
Two Can Play At That Game

Shy schoolgirl Raelynn Lyla meets young lawyer Shaan Fateh in the library in the university one day. She is swept off her feet. Is this true love,or is Shaan Fateh really after her sister,the glamorous model Skylar Sadie? But what really makes Raelynn Lyla's have different lifestyles from Skylar Sadie? This is because Raelynn Lyla and Skylar Sadie's parents separated after a huge fight with Skylar Sadie going with her rich father Jonathan Bennett while Raelynn Lyla went with her mother. What will happen afterwards? After struggling in the last year in high school, Raelynn Lyla gets a scholarship from a prestigious university and she tries hard night and day to make her dream of being a secretary come true. Shy school girl Raelynn Lyla meets young lawyer Shaan Fateh in the library in the university one day. She is swept off her feet and feels that the feeling is love. Is this true love,or is Shaan Fateh really after her sister,the glamorous model Skylar Sadie?

Roxyie · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs


"How are you feeling?" Inquired the head boy as Kiran Kareem sat next to Raelynn Lyla. He looked at her and sighed, "Why are you that weak?" He inquired in a low tone as he looked down at the polished, tiled floor of the nurse's office.

Raelynn Lyla bit her lower lip and then spoke shyly, "I just did not want to cause trouble." She replied and started drawing imaginary drawings with her foot on the ground.

"Oh...but you need to be strong. Okay?" Kiran Kareem said as he handed Raelynn Lyla a piece of sweet candy and then left the room. Raelynn Lyla looked at the sweet candy on the palm of her hand, at the leaving guy and then she smiled amiably exposing her eggshell white teeth. She thought that in her life she could have never met someone so kind except for that one guy that had never reappeared in her life. She remembered the time she ran out of the classroom on a rainy day. Her classmates had just bullied her and then she ran out of the classroom crying. She went and hid under a tree, the rain drops were still falling on her. Her voice was almost overshadowed by the falling rain drops. But Raelynn Lyla heard something funny, somebody was approaching her as some footsteps could be heard stepping onto the water on the grass. And once, some sneakers approached and stopped by her, she had no other option but to look up at the person. It was a young man holding an umbrella while handing her an handkerchief.

"Here," he said as he took her by her hand and helped her up. Raelynn Lyla looked at him in a confused manner. Why was he looking at her while smiling? Didn't he know her? She looked at him and used the handkerchief to wipe her tears away. He then held her hand and led her to a old warehouse in the back of the buildings of the school.

He pushed open the old door and a new world stood before Raelynn Lyla's eyes. A painting room emerged. Her eyes wandered around the room as shock gleamed in her amethyst eyes. The young man led her and told her to sit down on a stool in the room. She wiped it using the palm of her right hand and sat down. He told her to smile and sit still until he was done. He then walked over and started painting her. The sound of gentle brush strokes. He was painting slowly and yet his palette seemed to run out of paint quickly. He soon refilled it and continued painting. He seemed to be a left handed guy. That was shown by the way he used his left hand instead of his right hand like the other students to paint.

"Are you done yet?" Raelynn Lyla inquired as she looked at the young man.

"No, stay still." Raelynn Lyla frowned upon hearing his words. She had been tired already and he was telling her to just stay still. She did but unwillingly, her heart still complained as she thought of the act as a punishment. Soon, seconds turned into minutes, minutes into hours, and it was the evening soon. The orange rays of the sun seeping into the room showcased it all. The young man finally placed his painting brushes and palette down, his actions made Raelynn Lyla's eyes light up with happiness like fairy lights on a Christmas day seeing that he was finally, done. She stood up, yawned and stretched herself. He smiled at her and showed her his drawing.

It was magnificent. Raelynn Lyla exclaimed in amusement as she approached it and started touching it gently with her fingers. The painting looked just like her, her eyes, her lips, her everything was perfectly pasted down in front of her like a photocopy of her. And as Raelynn looked around to see if it was late yet, she spotted a rainbow through one of the open windows.

"Look! A rainbow!" She told the young man as she pointed at the rainbow using her index finger. She smiled amiably exposing her eggshell white teeth as she giggled at the sight of the rainbow. It was completely amazing. She ran by the window and started staring at it until it finally disappeared into the clouds slowly by slowly.

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