
Two Diaries: His and Hers

Kiara Noels and Jeremy Rain start off as friends. Their friendship blossoms into love, and they sincerely and truly love each other; until a third party comes along and separates them. Having no other friends except each other, the loneliness drives each to a point of desperation. Is it really possible to separate two people in love, and expect them to forget about each other? When they start to think in sync, and they find ways to reconnect; can they be brought back together? This is the story of two diaries; the story of two hearts born to be together!

Ethel_Manyeruke · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
110 Chs


While all of that was happening, Vine and Gareth were in an office, talking about Kiara.

"What do you plan to do to her?" Gareth asked.

"She is pushing me to the limit. Killing her has never been my option; but now I am starting to consider it." Vine replied.

"And the junior master? You want him to grow up without his mother?" Gareth quizzed.

"I grew up without a mother," came the response.

Gareth realised that he was close to making his young master angry, so he decided to stop probing.

However, Vine continued to talk about the same subject: "I will know what to do as soon as I know the contents of that diary."

"Ok, here it is." Gareth handed over the printed copy.

"I will read this in my room. Print your own copy and start reading right away. Read it with an open eye, Gareth. If you find anything that you think may be useful, let me know."

"I will do so, my young master."

Gareth connected his phone and immediately started to print the document.

"What a huge document." Vine commented, his voice full of hatred.

"I wonder what he was writing," Gareth chuckled.

"Ok, so let's read all of it. You read yours, I will read mine." Vine said.

He walked towards his room and when he was seated in his own office, Vine looked at the heap of papers in front of him.

"I cannot believe that a dead man is causing me this much hell," he muttered to himself before he started reading.

In the other office, Gareth was not too keen on the diary. He read the first two letters and thought the boy was really childish to be writing such letters in his diary.

"Their love was sweet and childish, I would say." He spoke to himself before laughing coldly.

He read a few more letters, and then decided to read the letters starting from the end.

"I might as well start with his latest letters; the ones which he wrote just before he disappeared," he said to himself.

Gareth flipped the pages until he got to the last letter, and he read it.

Sweat formed on his forehead. He felt hot and cold at the same time, and he did not know what to say or do. Gareth knew that he had to move; and he had to move very fast. There was no time to waste; for he had tasted and knew very well his young master's wrath.

No; he did not want to face that wrath. He knew how heartless Vine could be, and although he had never been on the receiving end of the said wrath; he had witnessed enough to know what it meant to step on Vine's toes.

He stood up and left the office. With the copies of the diary in his hands, Gareth ran fast, and then he went to the gun room. Since he was highly trusted, he was one of the three people who had access to the gun room. Gareth carefully packed three silencers; and he took two more loaded pistols. He went to his wing and took what he thought was essential, and before long, he had left the Pinkerton mansion grounds.


Vine, in his office, was reading the letters in their order; getting more and more irritated as he read.

"Why did he have to write all this? Was it necessary?" he spoke to himself in annoyance.

He flipped the pages and continued to read.


In a bedroom in Travis and Aletha's house, Kiara was reading again for the sixth time, the last letter that Jeremy wrote to her. With her feet folded under her, she read it again:

Letters to Kiara

Letter 254

Congratulations, you found the diary! Didn't I tell you at some point, that the base of the bin was a good hiding place? And you laughed at me. Now you see; I was right.

This is my last letter to you, Kiara. I will not write you letters anymore. It was a good experience, to have to let out all my emotions through pen and paper. It helped me recover; but I think I can do without the diary now.

If I continue writing these letters, my love, I will offload all my anxieties. In the process I will lose the zeal and energy to wait for you. I need to wait. I must keep it all in. Once I keep it all in; the pressure will become too much for me. Once it is too much for me, telepathy will tell you that it is time. And you will act. You will come to me.

I need to become a new person. I need to travel to a faraway country, and while I am there, I will wait for you.

You promised that you were going to come for me; and I believe you.

I also believe that you will keep your promise. I will wait. I know it may not take a day or a week…a month or even years. It cannot be easy for you to break free; but I believe that you will find me. You will come, because you know me.

You know that I said I was going to wait; thus you know that I will be waiting.

You know the country that I am most likely to go to; because I spoke about it a lot. I spoke about it to you, telling you that my dream was to one day visit that country.

You know exactly where to find me, my love; because you know where I will go once I land in this country.

There is nothing that I need to tell you, Kiara. You know it all. You know everything.

Just as you knew exactly where to find this diary, without me telling you; in the same way, my love, you know it all.

You are an extension of my mind; just as I am of yours.

Kiara, today I fly out, leaving a part of my heart with you. I will not be able to live and survive with half a heart; thus I am trusting you to bring to me the other half. I will be waiting.

Do not worry about your son. He is yours and mine too. I accepted him since the time he was not yet born, thus I will take him as mine. I will love him, and look beyond the DNA test. What is a DNA test? What is its meaning, when it comes to people that we love?

You will have to find me Kiara; because if you give up and fail to find me, then I shall forever be waiting. I will die waiting.

I don't have an intention of ever giving up, and allow me to believe that you too think in the same way, my love.

Find me, Kiara. If I was the one in your shoes; you know very well that I would have found you.

You know a lot of things; I don't not need to repeat them all in this letter.

And one more thing that you should forever know; without any doubt whatsoever, is that I love you. I forever will love you.

And by the way, thanks for the jewellery! I got the jewellery, my love; and it helped a lot.

I will wait for you my love; and as I wait, I will be patient.

Loving you still, JRR