

The crew stopped at Ace's grave and chained Akainu and Blackbeard to the ground before staying for a while and leaving.

They returned to Abyss Island and started to party along with the rest of the Island and it's citizens. Garp was on the Island now and retired from the Marines. The rest of the Marines left back to New Marineford after the war, with Kuzan going with them.

Smoker left along with Kuzan.

Zeus sighed, Smoker didn't speak with him at all. He was a bit sad about it, Smoker was one of his closest friends.


The Allies partied for several days, Zeus put the Poneglyph in the secret royal room and Robin read them all before figuring out the route to go to Raftel. After the party, Zeus said goodbye to Persephone and Bonney and went to Raftel with the crew and the fleet.

Dragon wanted to talk but Zeus told him after he came back from Raftel. Dragon reluctantly agreed and stayed with Garp to watch over his grandchildren and the Island.

2 months later

The crew landed on Raftel.

Luffy ran onto the island and cheered as he led the way to the center of the island, hearing the voice of the Poneglyph. Zeus landed on the island and disappeared, the crew was startled but they heard a voice saying "He'll be fine, join your captain." they somehow felt that the words were the truth and left, normally they wouldn't be so accepting but the voice sounded almost undeniable.

Zeus found himself in a white space and was confused. He looked around before seeing a middle aged man, sitting at a table. Zeus walked over and said "Yo! So... Is this like heaven of something?" the middle aged man raised an eyebrow and said "Oh?"

Zeus sat down and lit a cigarette before saying "Well, I mean. Pretty obvious you know. It's all white and you're just sitting down here, plus I just appeared. I guess I died again huh?" he sighed and said "I would've liked to see my kids again, but I guess that won't happen anymore.."

The middle aged man smiled and said "You're awfully calm." Zeus exhaled a mouthful of smoke and said "I know, that they will be well taken care of. Their mothers love them and they have a grandfather and a great grandfather. Plus I made the world safe for them, at least they won't get hunted down like dogs because of their blood."

Zeus took a drag and leaned back, the middle aged man chuckled and said "Do you have any wishes?" Zeus raised a brow and said "Aiyo! I get wishes?! Alright, I want my kids to be invincible." the middle aged man choked and burst out laughing, Zeus chuckled and said "How did I die? I didn't even leave my devil fruit collected for them, ah I'm such a bad father."

The middle aged man waved and said "You're not dead yet." Zeus raised a brow and said "I figured." the middle aged man said "Oh? How so?" Zeus raised two fingers and said "First of all, I'm healthy as a horse! Unless you killed me and dragged me here, I would still be alive an second..."

Zeus grinned and said "Because I'm not in hell. Bwahahahaha" The middle aged man burst out laughing and said "I can send you there if you want." Zeus waved and said "Don't, it gives me something to look forward to when I die. Everybody always goes to heaven in the books I've read, let's shake things up in Hell a bit, no?"

The middle aged man was stunned and Zeus added "Oh! Can I take over Hell if I go there?" The middle aged man couldn't keep up and smiled wryly as he said "I think you really are insane..." Zeus chuckled and said "Meh. I know where I belong is all, how many people have I killed? How many sins have I committed? I'm not going to pretend I'm a good person, it's fine."

Truthfully, Zeus already accepted it, if he could be reincarnated, then both Heaven and Hell existed. He didn't think his actions would let him into Heaven, so really, unless he was reincarnated again, he was going to Hell.

The middle aged man said "Actually, your sins and karma aren't calculated as you have read. They're actually completely different, for example, you destroyed the World Government. That will get you good Karma points, because you saved a lot of people in the future. But you also killed a bunch of slaves when you destroyed the redline, which gave you bad Karma points. Selling drugs is bad Karma points but killing other Underworld leaders will give you good Karma points. Etc."

Zeus exhaled a mouthful of smoke and said "Oh yeah? What about pushing that Zipper mouth to his death?" The middle aged man said "Bad Karma points, because he was semi-innocent.." he coughed and said "But I overlooked it.. Anyway! That's not why you're here!"

Zeus waited and the middle aged man spoke "You obviously must be wondering why you right? Well let me tell you! You are the 4th person to be brought here by myself! 3 of you remember your past lives, while the other one doesn't, but he was a young soul. He died as a baby on Earth and became a Half-Mink in here."

Zeus rubbed his chin and said "Okay.. But what does that have to do with me? I haven't heard of any of these guys before, shouldn't they be big figures if they know the future?" The middle aged man shook his head and said "One of them was from the future of your world, he had a whole mess of Karma points, basically he destroyed the world but he also saved it, robot A.Is, crazy stuff. The second guy was an assassin, he avenged his wife and fell through a wormhole. I saved him and brought him here, the other one was the baby. It was just a passing soul so I took it."

The middle aged man paused and chuckled before saying "The first guy actually wished for all his past life memories to be wiped, which was very interesting! I liked him a lot, unfortunately he declined my offer to become the new god, we still keep in touch though. The second guy believe it or not has no idea what One Piece is, he only knows the title and a few characters because of his late wife."

Zeus said "So I'm the only one who has everything?!" The middle aged man nodded and chuckled "Yup! Big number 4! You all have special marks on your souls, even I can't take them away." Zeus frowned and said "What kind of mark?" The middle aged man shrugged and said "It looks like a monkey."

Zeus felt his eye twitch and the middle aged man said "I don't know what it means but I have a feeling you will all be important for something later! I have a few friends and they have monkey marked souls in their worlds too!" Zeus was curious and said "Which ones?"

The middle aged man said "Marvel and My hero Academia. Who knows maybe there will be more! Anyway, you all have the monkey soul brand in common. I can tell you for sure that it's not anything harmful, it seems to be dormant at the moment, who knows when it will activate! Maybe tomorrow, maybe in 100 years, maybe never! Also, if you were curious, your names are branded in your souls too. Who ever names you will always name you your original names, very strange. Who ever gave that to you is stronger than me for sure."

Zeus nodded and said "Doesn't explain why I haven't seen these guys." The middle aged man said "You think this is the original universe? I sent you all to different versions of reality, funnily enough, every one of you chose to stay with the Straw Hats."

Zeus gasped and said "Like a multiverse?!" the middle aged man nodded and said "I suppose so!" Zeus was excited and said "Can I go to other ones?!" the middle aged man clicked his tongue and said "So you can go wreck havoc in other worlds? I don't think so."

Zeus crossed his arms and grumbled "Stingy.." the middle aged man felt his mouth twitch as he added "I'm God! I'm, by definition, not stingy!" Zeus waved and said "Fine! Why did you bring me here, stingy old man!"

The middle aged man flared up and said "You! It's Thomas! My name is Thomas! And I'm 23 Million years young!" Zeus choked and snapped "23 MILLION YEARS IS YOUNG FOR YOU?!" Thomas snapped "You want a beating?!" Zeus sneered and said "Bring it, Stingy!" Thomas flared up and growled "I'll teach you a good lesson, you little lunatic!" as he lunged at Zeus, the two started a dustbrawl.

The dust settled and revealed 3 figures. Zeus, Thomas, and Zoro. Zoro stood up and said "What the?!" before jumping into a hole and disappearing.

Zeus grumbled and sat back in his chair with a black eye as he said "No fair! You have godly powers!" Thomas sneered and said "So? They're MY powers!" Zeus curse the Stingy 23 million year old man in his heart and Thomas said "Anyway, I just brought you here to tell you about that. Also, you're welcome for sending Persephone with you!"

Zeus sneered and said "Let me guess, she had a brand too?" Thomas grunted and refused to answer, Zeus laughed and stuck out his hand saying "Thanks, Thomas!" Thomas chuckled and shook his hand saying "Now get back to whatever, I don't want to see you anymore!"

Zeus chuckled and disappeared.

Zeus reappeared in front of the crew and a giant Poneglyph. They all said "Where did you go?" Zeus shrugged and grinned as he said "I met god. What did you guys find?" Robin said "The truth of the void century." Luffy said "The One Piece!" as he pointed to a treasure chest.

Zeus rubbed his hands and said "Let's open it!" Luffy opened the chest and there was nothing in it, just a crumpled piece of paper that said "It was inside you all along!" Zeus felt his eye twitch and he snapped "What the fuck is this bullshit!?" The rest of the crew was speechless as well.

Luffy turned over the paper revealing "Just kidding! Ha! Press on the bottom of the chest." Luffy pressed on the bottom of the chest and the floor next to the chest opened, revealing another chest.

Luffy opened that chest and found another crumpled paper that said "No seriously, there's nothing."

Zeus burst into laughter and walked away saying "Not even a bottle of booze!" Luffy pressed the chest again and a new chest popped up with a single bottle of sake in it and a note that said "You pressed it again?! Fine! Congrats, here's a bottle of Sake. Now go away!"

Zeus almost blew up the island and drank the Sake before saying "Oh my!" Zoro took a sip and said "That's even better than the one you had before!" Zeus grabbed the bottle and said "I will recreate it!" the crew all had a sip and cheered.

2 months later

Zeus returned to Abyss Island and gave the Sake to a brewing guy to recreate it and a month after that, the Sake was being reproduced and supplied the entire island. The entire Island celebrated again.

Dragon finally got the chance to talk to Zeus.

(Author's Note)

Next chap is the last chapter! Sigh

You can check out my OTHER books while you wait:

One Piece: Another Chance (Completed)

Saiyan in Marvel (Completed)

My Hero Academia: Quirkless

One Piece: Price of Freedom

One Piece: Shadow King

Another Dragonball Adventure


https://www.pat.reon.com/MonkeyGodking (Remove the . between Pat and reon)

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