
Two Can Play At That Game

Shy schoolgirl Raelynn Lyla meets young lawyer Shaan Fateh in the library in the university one day. She is swept off her feet. Is this true love,or is Shaan Fateh really after her sister,the glamorous model Skylar Sadie? But what really makes Raelynn Lyla's have different lifestyles from Skylar Sadie? This is because Raelynn Lyla and Skylar Sadie's parents separated after a huge fight with Skylar Sadie going with her rich father Jonathan Bennett while Raelynn Lyla went with her mother. What will happen afterwards? After struggling in the last year in high school, Raelynn Lyla gets a scholarship from a prestigious university and she tries hard night and day to make her dream of being a secretary come true. Shy school girl Raelynn Lyla meets young lawyer Shaan Fateh in the library in the university one day. She is swept off her feet and feels that the feeling is love. Is this true love,or is Shaan Fateh really after her sister,the glamorous model Skylar Sadie?

Roxyie · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

CHAPTER SIX: Stop Crying!

Before he closed the door,Raelynn Lyla said to him while she whimpered in pain, "I wish I had never been born by a useless and worthless father you, Jonathan Williams. I hate you! You will regret what you did to me today. I will never forget this"

Jonathan Williams paused for a moment to look at Raelynn Lyla one more time and slammed the door shut.

That was when Raelynn Lyla realised, he was really a useless and worthless father that would never love her.


Few hours later at Jonathan Williams' penthouse, Raelynn Lyla wiped the tears flooding in her red berry eyes.

The memory of how her father pushed her to the ground was playing in her mind.

It had hurt Raelynn Lyla much.

The pain in her heart was still there even after hours since she left the Hospital.

Raelynn Lyla pretended to be a strong person in front of other people while they did not know that she was a weakling.

Seated on the bed with her packed suitcase, Raelynn Lyla felt like a fool believing that she could make her biological father love her and her mother once more. "What was I thinking?"

"Stop crying. What happened to that tough daughter of mine? Where did all her morale go to?" The sound of Raelynn Lyla's biological mother, Lily Wyatt, made Raelynn Lyla smile unconsciously.

Raelynn Lyla knew she would come despite her having a tight schedule as a surgeon at Herald Hospital.

"Mom, you came" Raelynn Lyla got up and wrapped her arms around her waist and cried on her shoulders like a baby who she once used to be.

"Oh my god, Raelynn Lyla. What did Jonathan Williams do to you to make you weak like this? Don't tell me you expected him to change his attitude towards us. You said this was just a way for you to get the truth about how he really feels about us like members of his family. " Lily Wyatt whispered in Raelynn Lyla's ears with one hand stroking her back gently.

"I do not know. I thought I was making progress with getting the truth from him" Raelynn Lyla moved back a little and looked up to see Lily Wyatt smiling at her.

She was going to laugh and Raelynn Lyla knew she thought it was funny that she could make an arrogant and cold hearted man like Jonathan Williams to change his attitude towards us.

"Don't you dare laugh at me, mom. You knew how he was like when we were much younger. The man I had once called father was not the Jonathan Williams I once knew. He had changed and I failed to realise it until today" Raelynn Lyla sat back on the bed while watching her mother chuckle.

She was mocking her.

"My baby girl. You met him a long time ago as a father of yours. It is a waste of time to try and change a stone to a diamond, they are two different things. His heart belongs to Skylar Sadie and not us, we are just like the spectator ions in a formation. You need to move on and forget about that worthless man you call father and I call husband."

♡ᶫᵒᵛᵉᵧₒᵤ ♡ Roxyie ♡ ᶫᵒᵛᵉᵧₒᵤ♡

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