
Chapter 2 We Have A Home

"Wendy, why did you become like this?" asked Rani in disbelief.

She didn't expect that the little girl following her would become so cunning just after five years.

Wendy sneered, "I am such a person at very first! Back then, to please your family, I endured humiliation, but the heavenly law is reincarnation. Now I can finally take charge of the family by myself."

As soon as Wendy finished speaking, the door of the Maserati has opened again, and a beautiful and delicate little boy came out. "Mommy, daddy is coming back. We can't catch up with him if we don't go there!"

The boy cast a scornful glance at Rani and said, "What did you say to a woman from the countryside? It will only degrade us!"

Wendy looked at the boy and said maliciously, "I forgot to introduce him to you. This is my child and his father is Mory. We got married after you left."

Rani's heart ached, but she put on a smile and said, "Really? Congratulations."

Seeing that the two people knew each other, the driver was half nervous. "Since you two know each other, is this compensation free?"

"Of course not!"

Without hesitation, Wendy refused, "It costs at least 100 thousand to maintain my car. Although I don't lack money, it's a big deal. Rani, since it's your fault, shouldn't you compensate me?"

"What does it have to do with me? I'm just a passenger!"

"It's all your fault. If it weren't for you, how could I have been in such a hurry? You should be the one to compensate!"

The driver was not stupid. Now he could see that the two women in front of him had a grudge, but it had nothing to do with him. As long as he could shirk the responsibility this time, he didn't mind turning black and white.

Wendy glanced at her hand and said in a condescending tone, "Well, I'm in a hurry and have no time to talk nonsense with you. For the sake of our acquaintance, I'll suffer a loss. I'll ask you for 200 thousand."

"I'm sorry. I don't like to be wronged. It's not my responsibility. I won't pay a penny."

The two of them were in a stalemate, and the air was filled with the smell of smoke. At this time, a Rolls-Royce suddenly rang, and a man with gold-rimmed glasses poked his head out of the car. "Ladies, can you make way for us? Our president is in a hurry."

At the sight of the man, Wendy's face turned pale. "Mr. Sun, please tell Mr. Huo not to worry. I'll leave right away to make room for him!"

She glared at her and cursed in a low voice, "You're lucky this time. I'll teach you a lesson next time!"

Then she took the boy into the car and drove away in a hurry.

The Rolls-Royce immediately passed by Rani. At a glance, she could tell that the man in the back seat was more reserved than ordinary people.

Is this Mr. Huo that Wendy is afraid of?

As soon as this idea came to her mind, it was thrown aside by Rani.

No matter what kind of man he was, it had nothing to do with her. These people were not someone she could afford now.

At this time, Baobao and Beibei also got out of the car. "Mommy, what happened just now? Is there anyone bullying you?"

Baobao looked at her worriedly.

"Nothing. I just met an acquaintance," said rani, rubbing Baobao's head.

At the mention of Wendy, Rani thought of the introduction that Wendy had just made to the boy next to her.

It was Mory's child.

Rani's heart ached. Although she had known that there was no future between the two of them five years ago, she still felt a sharp pain in her heart when she heard the news of Mory.

Holding back her thoughts, she pushed the two of them towards the taxi with a smile. "Let's get in the car. We'll be home soon."

Just as the three of them were about to get in the car, the driver next to them threw out the package.

"What are you doing?" Rani glared at the taxi driver.

The driver sneered, "Can't you see? I won't drive you!"

He was just a nobody, but because of this woman, he met several big shots, and none of them could be provoked by him.

The driver got angrier and angrier as he thought about it. "I've been so unlucky for eight lifetimes to meet you!"

"You are the unlucky one. Mommy is a good person. She is lucky!" Ning Baobao liked his mommy the most. If anyone hurt his mommy, she would fight back without hesitation!

The driver snorted, "Since you are not unlucky, I wish you can get a taxi immediately!"

Then he closed the door, turned around, and left.

Rani was speechless.

At a loss, Baobao looked at her and asked, "Mommy, did I say something wrong?"

"No. Baobao is telling the truth." After comforting Baobao with a smile, Rani hailed a taxi at the edge of the road.

After a long time, the three of them hailed a taxi, and the price was twice as high as the normal time.

Looking at the tired child, Rani gritted her teeth and agreed to the driver's request.

It took the three of them a whole day to get to the house that Rani bought five years ago.

Looking at the unchanged decoration of the room for five years, it was not until now that she felt a little lucky that she hadn't sold the house. Otherwise, she would have slept on the street with her two children.

Beibei rested her head on the beautiful house in front of her and looked at her mother in disbelief. "Mommy, it's so beautiful. Isn't it very expensive? Can we live here?"

Baobao also looked at her suspiciously.

The brother and sister grew up in the countryside. Although they didn't need to restrain themselves, Rani was indeed not rich.

The two kids had known that they were poor since childhood. Now that they lived in such a big house, their first reaction was not to be happy but to worry that they would waste money.

Rani felt a little sad. After all, she was too weak to make her two children suffer with her.

"Don't worry, you two. This is our house. My name is on the property ownership certificate. No one can take this house away except me," she said with a smile

"This is our home from now on. Baobao, Beibei, are you two happy?"

Baobao and Beibei were first stunned, and the next second they jumped up happily. "That's great! We have our own home! We don't need to worry about being driven out anymore!"