
The beginning of the end

Dawn came along with the smell of napalm and burning meat. "It smells very bad, how disgusting." I say holding my nose. The knocking on the roof door has long since ceased, my only escape route is through the police station quietly and thus escape. I reach into my backpack for a knife courtesy of Walmart and heave a heavy sigh.

"If it was easy it wouldn't be so much fun." I say opening the door quickly, just as two walkers slowly lunge towards me, I ignore them and brush past them as I start running through a police station full of walkers with a knife in hand.

I have to thank my size that they have a hard time catching me, this is so much fun that I can't stop the laughter that escapes from my body as I dodge the walkers. One of the walkers is blocking the stairs from behind, so I lunge at him, kicking him behind the knees, causing him to fall onto his knees. I take advantage of the position and my knife goes through his head, I quickly withdraw the knife and begin to descend the stairs. Catch me if you can.


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I don't find many walkers on the stairs, apart from the ones I leave behind, possibly because I'm quiet and I'm not shooting like an idiot. The walkers are quite slow in fact, you could say that they are only a threat if you find yourself with a large horde in a small space. I also saw several walkers with riot helmets, these must be hard to kill, this police station is a death trap for anyone.

After a few minutes of running down the stairs I reach the ground floor, however when I cross a corridor I see that it is full of walkers, I quickly cover myself and just stick my head out. I doubt very much that I can get out. I don't want to cover myself with his guts of a walker so I can get out, my face turns green at the disgusting thought. I hide under a desk while I try to formulate a plan.

I might as well have butchered a walker on the roof and covered myself with his guts and gone unnoticed by the other walkers walking through the police station. But why would he? It's not fun and it's not like I'm desperate.

While I am distracted in my thoughts I hear the noise of a vehicle approaching the police station. Until the shooting starts outside and several soldiers enter the police station shooting at the walkers.

"Quickly, according to the surveillance cameras, the target's last location was at this police station, locate the body and take it to Dr. Candace Jenner at the CDC." One of the soldiers speaks loudly giving orders to the others. I stay hidden under the table, I don't intend to approach the military, they will most likely shoot me on sight.

It seems that they have a kind of mission for the CDC, at this point Dr. Candace Jenner must still alive, the wife of Dr. Jenner who appears in the series.

The shots continue, as the military begins to climb the stairs, they have cleared the ground floor, however that amount of shots will attract all the walkers in the building, and it seems that they are stupid. I draw my gun and prepare to run to the door.

An explosion is heard from the floors above with several screams.

"Damn it captain I told you this was a suicidal idea!"

"It bit me, it bit me the fuck!"

"Retreat, we can't locate the body with so many infected around."

I take advantage of the distraction and run in the direction of the police station door, ignoring some walkers who were attracted by the gunshots. I hear the cries of the military as I leave the police station, the sound of breaking glass is heard above me and a body falls lifeless to the ground along with some walkers in riot helmets who then begin to crawl in the direction of the body. Poor bastards.

I quickly approach the military van where the military arrived, however, the damn keys are not there. "Idiots." I whisper before I run again and get as far away from the police station as I can.

A sense of pride fills my body as I walk away from the police station. I have survived, however, I am being chased by several walkers so I have no choice but to keep running.


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Some streets are teeming with walkers swaying and shuffling from one side to the other, while others are empty. From time to time I hear some shots far from my position, which distracts the walkers.

There are no helicopters flying over the city anymore, I guess they retreated to their bases or deserted.

I keep running through some streets looking in all directions, I don't want to meet a horde of walkers when I cross a corner or meet a hostile group. The streets are full of abandoned or burned vehicles, among these, I found a motorcycle still running with the keys still on. I just got on and started driving at full speed through the streets destroyed and full of walkers.

My next destination is one that I know very well and will serve as my base for the time being before the hunt begins. A smile lights up my face as the wind hits my face.


2 weeks later.

I am on top of a building with binoculars, from this position I have a perfect view of a large part of the city, in the distance I see how 3 military vehicles travel through some streets that are still passable. When they're about to reach a corner I grab my radio and press to talk.

"Russell Now!" I say by radio when an explosion occurs in the distance. The first military vehicle is now on fire and crashes into a pole, while a school bus comes around the corner stopping horizontally, and blocks the way. Different weapons protrude from the windows of the bus while you are alone they open fire on the other remaining vehicles. The soldiers get out of their vehicles and start shooting at the aggressors.


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"You have 2 minutes before the walkers start arriving at your position." I say on the radio before placing it to the side while I continue observing the confrontation and the surroundings through the binoculars.

I see a small group of walkers approaching the confrontation from the gunshots. "Aiden A small horde is approaching from South Street." I say when a person walks up to me holding their silenced sniper rifle to the side, this is Aiden our best long-range marksman. Then it starts pointing in the direction I point to. "Open fire." I speak as Aiden starts shooting at walkers approaching the confrontation. These begin to fall without knowing that I hit them.

My binoculars now shift to the confrontation and the last military vehicle starts to back up, however, a National Guard van rams them from the side. Several men get out of the van and quickly open fire against the occupants of the military vehicle.

The battle doesn't last long so I focus my binoculars on a person in the middle of the group, this is a person in a national guard uniform with a gun in his hands shouting orders to the others, who start looting the bodies and vehicles. In front of him are some survivors on their knees with their hands on their heads. This person is Russell my second in command.

"Justin we have secured the convoy." My radio comes to life as Russell informs me of the success of the attack. "We lost 4 people." At this I just click my tongue, getting meat shields or subordinates is already difficult in itself. "Same orders for those who surrendered?" Russell asks laughing a little.

I press the radio and start transmitting. "Yes, same orders. Kill them all." Russell then points his gun at the people who are kneeling and executes them with a smile on his face.

After the fall of Atlanta a war breaks out between the army and the national guard, Russell is the last survivor of his unit after being massacred by the army days after the bombing of Atlanta. Since then, Russell hates every member of the army with a passion.

"Take the essentials and return to base." I report on the radio while I put it away. "Let's move on." I point to Aiden who picks up the rifle from him and follows me.

We went down some stairs on the side of the roof to the ground, where a vehicle was waiting for us. Shortly after driving for a few minutes, we arrived at our destination, our refuge. My old school turned into a fortress.

During these two weeks, I have been gathering and manipulating people to follow my orders, I got a perfect place to use as a temporary base. My school. With enough supplies, I only needed one very important thing if I wanted to survive the hunt, I lacked meat shields or rather minions. So I started recruiting some people, by now society has fallen and moral values don't exist.

It is amazing what can be achieved when you have a safe place and food, I became a savior for some, for others their executioner. I don't tolerate insubordination, I've lost count of the people I've executed for it. After that nobody cared that a child decided what to do and what not. Fear is a powerful motivator. I guess it runs in the family and it feels so good.

I'm not ruthless, usually, we only take down groups that are problematic for us, the group we eliminated recently were defecting members of the military, who just like us, steal resources from other survivors, however, we can't tolerate competition.

Being the leader is extremely stressful, however, I need these people as meat shields until I know what I will face, then I can discard them. Until now I have a total of 30 people men and women capable of defending this place.

According to my reincarnation, when I turn 12, a hunt begins. Then I'm not going to sit idly by, I'll make it difficult for whoever comes after me and this school will become a fortress. Tomorrow I will be 12 years old, which will indicate the start of the hunt. The excitement is so much that I start to hug me, it will be fantastic, I can't wait for tomorrow.

"Are you okay?" Russell asks me, following me closely, he doesn't care that I give orders, he's just interested in revenge against the army, easy to manipulate.

"Tomorrow is my birthday, did you know?" I ask innocently as I sway myself.

"I have it, and why is that relevant?" Russell raises an eyebrow at me and stares at me. I just looked away.

"Is nothing." I say as I continue walking. Stupid child brain. Did I really think of a birthday party?

The next day things are normal, I find myself lounging in the principal's office while I eat some goodies and play on a handheld video game console until the school bell rings. This indicates that we are under attack. My heart starts to beat faster as I run out of my office with a rifle in my hands.

My radio comes to life when I'm running up the stairs to get to the roof. "Justin, I need you on the roof. Right now!" Russell informs me over the radio as I continue up the stairs. On my way I can see other people running from one place to another, preparing for a battle.

Shortly after I reach the roof along with other people, in that Russell approaches me and hands me the binoculars. "It doesn't look good at all." Russell says as he grabs his gun and loads it.

I look through the binoculars at where Russell is pointing at me and a big predatory grin spreads across my face. A column of vehicles is rapidly approaching in the direction of the school.

I put the binoculars aside and grab my radio to give the first orders. "Attention everyone, an unknown enemy is fast approaching us, prepare all defenses." I keep the radio on my waist as I walk over to the railing.

"Happy birthday to you" I begin to whisper from my position, while the others prepare.

The vehicles stop in the distance, when several figures begin to get out of them, these people have tactical suits with helmets and gas masks. A person starts walking in front of all these people and I feel my hair stand on end as I recognize that person.

At the front of all the people was a god in the form of Albert Wesker with a small evil smile on his face as his eyes fixed on me.


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After 12 long years of waiting, the game has finally started.

"Open fire!" I yell with a huge smile on my face with my hands outstretched as all hell breaks loose. The first god makes the appearance of him. What a thrill.

"Happy Birthday Dear Justin, happy Birthday to You."

Wesker claps slowly with a predatory smile.

"Start the attack."


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