
Two Diaries: His and Hers

Kiara Noels and Jeremy Rain start off as friends. Their friendship blossoms into love, and they sincerely and truly love each other; until a third party comes along and separates them. Having no other friends except each other, the loneliness drives each to a point of desperation. Is it really possible to separate two people in love, and expect them to forget about each other? When they start to think in sync, and they find ways to reconnect; can they be brought back together? This is the story of two diaries; the story of two hearts born to be together!

Ethel_Manyeruke · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
110 Chs


Aletha had just ended a call with her husband, in which she was asking what time he was coming home.

"Why would you ask me that? You never ask me such questions." Travis' husky voice came through.

"I want to know what time I should start preparing dinner." She lied.

"Well, don't prepare anything. I know you're following that series of yours. Watch it. I will get home soon after eight; but definitely before 8.30PM. I will bring some food for us."

"Thank you my darling," Aletha smiled.

Immediately she dialed Jacob's number and whispered with urgency, "come now. He will be home at 8PM; latest 8.30. You have to come now!"

"We're on our way!" Jacob said.

Aletha stood up and started walking up and down her huge lounge. What did Jacob want? She could not have guessed, but she was willing to wait and see.

Time seemed to have frozen, for she wanted him to arrive as soon as possible, yet he seemed to be taking forever. She kept checking the time on her phone and also on the wall clock.

After what felt like an eternity, there were car lights flashing outside. Travis and Nesisa always had two security guards at any time at their home, courtesy of lady Pinkerton. One of the security guards called the house and informed Aletha: "There is Jacob Rain to see you, madam."

"Let him in!" she said.

"There are other people with him too." The security guard explained.

"Let them all in!" Aletha was unable to wait any longer.

Sharon was the first one to enter, much to the shock of Aletha. Never in her wildest dreams had she ever thought that Sharon was going to step her foot in the Noels' house. She was carrying Elvis Aneni in her arms. Nesisa followed closely behind her mother in law; and the last person to come in was Jacob.

"This must be a very important meeting," Aletha heard herself saying.

"It is," Jacob confirmed.

"Well come in. You are all welcome. Sharon, I am sorry that I failed to attend the burial," she apologised in sincerity.

"It is well, Aletha. After out last meeting, I too would not have attended if I were in your shoes."

They all sat down and Aletha served them some coffee. Aletha had no maid, even though lady Pinkerton had suggested two or three maids for her.

Jacob took a sip of the coffee and went straight to the point. He explained to Aletha that according to the suicide letter written by Jeremy, he kept a diary.

"And we feel that if we manage to get hold of it, we may find some clues which can help us to have closure as to what really led him to choosing to die."

"I understand," Aletha said, still unable to see where she fit in.

As if reading her mind, Jacob went on to say, "So this is where you come in..."

"Ok, I'm listening." Aletha was more alert. She sat up.

"We have a feeling that Kiara might have an idea of where the diary is. She gave the diary to Jeremy anyway, so there are chances that she knows. You do know that the two were secretly meeting? So who knows; maybe before he went to throw himself in the river, Jeremy met up with Kiara and handed over the diary to her? We need to exhaust all channels. That's why we are here."

"I see," Aletha said. "You want me to call Kiara and ask her?"

"If you can do that, we would be forever grateful."

Aletha did not hesitate. She took out her phone and called her daughter.

"Kiara, try and come home now. One of your great aunts is here, and she is flying out of the city at 8PM. You really have to see her before she leaves."

"So late, mamma?" Kiara yawned.

"I'm sorry dear, but she just arrived. She had not informed me that she was going to pass by here; otherwise I would have informed you earlier."

"I will be there." Kiara said.

The young mother quickly called for Rosaline to take care of the child. She checked for Vine, but he was out drinking so she informed lady Pinkerton that she was off to see her great aunt, and she left the mansion with three bodyguards and the driver.

When Kiara arrived, the bodyguards remained in the kitchen, for Aletha had already told her daughter that she needed some privacy. The kitchen was connected to the lounge. Aletha closed the doors, and they all went inside. In her wrist, Kiara had a band which detected her emotions. If she was to get agitated, scared, start crying or any negative emotion, a signal would be sent to the security guards; and they would swiftly respond by checking how the young mother was doing. That was how they did it at the Pinkertons.

She was surprised to see Sharon and her family. She greeted them all, carried Elvis in her arms and sat down. Since they were running after time, Aletha immediately explained the purpose of the Rains' visit. And she told Kiara that her help was greatly needed.

"I did give him the diary," Kiara confirmed. "But as of now, I honestly do not know where it is."

"You knew him better than any of us," Jacob said. "Would you have any idea where he might have hid the diary?"

Kiara thought for a while, and then she said, "Did you check his lockers at the university?"

"We did. There was nothing."

"And among his photography items?"

"Nothing still." Jacob sighed.

Sharon cleared her throat and asked, "what did the diary look like, anyway? Was it a big book, or small?"

"It was this size." Kiara showed using her hands. "It's part of a pair. I can get home and take a picture of my own diary, and I will send it to you mum. It comes with a pen, so on the side there is a space for a pen."

"So where is it?" Sharon asked in desperation. "You have to help us, Kiara. We need to know where it is. I have a feeling once we get hold of it, we will know a lot more about Jeremy."

"You are right." Kiara nodded her head.

"And when the two of you used to meet; did he ever open up to you about the contents of that book? Huh, Kiara? Did he ever allow you to read from it?" Sharon was sitting on the edge of her seat; literally. Anxiety was driving her insane.

"He never allowed me to read it. I once asked him, but he said no. But I do know that he used to make entries in that book."

"Are you sure that you never read it? Not even once?" Sharon sounded doubtful.

"Not even once," she said calmly.

"Why did he make it such a huge secret? What was he writing in it? Did he take it with him when he threw himself in the river?" Sharon bombarded them all with queries.

"It's a pity that Jeremy is no longer here to answer all that for himself," Aletha said sadly.

"But Kiara has to know! You have to know, Kiara! He loved you, and he used to tell you everything! You are the only one who knew that my son kept a diary. The chances of you knowing where it is are high! Please help us."

"I really wish I could, Mrs Rain, but I have no idea…"

Before Kiara could finish her sentence, Sharon cut in with, "I understand you asked for a video of the funeral. You wanted to see his remains. Well I have that video with me. I promise to give you that video on the day that you hand over the diary to me."

Kiara looked at Nesisa in shock. "You told her about my request?"

"I did." Nesisa nodded her head.

"We don't keep secrets from each other in our family," Sharon stated as a matter of fact. "And I would appreciate it if you too could do that; just for once. I will ask you again, Kiara. Where is the diary?"

Kiara looked at the older woman and told her; "To be honest with you , Mrs Rain; in all sincerity…I do not know where the diary is."