
48. Together

People were filling Casita. Filling her newly reconstructed home. Her grandchildren were showing off their reacquired gifts, her children were upstairs, presumably looking at their rooms, and Alma...

Alma was staring in shock at everything around her.

The first time Casita had come to life she hadn't had the capacity to think much of it besides safe. But now, now she could see the playful spirit that was in her house. It appeared to be more happy for its return than her family was, and it was bringing smiles to everyone's faces.

How had she been so blind to the house's anguish? How had she not seen how sad it had becoming with her family's declining mental state? How could she have let it break apart?

She knew that out of all the people there she was the least deserving of the magical house. But yet Casita seemed to dance for her alone. At least a small part of it. Trying to cheer her up. Like the house knew how she was feeling.

Her mood changed again when she heard her son cry out, “Did you hear that?! The magic put my daughter on my door!”

Mirabel was on Bruno's door? She looked up at the second floor, catching a glimpse of Bruno as he thrust his head out into the breezeway. But he quickly retreated as Agustin half scolded him for his words, and Alma couldn't hear his response to his brother-in-law's distress.

A smile slid onto her face. Hearing her son's words reminded her of the good times before he left. The words themselves were enough to earn their own smile, because now, after so many years, her youngest granddaughter had what Mirabel had always deserved. Her image on a door.

And her Papá's door no less.

She stood there, off to the side, for once not in the spotlight. She had spent so much time there that it was time for others to take the stage.

The entire time was inside the house once more. Camilo was playing with children, like he always did. She had never noticed how fun he was, or how good he was with the children. He was shifting into each of them, spinning around and laughing loudly. He looked so happy, and it filled her with joy.

Luisa was resting on a hammock, a drink in her hand and a calm look on her face. How had she ever let her kind and gentle granddaughter overwork herself? How could she have looked at her like a tireless machine?

Isabela was busy playing with a strange concoction of plants. Her dress was covered with pollen, though much brighter than the last version she had. There were several oddly shaped flowers and cacti surrounding her, and she was handing a small fern to every person who extended their hands out towards her.

Pepa was dancing with Felix, a raincloud above her, though she had a large smile on her face. She looked more relaxed than Alma had ever seen her. How could she have ever demanded complete emotional control from her? Why couldn't she see how much of a blessing Pepa's rain could be?

Pepa's youngest had his own group of friends with him. Both human and animal. He was taking anyone who dared on a ride on Parce, who seemed more than happy to provide fun for Antonio and his friends.

Julieta was no where to be found, along with Bruno and Mirabel. But that to be expected. Alma's eldest daughter and son were always more introverted than the rest of the family. Bruno was probably showing Mirabel around his their room, and Julieta would probably be in her room cooking.

She knew that she should socialize. Knew that she should celebrate with her family the return of her house, but all she could think of was how she didn't deserve it. The rest of the family did, but she had already received all the magic she should have fifty years before.

She made her way upstairs, intent on watching the festivities from the upper level. But she froze the moment she saw her door.

Standing next to her, holding the glowing version of her, was a representation of Pedro. His arms were around her waist, unlike her daughter's doors, which simply were holding their husband's hands.

She stepped up to her door, tracing a hand over Pedro's young face. He was smiling, looking content and happy. He was still as young as he had always been, but she was old. But he was still holding her like she was his young bride.

She teared up, and Casita tapped her feet with its tiles, urging her to enter her room. She grabbed her doorknob and pulled it open.

Her room was exactly how it had always been. An exact replica of her little house back at her old home. But there was something... brighter to it now. This was a home made out of fond memories and love, rather than the sadness she had felt when she first got her room. The colors were brighter this time, and her bed looked more comfortable than it ever had before.

She looked at her dresser, and saw a framed photo on top of it. She grabbed the picture, staring at the image of her family inside of it.

It was the only picture she had of Pedro with his children. He was holding an infant Julieta while Alma held the other two. They were smiling, even the triplets. The original had been faded, simply in black and white. But this version of the photo was bright, colored, and made them look genuinely happy.

She teared up, holding the photo close to her chest. “Oh gracias Casita...” she breathed out, and Casita flapped its floorboards happily. She smiled at the house, then glanced at another picture on the dresser.

It was the last family picture they had taken before Antonio's gift ceremony. The family looked perfect. All ten of them.


All ten.

Her eyes widened slightly. She picked up the framed picture, then said quietly, “I know what we're going to do Casita.” Her house squeaked a 'what?' to her, and she smiled at it. “We're going to get a family picture. Fetch the camera and the family.”

Bruno held onto Mirabel's cast as they walked out of his- their room. Mirabel was walking arm in arm with Dolores, and was rambling about visiting Casa. Julieta was on his other side, a small smile on her face. She glanced at him and smiled a bit more, and he returned her look.

“Don't you think so Papá?” He was snapped out of his lack of thoughts by Mirabel's words, and he blinked at her in shock for a few seconds.

“Uh... yes.” he said, not really knowing what he was agreeing with. It appeared to be the answer Mirabel was looking for, because she instantly looked at Dolores and began rambling again. “Seriously! It's not very big, but it can fit like... one side of the family at a time. We could do like mini vacations there! Not that we ever really left... The last time I was like ten...”

Bruno smiled at his daughter, and glanced at his sister. Julieta looked drained, and he half wanted to tell her to go to bed. But he felt just as tired as she looked, so he figured he'd rather leave her alone than be a hypocrite.

They were just passing Abuela's room when her door opened suddenly, and his mother herself stepped out, Casita seeming happy at her immersion. Dolores and Mirabel continued walking like she wasn't there, with Dolores nodding at her in acknowledgment as they stepped onto the stairs.

In contrast Bruno and Julieta stopped. Julieta's hand grabbed Bruno's arm, and he used his non-full hand to rest on top of hers. Alma looked between the two of them, and smiled warmly.

“Bruno!” she said, sounding more happy to see him than she ever had in his memory. He smiled at her, relaxing noticeably. “Si?” he asked, and his mother motioned for the two of them to follow her after Dolores and Mirabel.

“We need a picture!” she proclaimed, stepping onto the stairs. Bruno looked at Julieta, and his sister grinned at him widely. “Mamá's right you know.” she said, squeezing him arm before releasing it. “You might hate it-”

“Oh no!” Bruno said quickly, cutting her off. “I never hated getting my picture taken. It was always the circumstances I hated. Pepa's wedding... Your wedding... though that wasn't as bad. But Mamá was glaring at me the whole time! And then there was the kid's ceremonies-”

Julieta giggled, even though his subject was sad the way he rambled never failed to make her smile. “Oh yes. And now it's not a bad thing to get your picture taken.” She said, and Bruno nodded, a little too enthusiastically.

“This will be good for Mirabel.” he said, staring off in the direction of his daughter. Julieta nodded, and Bruno continued, “She hasn't had a picture of her taken since Camilo's ceremony.”

Julieta raised her eyebrows as they neared the end of the stairs. “Really? You never took pictures of her?” Bruno shrugged. “Never needed to. All the memories of her I wanted to keep I did as visions. I have to do them monthly, or I get a terrible headache. I couldn't bear to look at you guys, hurt to much. So I'd look into Mirabel's future.” Julieta laughed at his words, slipping her arm under his and leaning her head on his shoulder.

“That sounds wonderful.” she said, and Bruno nodded. “It was. Much nicer to look into the future when you know you're gonna see a kid painting. Or playing with rats. Or eating birthday cake.” He grinned widely as they neared the rest of their family, brought together by Abuela's call and Casita.

Before either of them could say another word a blur of green and white and brown spun towards them, and Mirabel literally threw herself on top of Bruno. Bruno, surprisingly, kept his footing, though he dropped Mirabel's old cast to the ground. But Casita moved the litter away, disposing of it without anyone having to worry.

“Kid!” Bruno chuckled out, pushing Mirabel gently off of him. Mirabel grinned up at him, adjusting her glasses as he spoke. “Careful! Your Papá isn't as young as he was.” Mirabel laughed at him, and grabbed his hand in hers.

“You just say that because you think I'm silly.” Mirabel said, and Bruno shrugged. “Maybe.” he answered, and let Mirabel drag him up to the rest of the family.

They turned towards the camera Casita was bringing towards them. Julieta took the spot on Mirabel's left as the family grouped together. Agustin was brought over to her other side, and Julieta grabbed her husband's hand.

Mirabel threw her arms over Bruno and Julieta's shoulders, a wide grin on her face. The family came together, looking perfect yet themselves. The camera adjusted itself, and Abuela called out, “Everyone! Together!”

Bruno, Mirabel, Julieta, Agustin, Abuela, and the rest of the family all called out, “La familia Madrigal!” just before Casita threw them all on top of each other.

Finally everything was right with the world.

The magic was safe.

The family was whole.

Bruno had his daughter next to him, laughing and happy. And everything was perfect.