thinking her to be a pest, lavishly spending the king's money and living the life they wanted through Josie. Adela said proudly, "I see. I'll be sure to get a few," despite knowing she couldn't afford it. Hellen added, "It would be nice to get a dress for the Winter Hollow Ball." Cecilia agreed, "Winter is fast approaching, and so is the ball."

The conversation continued, discussing the kingdom's weather, Though Kat's body was in the room, her mind was elsewhere as she gazed out the window a few feet away from the table. For some reason, the thought of Lucian crossed her mind—if he did have a lover or past lovers or recent mistresses. Kat's thoughts were drawn back to the room when she heard her name being called. "Lady Kat, did you hear me?" one of the ladies spoke, having noticed her zoning out, "Sorry, come again?" Kat asked.

"I was asking if you would be attending the Winter Hollow Ball," the lady repeated. Kat remembered she had heard about this ball from the court man Randolf. She was going to respond no, but before she could, Josie spoke first. "Of course she would. She lives in the castle. It wouldn't be nice for her not to attend."

The grand Winter Hollow Ball took place in Davorin every 10th day of winter, exclusively for royals and elites. lower class people were never invited, unless as escorts. Josephine's statement confirmed Kat's rumored status, and the ladies smiled politely, hiding their resentment, except for Hellen, who showed politeness only to Josephine and Cecilia. As the daughter of a duke, Hellen was accustomed to luxury and looked down on those below her status. She wouldn't have attended if not for the princess's presence and Lady Cecilia's Drummond hosting. The Drummond family was third in the kingdom's elite ranking, making socializing with them a status symbol.

They continued with thier small talks which kat didn't involve herself in much as she wasn't aware of most things they spoke of.

Josephine turned to Cecilia. " I forgot to ask, you told me you were going to get a sliver frost snake, did you later get it?"

Cecilia looked pleased with the question. "Yes, I did. Her name is Seraphina. Would you like to see her?"

Josephine's eyes lit up with excitement. "Of course, I'd love to see her!"

Cecilia smiled and excused herself, and Josephine turned to Kat. "Kat, would you like to join us to see the snake?"

Kat shook her head gently. "No, thank you as appealing as the name sounds, I'm not really a big fan of reptiles."

Josephine nodded understandingly. "Alright, I'll be back in a while."

As Josephine and Cecilia left to see the snake, Kat was left with the rest of the ladies who clearly weren't so interested in her. Kat remained oblivious to their disdain, trying to stay polite and composed. "Lady Adela, I noticed you didn't come with your assistant today. She's always with you; where is she?" one of the ladies asked, and Adela sneered in disgust. "She's in the dungeon, as she should be. She made a grievous error and is paying the price."

The statement hung in the air, and Kat felt the tension but remained quiet, curious about the story but not wanting to get involved in the conversation. Another lady, Lila, leaned in with a smirk. "What did she do to deserve such a fate?" Adela straightened her posture, her eyes cold. "That wretch forgot her place and thought she could eye someone higher than her, even trying to pursue a relationship with my brother."

Adela's voice dripped with contempt. "She claimed he said he loved her and vowed to marry her, and they spent the night together. I had her beaten for her filthy tongue, wanting to stain my reputation." She flipped her hair with her wrist, adding, "My brother would never stoop so low as to be with such a cheap peasant."

The other ladies exchanged glances, their faces masks of polite interest, but Kat could sense the underlying satisfaction they felt at someone else's misfortune. "A peasant could adorn themselves with expensive things to fit in with us, but no matter what, they would always remain filth. Don't you think so, Lady Kat?" Hellen suddenly asked, her eyes moving to Kat, though her expression remained polite. Anyone could tell from her statement that it was nothing of the sort; they all smiled mockingly at her. Kat didn't need an interpreter to know the statement was directed at her. She smiled, "You are right; a few expensive clothes and jewelry could only change a person's appearance, but not their status. Although compared to..." Kat trailed off.

Kat had never been the type to lose her cool over a few mean girls. As a famous person of higher status, she had encountered all sorts of people, including anti-fans and jealous celebrities, who would stop at nothing to bring her down. The people in front of her seemed laughable to her. Hellen's brows furrowed, her mocking smile still in place, as she reminded, "Compared to what?" Kat's smile broadened. "Well, it's true that one could wear expensive things to hide their status. At least they can hide something. Unlike some people who have status and money, are adored in expensive clothing from head to toe, but still can't hide their unpleasant characters and disgusting mindsets. Such people can be quite repulsive to be around, don't you think so?" Kat asked innocently, looking at the people before her.

They all stared at her in disbelief before their expressions turned unpleasant, but Hellen's expression didn't falter, and she kept her composure. "We should always be careful how we speak and with whom we speak to, Lady Kat." Kat nodded. "Thank you, I will take that advice when I come across someone worth being cautious around, she smiled." Gasps could be heard from some of the ladies, and Hellen's smile fell instantly, her brows arching into a deep frown.

The other ladies were in disbelief at the manner Kat had spoken to Hellen, who was still a member of the 12th highest-ranking family in the status of Elites. It would be foolish to offend her. "You may live in the royal castle, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't watch your manners. You are nothing but a mere body of blood, and you're fortunate enough - maybe a plaything of His Majesty. In case you don't know, your lifeless body would be buried in the woods somewhere," Hellen sneered, expecting Kat to cower in her place and make her apologies.

 "You are nothing more than dirt beneath my feet," she said, her voice firm. "Apologize, slut," Hellen spat.

Kat's expression changed to one of worry, and her eyes looked like they were about to swell with tears. Adela smirked at the deadpan expression on Kat's face, feeling they could put the peasant in her place.

"Oh... no, I'm sorry... I... I... didn't mean to," kat stammered. Hellen was satisfied with Kat's reaction, but it didn't last long as Kat suddenly started laughing like she had heard the funniest thing ever.

"What's so funny?" Adela asked. 

Kat brought her fingers forward to wipe her tears from laughing. "Obviously, you all. I mean, this is by far the funniest set of mean girls I have ever come across. See, okay, I get it, you all are envious and stuff," Kat sighed and continued. "But honestly, I don't blame you. I mean, I would be jealous of me too if I were you. My mere looks are enough to make you feel insecure. But you all really didn't have to raise your imaginations so far. Apparently, it seems peasants aren't the only ones that dream higher than their reach. He doesn't even know either of you exist, let alone notice you. I feel sad for you, honestly..."

"Enough!" Hellen stood up, slamming her palm on the table, causing it to shake a bit before it stabilized. She glared at Kat.

"Oh my goodness, behaving like this doesn't suit a lady like yourself," Kat said sarcastically.

Just then, Josephine and Cecilia returned and found Hellen standing. "Is something going on?" Cecilia asked, her gaze following the scene before her as her eyebrows raised in question.

Hellen parted her lips to speak, but Kat spoke first, her tone polite and casual as though she was talking with friends. "Oh, Lady Hellen was simply showing me the embroidery design on the seam of her dress. You see, I was asking if anyone knew any good designs I could use for my dress," Kat stated and turned towards Hellen with a sweet smile. 

Hellen hid her anger and smiled back. "Yes, I thought Lady Kat might like the design on my dress," she confirmed, taking her seat, but her smile faltered when Kat spoke again.

"Oh, but Lady Hellen, I haven't seen it well enough," Kat said. Hellen unwillingly stood up again at Kat's request. At this point, Hellen wanted to stab Kat to death for the embarrassment she was putting her through. She would regret this soon, but Kat didn't stop there and continued. "Josie, Cecilia, what do you think of the design? It seems a little common, don't you think?" 

How dare she! This dress is custom-made for her, and the design couldn't be found anywhere else. Hellen raged inwardly. She underestimated this girl; she really was more sly than she thought her to be.

Kat's expression turned skeptical as she examined the hem of the dress. Josie and Cecilia moved closer to also see the design more clearly. "Yeah, I think you're right, it does look common," Cecilia commented, and Josie nodded in agreement. Hellen's face flushed with embarrassment. "What do you think, Lady Adela?" Everyone's gaze moved to the girl, who gulped as she was now stuck in a dilemma - she neither wanted to offend Hellen nor disagree with the Princess and Cecilia. "Umm, it is common... I think I have come across that design quite a lot," Adela said. Compared to Hellen, Josephine was already more important, and she couldn't disagree. Hellen was more than angry and swore to make Kat pay.

"I'm glad you all are getting along," Josie said as they all took their seats. "Of course, they're all really nice people. I'm glad to have met them," Kat said with a smile. After some time, it was time they all moved to the garden for lunch. The table and dishes

were set beautifully, with the garden being a beautiful backdrop.

As lunch was being served in the garden, the ladies took their seats around a beautifully set table. The tablecloth was adorned with intricate floral patterns similar to the first, but had more of an earthy design to it, and the dishes were a splendid array of delicacies. Hellen made a point to sit next to Kat, her expression seemingly benign but her mind already scheming.