
Two Diaries: His and Hers

Kiara Noels and Jeremy Rain start off as friends. Their friendship blossoms into love, and they sincerely and truly love each other; until a third party comes along and separates them. Having no other friends except each other, the loneliness drives each to a point of desperation. Is it really possible to separate two people in love, and expect them to forget about each other? When they start to think in sync, and they find ways to reconnect; can they be brought back together? This is the story of two diaries; the story of two hearts born to be together!

Ethel_Manyeruke · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
110 Chs


Dear Kimmy

The statement "I do not love you" is not something that anyone wants to hear, even if it's coming from someone that you also do not love. The feeling is mutual, if I am being honest, but then, it still hurts to hear those words.

When I came here, I was so looking forward to seeing him for the first time, and telling him in his face, "I do not love you."

I wanted to see the pain on his face, I wanted to hear him pleading with me to give him a chance, but I guess I was very wrong. I did not know him. I do not know him.

Never in my life have I been told so bluntly that I am not loved.

And this man is going to be my husband in a few hours.

I don't understand him at all. One minute he is cold and scary, the next minute he acts like he is trying for us to be friends. Nothing excites or upsets him, for his temper remains the same no matter what he is talking about.

He is good at mocking. He has this derisive tone which he uses, and he really looks down upon me.

I hate this, my dear Kimmy. I dread to imagine how my life will be like if this child turns out to be his. Does it mean I will have to spend the rest of my life with him? Am I obliged to? Can't I make my own choices in life?

Dear Kimmy, the Pinkertons are very controlling…


After dinner, Gareth and Vine went to the latter's bedroom. None was talking to the other. When Vine started unbuttoning his shirt, he was about to ask Gareth to excuse him when Gareth said, "I guess tonight we have to get a lot of rest, my young master. The day will be hectic tomorrow."

Vine did not respond. He slowly took his shirt off and threw it on a couch. Gareth did not like the expression on the young master's face. Whenever he was like that, he would be in a bad mood and very difficult to talk to.

"Look around for a nice bar and take me there," Vine ordered.

"Oh no, please don't be like that! What will lady Pinkerton say…."

"She does not need to know! And besides, I don't report to her."

"I know. I'm only saying, the wedding is tomorrow and I thought it would be best for us to stay in tonight."

"Take me to a club now. My grandparents are in for a huge surprise. I have told them multiple times not to control me, so it's time for me to show them that I am not a pawn in their games."

"My dear young master Vine, you know that ..."

"You don't tell me how to live my life, Gareth!"

"I know! I was only saying, do you really want to spoil your wedding day? I thought you liked the girl and…"

"Well I saw both you and grandma spying on us in the garden. I saw the both of you standing by the window and staring. Let me make this clear to you, that girl is here only because there is a possibility that the child she is carrying is mine. I am not in love with that girl. She knows it, I told her."

"You did?" Gareth's eyes were widened.


"What exactly did you say to her? Tell me the exact words you said." Gareth was hoping that Vine was just joking.

"I told her the truth. I said 'I do not love you'."


Since she had failed to sleep properly, Kiara woke up very early in the morning. She yawned loudly and looked around the room before she sat up in bed and stroked her tummy. The day was spent finalizing on the wedding. Everything was in place, all that was left was for Kiara to have her manicure and pedicure, and her hair was also being fixed. The main worry for the day was that the groom, Vine, was still out and after being asked to come back home, he repeatedly stated that he was going to be home just in time for the wedding. Gareth, who was with him, promised everyone that he was going to make sure that his young master got home at least before 3PM.

By 3PM, Kiara was ready to get dressed. There were four wedding dresses which she was seeing for the first time on that day, and she was supposed to pick one.

Aletha arrived just in time to see her daughter all ready for her dress.

"Has Jeremy been found yet, mum?" was the first thing Kiara asked when she saw Aletha.

"Yes. He just came back to his home and he won't say a word to anyone. Whoever had taken him, it seems, really threatened him."

"I wonder who it was," Kiara said with her head lowered. "Mamma, do you think I can see him before the wedding takes place?"

Aletha's eyes widened in shock. She looked at her daughter and said, "Are you being serious? You want to see Jeremy? After all the pain you have caused him, you really want him to see you in your wedding dress, so that you can really rub it in? Kiara, you need to have a heart."

Kiara did not respond. She looked at her mother and said, "I don't mean to cause him any more pain. I know that he has many questions, and I want to explain to him."

"No Kiara. Let him heal. You should concentrate on your wedding," Aletha responded.

"May I use your phone please, mum?" she asked with a pleading voice.

"Who do you want to call? No, my child, just leave the young man alone. You have caused him enough pain."

"I regret everything," Kiara lowered her eyes.

"Tell me," Aletha changed the subject, "what did your dad whisper in your ear on the day that you were taken?"

"He promised me that he was going to come for me. He said he was going to involve the police and make sure that I am brought back home within a day or two, at most."

Aletha laughed and asked, "And you believed him?"

"I did."

"I'm sorry my child, but it was his way of making sure that you agreed to come here."

When the other ladies who were helping to dress up the bride came in, the mother and daughter had no option but to keep silent.

It was only a few minutes before 5PM that Vine came through. It would be wrong to say he came, but rather he was brought to the mansion. The young man was looking as good as dead, lying motionless, seriously drunk.

"Why did you let him drink to such an extent?" the grandmother asked Gareth.

"I'm very sorry ma'am. I tried everything but you know how the young master is like; there was nothing more I could have done."

"What should we do now? I want the wedding to proceed, no matter what happens."

Gareth thought about it for a while before saying, "let me try and see if I can wake him up."

It was after a long while that Vine opened his eyes and coughed a bit.

"You're awake! Vine, why do you want to embarrass us this much? There are guests already seated in the hall, and you're here dead drunk like this!"

"Are the guest that many?" Gareth asked.

"We didn't invite many people, it was supposed to be a very small intimate wedding for a selected few."

In the hall, Vine's grandfather was more than worried. He knew his grandson, and even without anyone updating him, he knew that wherever Vine was, he was drunk. The guests were already mumbling amongst themselves, for although the wedding was scheduled to start at 5PM, there was neither groom not bride in sight even though it was already a few minutes after 6PM.

It was roughly more than thirty minutes later when lady Pinkerton walked to the front of the hall, took the microphone and addressed everyone,

"We thank you all for respecting our invitation to come and witness the joining in holy matrimony of our grandson Vine and his fiancée Kiara. As most of you would know, Kiara is heavily pregnant, and as such, the child decided to cause some issues today," she laughed a little before going on.

"Kiara was feeling labour pains, and that is the reason why we delayed. We had really hoped that she would be fit enough to come here just for the vows, but the doctor that we called in advised that it is best that she stays in bed. We're sorry for the inconvenience, but the wedding can no longer proceed. At the moment we cannot say when it will be. Please pardon us and you may take your leave now. On your way out, the butler will give each and every guest a gift, as a way of expressing our sincere apologies. Thank you."

The guests were busy talking among themselves, clearly disappointed that the wedding did not have to proceed.

Master Pinkerton stood from his seat and rushed forward to meet his wife.

"Is she in labour?" he asked in a whisper.

"Shh, I will explain later. Come, let's go. We're going with the pastor."

The pastor was summoned and he too joined the crew that was driving back to the mansion. Upon arrival, lady Pinkerton explained that Vine was a little drunk, but she needed the wedding to go on.

They were led into a room where Kiara was sitting, her mother seated next to her. Her dad, who had also been at the hall, entered the room and took the chair next to his wife.

Seated on the other side of Kiara was Vine, with his arms on the table and his head resting on them. He moved a bit and looked at the people who were coming in.

"Vine, sit up!" his grandmother said.

"He…he doesn't look like someone who is ready to take the wedding vows," the pastor commented.

"No pastor, the marriage will go on. I want it to take place today. They need to get married before the child is born."

Lady Pinkerton felt a nudge on her elbow, and she turned to see her husband pulling her aside.

"I don't think Vine can get married in such a state."

"He can," she insisted.

"He is drunk!"

"So what? Vine is always drinking anyway, so if we wait for him to be sober, the marriage might never take place."

The pastor, who had been listening to the couple's conversation, stepped in with his comment, "I also think he is too drunk to do anything. I cannot possibly go ahead with the marriage, seeing how wasted he is."

"You will do it, pastor," the lady said.

"I have a problem with that. If Vine manages to prove that I solemnized a marriage with him this drunk, I can get into deep trouble with the authorities. He can even take me to court, you know that? Both parties have to be willing to get married, without any force or…."

"No-one is forcing him, pastor! Please get your books and papers, whatever you use for the marriage. It's happening today!"

Lady Pinkerton walked outside the room, saying something to herself. No-one heard what she was saying, but no-one dared ask her to repeat herself.

"I think the wedding should just be postponed," Aletha whispered to her husband.

"No Aletha, let them get married now."

"But you do know, Travis, that there is a chance that the child might be Jeremy's. I support Vine in this one. His argument is, he would rather get married after the child is born and he is sure of his paternity."

"The child is his, Aletha."

"How do you know? If it wasn't for his grandparents who refused, we could have just had the DNA test now before the child is born, so that we conclude on this matter."

"Aletha, will you just drop the subject already? They are getting married today. What if Vine later on changes his mind and refuses to marry her? Let the wedding proceed now while he is still interested?"

"Interested, Travis? Are you hearing yourself? The man is dead drunk and had no idea what is happening around him, yet you claim that he is willing to get married?"

"He will come around. Relax, Aletha."