
An Adventure is born

"We have to find out if the library does really exist and if it does then we have to gather everything in it, and hide it along with this book in a safe place where no one,that comes looking for ancient knowledge, around here can find it. That is the only way to protect all of us,"Timothy said.

"Okay..., But where will we hide it and why do you need me?" I asked.

"Because only two people together is said to have the ability to open the ancient library if it does exist beneath our neighborhood. Only two people that are the key also to each other," he replied.

I didn't understand any of this,but I went along with it... We were walking around the neighborhood looking a tall the raw and untouched bushes, caves, and such, there must be an entrance somewhere if the library is beneath us. "Wait..., who says the entrance is somewhere on the outside..., the entrance can be anywhere, even inside a building, or someone's house...,"I said.

"Good thinking," Timothy replied.

"My sister got that book from..., we never asked her... What if she knows where the entrance is?" I asked him.

"You're her sister, she would've told you..., unless...,"

"Unless what?"

"Unless..., she didn't want us to know," Timothy said.

But I wondered if she even knew about the library, she knew about the Beacon of Light book, but that didn't mean that she knew anything about the library... We hasted back to my sister's apartment where we knocked but no one answered. Her car was parked outside, so we figured she must be there. I tested the front door and it was locked. Then we felt the earth shake and my sister was thrown through her glass front door. I ran to her to see if she was alright, but she was pretty badly hurt and we had to take her to the hospital.

She was still in the hospital, but we went back to her apartment, we went inside and we looked around, that's when I figured it out. There was a strange drawing, I remembered, inside her bedroom against the wall, I remembered it from when I helped her move her furniture around, she placed her bed against it. We moved the bed away and there it was, the same drawing as on the front of The Beacon of Light book. We figured that the book must have been hidden somewhere inside her bedroom where she somehow found it, somewhere close to the drawing, which we now believed to be an entrance of some kind.

We searched the bedroom and then we found research that she has been doing on the language within the book.19She had deciphered the first two pages of the book and written it down on clean sheets of paper. The first page of the book said: To get through the door, take the hand of your key and let your heart speak, then the door will open, but woe unto the one who tries to open the door from their heart without their own key...We went and stood in front of the drawing then we took hands and we allowed our hearts to speak, suddenly the drawing began to warp, as if it was no longer solid, we stepped through and we entered a long hallway. We looked in the book and the second page had a picture of the long hallway. My sister deciphered: No two keys shall enter here unprepared, great pains shall befall them shall they enter unprepared, if you come unprepared,enter the maze and go prepare first, if you are prepared;you may pass... We looked at each other, we had no clue what preparation was being talked about and the third page dealing with the maze, as it had a picture of a maze on it,we'll, my sister had not deciphered that one yet... But we decided to walk into the direction of the maze as shown by blue warping arrows on the walls; and try to figure it out somehow. We entered the maze, but then Timothy disappeared.

I began to panic not knowing where he was.But I heard him.

"Hey, where are you?" Timothy asked me.

"I am still in the maze, and you?" I replied.

"Me too,but you disappeared...," Timothy replied.

"No, you disappeared."

"Wait, I think this is some sort of illusion," Timothy said.

"Okay, so what do we do?" I asked.

"Let's just try to get out of the maze," Timothy replied.

"Good idea," I replied.Then I began walking through the maze, but as I walked,I no longer wanted to get to the exit of the maze, in my heart my destination became Timothy, something within me felt like Timothy was my final destination, Timothy was home, and I just felt this deep longing to get back to him. I completely forgot about finding an exit to the maze, I was just looking for Timothy now, longing more and more as I searched everywhere for him; and around every corner. But I couldn't find him, I felt so lost and I didn't know how to get back to him, I felt like I was banging my head against walls powerless, I felt like I was silenced never to be heard by him ever again, I felt like I would never make my way back to him. He was nowhere to be found, no matter which way I turned, then I thought if I found the exit then I would find him again,but I couldn't find either and I felt so helpless; almost like I was screaming and longing into nowhere. I felt cutoff from him, and from the rest of the world. Finally I got so tired and my heart felt like she was being broken into millions of little pieces, and I gave in, I fell onto the floor hopeless in the dark. And I wondered if he was alright, I was hoping that he was doing much better than I was.

It was clear to me at this point that my mind was  beginning to magnify the whole situation into something much bigger than it might actually really be, but that didn't change the fact that I was still stuck in a maze, in a creepy ancient place, and I had lost the mysterious man I had come with... Now I was all alone and I didn't know the way out, but what somehow mattered most to me was that I couldn't find my way back to Timothy. There was something new within me, something different, anew part of me that carried a truth of her own within and was avidly seeking only for one thing in life, and that was to get back with Timothy. None of it all could get any more mysterious than it already was.I stayed there on the floor realizing that I had nowhere to go as it didn't matter which turn I took within the maze,I kept ending up by myself every single time, with no exit point. I was almost too tired to think, but if I was going to get anywhere, then I had to start thinking, I had to figure this all out so that I could find Timothy and we could get out of the maze. I sat on the ground against one of the walls, the cement beneath me was so cold, hard,and dry, not something that felt pleasant to the touch and my skin hated the very feel of it. I began to think about all the directions I went in inside the maze, but I didn't even really know where in the maze I was at that point. I didn't have the book anymore and I couldn't hear Timothy anymore. I got up and I slowly began to walk

down one of the long pathways, I wanted to make the right turn ahead, but I knew I would probably get nowhere. The whole place smelt old and dusty and I couldn't stop sneezing. Suddenly I felt it again; the strange feeling in my heart.

I thought that maybe..., just maybe..., this new part within me would know the way,as the new part within me is a part of the strange mysterious things that was happening in my reality; it would probably fit right in... I tried to focus on it and on how it felt within me,allowing it to make me feel something, like perhaps, the way back to Timothy, and then the way out of the maze... I felt something, something so clear, a longing, a longing to be with Timothy, then I remembered when I first saw him. When I first saw him, I didn't see him, I saw myself somehow in him. So what if I was longing for the part of myself that he has within him, what if,instead of searching for him, I should begin to search for myself throwing a blind eye on any differentiation between myself and Timothy, after all, what I am searching for is the part of myself that he has within himself. I tried to change the focus in my mind, instead of searching for Timothy, I was now searching for me,while only focusing on the part of me that he has within him. I could now clearly begin feeling the part of myself longing for the other part of myself, that is within

Timothy, taking on a new direction... I followed the direction that I felt the longing inside of me going for,and after doing that for about half an hour, and almost giving up entirely, I suddenly came face to face with Timothy. I just grabbed him and held him, and he did the same, I felt like I locked right back into the part of myself that was missing. We stood there a little while then we began to search for the exit point together, and it wasn't long before we noticed the walls had changed,they were somehow flowing now.

They seemed to be flowing from one point to another and we followed the direction they were flowing in until we found ourselves at the exit point of the maze. When we stepped outside the maze, the book suddenly reappeared on the ground before us, and we looked at the fourth page of the book, it showed two people passing through the long hallway. We walked through the hallway and on the other side,we entered a dark open space, it was surrounded by candles that suddenly became all lit up by themselves.On the floor there was a drawing and we went and stood in the middle of it. We took hands and the walls began to move, they turned around and exposed shelves, shelves that were filled with lines and lines of thousands of books. We decided to place the book somewhere secret between the other books and leave. And so we did; we hid the book and then we left.

When we got outside the secret library again; the wall became solid again after we exited. And back in my  sisters bedroom, we decided to repaint the wall and make sure no one would find the entry point to the secret library ever again.