
two dimensional love

"young lady" When she heard someone call out to her, her whole body froze, only to turn around and meet the eye of a old lady,she was frightened wandering what I the world an old lady could be doing in the woods at this times of the night. She subconsciously tightened her grip on her traveling bag's . After a few seconds of struggle she finally found her voice and spoke "yes ,how may I help you?"she asked her voice coming out to be nothing less than a whisper but still able to be heard by the the old lady ,who had a subtle smile on her face her smile warm and kind ,but it only made kat weary of her. wanting to bolt form that place ,but her foot seemed to not want to listen had they stay put nun moving ,she broke into a cold sweet when she heard the woman's raspy voice again "there is no need to be frightened my dear". 'there is every need to be frightened' taught kat to herself . "It's time you went home Katherine" the old lady spoke again. "Ho..me home!! yes I have to go home"kat couldn't help but stutter getting ready to leave from there, only for it to dawn on her as her eyes went wide in shock "ho...w do you know my name?" Kat's eyes began dating left and right to see if she could spot anyone or any cameras around "could this old lady be a fan" she thought to herself . The old lady only smiled to Kat's question"you need worry about that my dear but you have a lot more ahead of you"said the old lady , taking steps forward towards kat only to have kat take two steps back,"wh.. what are you doing?"questioned kat ,her words breaking alarmed by the woman's sudden action.

Nikie_0521 · História
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

over worked

Exclaimed amey while holding both of Kat's hands in hers.


    'her overly excited and child like demonor the girl emitted always made make's me giggle' thought Kat to herself a chuckle escaping her plump and pretty lips, petting the girls head again wich she does alot due to the fact she happens to be taller compared to amey she replied "i will be there amey you dont have to worry".

   just then Kat's manager Hanna walk over to the three of them , after exchanging friendly greetings with then she turned to face kat and said ''i have prepared a dress for you everything is ready in your dressing room'' she said to kat taking a peek at her wrist wash before looking back at kat with a smile and saying ''the makeup artist will be with you shortly we have an hour and two hours  minute to get to the essence for yor interview ''.


   ''what would i ever do without you" said kat has she sighed titling her head slightly backwards ''i will go get ready now ''said said walking away  leaving the three people to get to her  dressing room  ,just when kat was out of sight Amey turned to Hanna with a slightly angry expression has she said ''cant you see you are over working her?''

''I agree ,its amazing how she does so much and meets up to every expectation despite it obviously being too overwhelming''said alex trailing as he apaired to be lost in thought . having a look of admiration on his face  ,before snapping back to reality.

    ''i agree with Amey, she's being worked too hard '' both of them looked sternly at amey who was cut of guard and shook her head vigorously "It's not like that ''she bite her lips feeling cornered by this two ''then what is it?''said alex with a slightly raised eyebrow.


     ''well....'' Hanna trailed ''she made me schedule all her important event and meeting for this week, because she's planing on taking a two month vacation ,I tried convincing her it would be too much and not to rush it so much but she was determined and refused to listen saying she had somewhere important to go and it cant wait any longer''.

  Hanna  said to the two who finally seemed to have calmed down both of them letting out a long ''ohhh'' Hanna continued to say ''but when i thought about it I felt its for the best ,if being worked out for just this week will let her have a nice relaxing time to herself that wouldn't be so bad so i agreed''.