
Turnabout Teardown: Scornful Summer

You are (your/name) (or Geist), a former cop turned criminal and leader of a group of thieves called The Carnival. You became a leader after being nearly killed when you tried to investigate one of the most powerful families in the city. Now seeking revenge you have started to assemble a ragtag group, ready to conduct the heist of the century. Things had been good lately. A team was assembled and ready. TGG and IRIS had been taken down. We were capable. You are still (your/name), or Geist, a disgraced cop who investigated the 'wrong' people. You've gotten a team, you've found love and you have allies in high places. Enough playing. Time to end this. What could have happened next none of us could have predicted. But let me make one thing clear. They. Will. Pay. Especially for what they have done to us. With the team in tow, a lover who will stick by you forever and a newfound anger you will destroy them, even if it means burning down the whole city. This is book 2, containing a record of the events that occurred in Summer. It covers the following three arcs: Night of Fire, Operation Flashbang & Operation Teardown.

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40 Chs

Track 40 - Last Save Point

So many things happened in the days leading up to the operation. Just to list every single event would be a titanic task. Things you overheard, experienced and mentioned weaved into a tapestry that formed the Carnival.

This was the last save point.

No turning back.

-- ONE --

"Are you certain this will work?" Theo asked. In front of him stood MALLEUS, Updike standing behind him. The console lit up displaying a feed of a drainpipe in the middle of some cliff. The feed emitted from a camera affixed to a drone. Location on the bottom listed as "DEAREST COMPOUND".

Per your instruction and Updike planning Theo brought a drone, getting a TGG agent to deploy it nearby. Updike had engineers equip it with a nephalometer, network and flashlight so it could do some additional surveillance. Though a basic map of the underground system existed, Udpike wanted more up to date information.

"I do not expect the Family to have surveillance and patrols in their sewer system. But if they do worst case we lose a machine and gain the knowledge. The layout and security topology is worth the detection."

Theo sighed. "This does not feel safe. They will know we are coming if seen."

"I have already said I will pay for the damages, if any. And don't forget we have it linked to a local college robotics club. That is, if they can even get it before it self-destructs."

With no retort on hand, Theo continued, moving the joystick ahead as the drone flew in.

"Plus, as we will be traversing this, don't you feel it appropriate to better have an idea of where we will be venturing?"

"I suppose so."

And so, following corridors of brick walls, occasional dirt paths and streams of water, the drone flew. Much to both Updike and Theo's surprise nothing stopped the drone. They saw nary a camera or guard.

All the while, TGG engineers watched closely and mapped out all seen in the tunnels from dead ends to the air quality. Breathable air and the water streams not toxic, it looks perfectly traversable. They found places where it connected to the city's sewer but for the most part, it all seemed custom-built. They took note of potential areas it connected to the manor, finding a cellar that had a manhole connected an ancient ladder present too.

As the camera looked up at the manhole, Theo asked.

"Are you certain you will be able to fit through that? No offense."

"I may be a wide individual but I assure you. I can compress myself rather effectively."

Theo looked at him in disbelief.

Updike shook his head. "Here. Feel this." He pulled up a white sleeve, revealing a snow-white furry arm. Theo hesitated as he looked at it. "Go on." Updike said.

Theo did so, putting his hand around Updike's arm and squeezing it. Sure enough he found he could press it further than he expected. "My it's like a marshmallow!" Theo exclaimed.

"But a thousand times stronger."

Satisfied at the success of their trip they began flying back. Next to the cellar they spotted an additional hallway, far down to the west and with a glowing white light at the end. Curious Theo steered towards there. They nary got a metre down the tunnel before they heard something excruciating. With how distorted it rung, it sounded as if it was right beside them. An ear-splitting screech, it made Theo drop his controller, heart nearly stopping. Whatever let out that scream wasn't human, anthro or even from this planet.

Even Updike looked concerned. They ordered an immediate retreat; hoping whatever the hell emitted it did not see them and was some glitch. They left the hallway alone, planning that during traversal to not only stay stealthy but there completely avoided.

The engineers could not determine what emitted that sound, instead marking it on the map. 'DO NOT GO'.

-- TWO --

Now Playing...

Artist: Spencer Zahn, Dave Harrington & Jeremy Gustin

Song: Late Night Talking

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKNmuYRvSwU

"Hit harder! COME ON!" Nikusa shouted. She stood hunched, holding her hands out.

The two stood in a wrestling ring, Nikku facing Nikusa. Though Nikku wore boxing gloves, Nikusa wore nothing on her hands, the 'void queen' having no need for such protection.

Nikku stopped, running out of breath.

"You can do it Nikku. You just gotta keep practicing!" S said. He stood a little less that Nikku's height, still enjoying his new body. Though it looked like a robotic Sonic, S had Theo add his own 'imperfections' to make it his own. He sat atop a ring post, watching them.

"Again!" Nikusa demanded.

"I-I can't." Nikku said back.

"Not with that attitude." Nikusa swung at Nikku, the alien girl just barely dodging it. Nikku landed on the ground, butt-first and grumbled.

"Let's take five." Nikusa said as she sat down too.

"How are you so strong?" Nikku asked. It had been a question she had asked several times. It still rung true.

S jumped off the ring post and sat with them.

"You think I just got lucky? I trained for this." Nikusa said, flexing her arms.

Nikku sighed. "I'll never be as strong as you."

Though it was expected S and Nikusa to 'carry' Nikku she still wanted in on the combat, wanting to get as strong as either of them. So far, even with intense training and joining Nikusa on one of her 'raids', she hadn't felt any stronger. She had become so hyper focused on the team she had stopped paying attention to her recently returning memories. Though still fuzzy in her head, she vowed to deal with her past after the operation. She wanted to prove herself.

S, too had anxieties, though his centred around Mobius. 'Free' from his digital prison, he wanted nothing more than to take the next ship off Earth and go straight to Mobius, ready to meet the real Sonic. Currently, such an option was impossible.

He was bound, and nothing short of massacring the team would free him. While he briefly considered it, he couldn't bring himself to, having taken a liking to many people on the team. Plus, it would have been near impossible, even with his new 'body'.

Nikusa had no worries, finding S and Nikku's issues rather boring. She effectively dropped Radi, claiming him boring now too. For now Nikku had become her plaything.

The three of them, all from space, though different quadrants found a kinship. Their enjoyment of chaos and rebellion united them. For now, Nikusa had a little posse.

"Maybe not, but you are stronger. Still got a lot of work to do. Now." Nikusa sat cross-legged, staring down, focused. Nikku looked at her, able to just feel her aura from there.

"Let's go over what we learned. A demon comes at you. What do you do?"

"I tear their throat out."

"Good girl. You'll become a void princess yet." Nikusa smiled.

-- THREE --

Annie stuffed the rest of the burger in her mouth, manners just barely qualifying. Just after chewing and swallowing it she downed the rest of her milkshake, adding the plate to the pile that had already accumulated.

While the restaurant had cleared out for the night, Annie remained, still eating violently. Tess, Rosie and a few donnas hung around, having drinks upstairs.

Across the table from her sat a brown snapback, slightly stained and with a smoky smell.

She patted her stomach.

"T-that's all right?" Tess asked, skating by. She looked startled, still in awe at just how much food Annie had demolished in one sitting.

As Annie picked her teeth with a toothpick she leaned back. "It's enough. I'm good for now."

"Why are you eating so much anyways? Eating that much can't be healthy."

Annie's eyes narrowed. Seeing red on Annie, Tess quickly waved her arms. "No offense of course! I mean, if you're stress-eating-"

"You dolt." Annie said bitterly. "It's called bulking."


"Bulking. B-u-l-k-ing. I'm getting bigger, getting strength. Gonna hit the gym after this."

"But it's all junk food! Shouldn't you be eating more vegetables?"

"All I've been ordering is cheap protein. It's all I need right now." Annie said, her expression turning much more serious.

Tess was going to make a comment about carbs but as she scanned the plates she noticed Annie hadn't eaten the breading for some of the dishes. She ordered beef wellington the breading lay discarded on the plate, crushed by the pile above it.

"It's fine." Annie said, taking a swig from the glass of water present. It had been the only thing not touched much during the meal.

"If I'm gonna be strong enough to rip that gate down, I need all I can take. It's *burp*, ugh. A lot of work." She said, taking another drink.

"You mind?" Tess asked, motioning to the table. Annie waved her okay and she took a seat.

"And it's gonna be on your tab?" Tess asked.

"Of course."

"Alright." Tess took the notepad off her ponytail and started counting the plates, adding it to the tab.

"They took your restaurant from you right?" Annie asked. She continued to pat her stomach, enjoying the full feeling.

Tess took a deep breath, though unneeded. "Yeah." She said calmly.

"Sorry. When this is over you should make another one."

"I'd like to."

"You should." Annie said with a sly smile. "You're a damn good cook."

"Do you think we can do it?"


"Think we can win this?" Tess asked.

"Who cares? Even if we don't get the money we'll still make 'em look real stupid."

"But they'll kill us!"

"Ehn, they won't even you know you did anything. And me, whatever. Death don't scare me. They can kill me for all I care. Bastards already took Garcy."

"You shouldn't think like that!" Tess cried out.

"We would have at least tried. That's a helluva lot more we can say that anyone else they screwed."

Tess sighed. She was looking for more encouragement.

"You gals still here?" Rosie asked, entering the cafe now.

"I was just leaving, don't worry." Annie said.

"Nonsense! You two, nevermind about the food. We're having a great time upstairs. Come join us!"

"Ehn, whatever. I could use a rest day." Annie said.

"Good! And don't run off or we'll shoot!" She said, a slight slur to her speech. She was drunk. As she stumbled away, Tess finished her count, adding it to Annie's tab. She looked at the hat now. Every time Annie had come to eat she always did so alone and with that hat at the opposite end.

"What's with the hat?" She asked as she inspected it.

"It was Garcy's."


She reached across the table, taking the hat from Tess. "They'll pay for what they did to him." She said.

"You gonna come up?" Tess asked.

"Gimme a minute." She said sombrely. She put the hat on, a wave of sadness hitting her.

-- FOUR --

Though the plan had been formalized the team still needed practice. During the break of one such session, Carol began her 'investigation'.

"And what about you? Are you some demon? You know I've seen you before, watching my partner here. You a mancubus?" Carol asked inquisitively. She poked Tabi's chest with a curious finger.

"Is this really necessary?" Tabi asked, looking at you. You shrugged.

You knew Carol was an angel but figured it wouldn't be a problem. After all, Updike himself was super righteous and didn't have any issue with anyone demonic. But no, Carol went above and beyond, far more thorough than Updike. Or, maybe not. You were sure Updike had full profiles and histories of everyone on the team. Though you trusted him more there was no telling what he knew.

At first you thought she was just checking for rats but no, she genuinely wanted to know where each team member stood on demons in general, not just ties to the Family.

So for the past couple days she had been interviewing every single team member with Whitty watching absent-mindedly.

"I'm literally just a regular guy. I'm not some demon or whatever."

"You better be. How about this!" Carol splashed water in Tabi's face. You didn't need to hear it from her but you knew it was holy water.

Tabi just grumbled, holding back the annoyance. "This is so stupid."He muttered.

Carol turned to S. "And what about you? I can sense the evil emanating from you."

"Damn straight. I'd kill kids."

"He threatens their parents too." Theo said jokingly as he walked by.

Carol looked to you, flabbergasted.

"He's a monster. Doesn't hide it either. Tried to kill me once." You said, the whole 'eldritch-being of S' having become just a normal occurrence.

"The hell is wrong with you?" Carol said. She stared deeply at his eyes. "No regret?"

"Nope. I'm the real deal honey."

"You need to be vanquished."

"Oh yeah?" S snickered. "I'd like to see you try, angel wings."

Carol growled. "How can you have him on this team?!"

"He's good at what he does. Plus he's not that bad when you get to know him." You said.

"How can we kill him?"

"Come to my world, girl and we'll see if you can take me." S said threateningly.

"Where's the VR set? I'm going in."

"No you most certainly won't." Updike said now, walking up to the three of you.

"What?! Are you serious? This dude's a total nutjob."

"But he's our total nutjob." Updike said.

"Aw, thanks Starline. I think I'll kill you last after this."

You knew S well enough to know his bluff but let him talk his peace. He was enjoying it. Updike knew it too, not engaging S further.

Whitty was more so surprised as how maniacal S acted to say anything. Even more surprised by everyone's nonchalant responses to him.

"Hmph. Can't believe this demon is on the team. Get him out of my sight. After this is over I'll excursive you."

"Pfft. I'll be halfway to Mobius before you mortals will even know I'm gone!"

Carol rolled her eyes, walking away, not wanting anything to do with this demented hedgehog.

"And what about that guy!?" Carol said, pointing to Huggy. The abomination was currently embroiled in a tug of war with Pomona and Annie, tugging on a rope. "I detect lots of evil from him as well."

Updike shook his head. "If you're going to be so adamant about evil and all that just go talk to them. We've already vetted everyone." He sounded tired at having to explain it.

"He's right." You add.

"Even so. Demons could be hiding anywhere."

-- FIVE --

Four of them sat in a dimly lit theatre. Not a professional, large-scale movie one, but a small one situated somewhere in the TGG headquarters.

A film played on the screen going over TGG's history, purposes of an agent, abominations and the leaders of The Greater Good. Though very propagandic, all four saw right through it.

As it came to a close the lights in the theatre rose, revealing the watchers.

Ace, Theo, Radi and Updike sat, nowhere near each other, Ace holding a bag of popcorn with him.

Updike walked up to the centre of the stage and cleared his throat. "Well? What do you think?"

"Is, the, uh, food here?" Ace asked. Though he cleaned himself up and gotten proper clothes, his fur and hair remained unkempt. He'd gotten it into his head he must remain like that as penance, until Retro was found. You weren't sure where he got the idea, but believed Tabi had something to do with it. After all, Tabi was the one with his 'no celebrations until the operation' mentality.

Updike hoped Ace, with his journalistic flare could write some positive things about the TGG. Unbeknownst to him, such a flare remained frozen. Ace only came because Updike told him to.

Updike sighed. "It's just at the back there, on the table." Ace got up, or rather perched upon the seat, hopping across to go get the food, moving animalistically. Updike couldn't blame him. He had been offered to stay with the Seven Deadly Sins but refused, claiming he let them all down. With nowhere to go, Updike took him in, giving him a similar accommodation to Nikku. Though unlike Nikku, he'd been spending his time isolating, not doing much at all. Updike forced him to come, at least get the frost-dragon to do something.

"It seems a little screwed up. You just capture and study weirdoes. What about me or my sister? I wasn't made like this you know." Radi asked.

"I admit it is a little outdated. We have changed a lot in recent months. Our capture methods only target beings that are especially or actively dangerous. Nikku went on a rampage when we found her, attacking soldiers and what-forth. We had to partially erase her memory just to get her to calm down. And then we had another creature, a being named Valorie, accidentally destroy an entire pier. We had her captured with no issue and made her formally apologize, take some emotion-controlling classes. As for the others like Pompom and Ace, we made no such move against them. They were not endangering anyone."

"Even so. This is a very fascinating field. I am more than willing to join this organization. Will you have me?" Theo exclaimed.

"Of course. You already have expertise having dealt with this team."

Ace continued munching away, occasionally sighing, trying to keep his emotions at bay.

"I mean, I don't mind it. Do you guys get a lot of guys like me? Forced into these, uh powers?" Radi asked.

"Occasionally. People in your situation tend to isolate and hide. A lot of the beings we deal with were already openly hostile and with powers. Like the ones that attacked you all in that hotel."

"If it's like that I don't mind. But from what I've heard from Nikusa and Nikku I'm not sure."

"If you ever object to anything we do feel free to discuss. I will fully admit that a lot has changed in these recent times. Especially since IRIS began helping us. You would be a good fit too, Radi. You know what it's like to run and lose your normality."

"Then I guess I'm in. When this over. I don't know if I want to return home...or if I even can. But you guys have been some of the nicest people I've ever met."

"I am glad you think so." Updike said happily. He looked to Ace, still gorging himself. "Ace slow down. There needs to be food for everyone."

"S-sorry." He said, hunched over the folding table. "It's just, ugh. I want to get this thing over with. I just, what if they killed Retro? Or tortured him? Or wors-"

"Enough. We know he's alive. You need to stay optimistic." Theo said, cutting him off. "We will find him, I promise you."

-- SIX --

The bus pulled out of farm after dropping two students behind. Both were dressed in their usual clothes. Pomona, a sundress and Static, a winter jacket, despite the warm temperature. Both clutched envelopes with them, seals broken for they had already read the results.

With a bright summer sun above, both were excited to be home. The semester had ended, leaving two months of play and sunshine. Though Static had his own things going on at home, he asked Pomona if he could come over today. He knew the final operation was soon and wanted to wish her good luck.

With a knock at the large door, they didn't need to wait long before they could hear Mackie's scampering at the other side of the door. Next came a screech from afar. Huggy, working in the fields spotted his two best friends. Dropping what he was doing, much to Ronan's annoyance, ripped off his harness and ran after them, easily skipping over the crops.

"Huggy!" Pomona shouted as she raised her arms jumping. Static on the other hand, still wasn't used to Huggy's 'love', flinching as the monster ran to them. He easily scooped them both up, bringing them to Ronan.

"Hi dad!" Pomona said happily as Huggy set them down.

"H-hi, Mister Carrot." Static said, still a little startled.

"How's my little girl? And Static! How are you doing these days?" He carried a pitchfork and stabbed it into the ground as he knelt down and gave Pomona a hug.

"Fine sir." Static said.

"School's out dad! We did it!"

"And you got your report card?" Ronan asked.

A puff of smoke appeared next to Ronan, conjuring up Amelia and Mackie. He jumped at Pomona, easily landing in her arms as he lapped at her.

"Yes, honey. How did you do? Better than last time I hope." She said.

"See for yourself." She said proudly and handed them the paper.

The two studied it, looking over the various letters and teacher comments. "Very good, very good. Mathematics is still a little low, but it's getting better." Ronan said, quoting the comment.

"Well it's better isn't it! I've learned a lot from Static!" She said boasting.

"Still room for improvement, hahaha." Zardy hissed, now making his appearance.

"But it is better, sir!" Static said, speaking up.

"I know, I know. I'm just screwin with ya'. We up for a little practice in the maze right now you two?" Zardy asked. Though he didn't say it he really wanted to give Static a go, enjoying just how much the bot cowered against him.

Static looked at Pomona, worried.

"No, we're gonna go play some video games. We'll do the maze later, right Stat?"

"R-right." He looked away from Zardy's predatorial eyes.

"I'll keep the maze warm, don't you two worry." He said, leaving to finish his duties.

As they walked back to the house, they spoke more. "Man, he still gives me the creeps." Static said.

"Ah, don't worry about him. He's as sweet as a butter tart."

Static sighed. "Hey, Pomona-er-Pompom?"


"With the operation coming up, I er, just wanted to say good luck. To you and your ma."

"Ah thanks! When we get that evil-doer I'll sock him, just for you!"

-- SEVEN --

Updike took another drink of the small cup. Filled with an amber coloured liquid he drank slowly and rarely. He didn't like the taste, only drinking in these kinds of situations.

Him, Abott and Sterling sat in Updike's office, all facing the window, looking at the city's sunset.

It was an informal outing, the three sitting in mascooka chairs, a drink sitting on each of the chair handles.

He sighed as he put the glass down. "You guys this think this is a good idea?" He said aloud.

"What is?" Sterling asked.

"The operation? Yeah I think it's right. You're going after one of the worst offenders in this city. Course it's a good thing." Abott exclaimed. This conversation already happened a few times, Updike's worry about 'values' and 'tradition'; he still hadn't made peace working with Whitty and co.

"Nah." Updike said, picking the glass up idly. "I've got no issues about destroying them. "I just don't know if we can do it."

Abott chuckled.

"You have what, 20 people on your team? And several eldritch-class aboms. You guys are a legit army. Not just some 'crew'."

"I suppose. And of how we stand, our values and working with these beings?"

"I've been thinking about that actually." Abott said, a different response from the last time Updike floated the question.

"Me too." Sterling said. "I think we're gonna have to change how we operate, I mean, there's nothin' normal about any of us."

"Perhaps." Updike put down the glass. "Soon as this is over, we're gonna do some changes." Updike said, staring off into the distance.

A silence fell upon them as they slowly drank. Sterling had something he wanted to ask. With how sentimental the mood was, he felt like asking.

"Updike I was reviewing your footage from your exploration into the Nikusa's void." Sterling said.

"Yes. It was a bloody battle. But necessary." Updike said, still staring out.

"Indeed. I have not seen you fight quite like that in a long time." Sterling laughed before getting quiet. "You mentioned in the fight someone called Julian." He lowered his voice. "Who is Julian? You've said that name before, also when dealing with Whitty."

Updike didn't respond, instead still looking outside.

"If you don't want to talk about it-" Abott started to say but Updike raised his hand. Still staring outside he spoke.

"Julian was a boy I met a on a train many years ago. Innocent and without fault he was cut down. But that's a story I am not ready to tell...That was before I met Whitty."

"Sorry." Sterling.

Updike stood up. "This operation. It's just, ugh. I can't stand waiting around. If I could, I'd march right there with the team and burn it to the ground."

"Heh. Wouldn't that be something." Abott said.

"Well, when you're crawling through those tunnels don't forget about us. We're one phone call away. Won't take much to cause some 'divine intervention'." Sterling said with a laugh.

"I just might."

-- EIGHT --

"Yo, letter from Connor!" Loki shouted as he scanned through the pile of envelopes jammed in the mailbox.

"What's it say?" Kapi asked, sitting on the couch inside. Engaged in a game he paused it as soon as Loki mentioned Connor.

Though Kapi wasn't as torn-up over recent events anymore he still wished for Connor to come back. The three were a trio they hadn't quite got used to just the two of them left. Standing beside Loki, the two anthros read the letter.

They learned Connor was on his way back. The Society not only dropped the charges thanks to Blackjack but allowed him back into the fold. A note about Anders and some relationship with a TGG agent allowed Connor and him to settle, cancelling any issues between them. With no more assassins and no reason to remain in Apollo, Connor was planning to arrive in early July, mere days after the operation. He wished Kapi the best of luck, remarking at how proud he was of him. 'I'm sorry I couldn't make it but I know you'll give them something to cry about.' Connor ended the letter with.

Kapi smiled. He couldn't be any more ready.

Loki give Kapi a playful punch. Kapi already explained to him the team he was on and Loki was enamoured. With a monster, engineering genius, body-builder secret agent and a dragon that could control temperature he couldn't see any way they could lose. "Hell, you guys don't even need the rest of the team. I bet you could walk right up in there and freeze the whole place, chuck the whole Family off the cliff!"

-- NINE --

The Andromedas sat around a plain white dinner table, plates in front of all of them.

Agoti, Aldryx, Solazar and Amora. The first family dinner they had in a while. Agoti had been playing around the city and Solazar and Aldryx embroiled deeply in the planning. With no meeting tonight they found themselves all home.

And they had all just kind of sat down after dishing their food. Nobody had started the conversation, the four eating in silence.

"Well?" Solazar asked, rather awkwardly.

"Oh!" Agoti exclaimed. "We haven't told them about the recent news right?"

"That is right." Solazar said with a nod. "Agoti has officially been enlisted to join as an opener for Parappa the Rapper."

"Really? That's sick bro." Aldryx said, giving a playful punch.

"Who?" Amora asked idly.

"Parappa the Rapper is a world-renown rapper and musician from Japan. Though he's been around for a bit, he's had a massive comeback recently. And he has asked us to be his opener for his tour around the country." Solazar said proudly.

"Yeah, we're gonna be touring all over. Can't wait. Dad's gonna come to."


"So when is this?" Aldryx asked.

"After the operation."

"Heh, no rest for you guys huh?" Amora suggested. Aldryx laughed.

"Nope. But this is gonna be huge, hell maybe bigger than this raid." Agoti said, stuffing some salad into his mouth.

"I actually looked into this Parappa-fellow." Solazar said. "Turns out he has some ties to hell too, though his are very much opposed to the Family."

"Really?" Amora asked.

"Yes. In fact partnering up with him is good. Means after the operation he can keep tabs for us. I suppose we could have contacted him sooner but alas. We are in a good spot."

"You guys gonna ask Tabi to come?" Aldryx asked.

"Been thinkin' 'bout it."

"He probably would. Dude would like a reason to escape the city."

"What about his partner though?" Amora asked. "Haven't you told me he's inseparable from that person?"

"Yeah, that's the only issue." Agoti said.

"Well (Y/N)'s a former cop. Why not just have 'em be head of security or something."

"Whoa. You're a genius! Oh man. So we can take him. Just gotta hope he says yes."

"Pft. I wouldn't be surprised if he asked you." Aldryx said.

"Now now, let's not get too far ahead. We still have this 'concert' to perform first."

"Is everything all ready?" Amora asked.

"Very. I cannot see any way they could blindside us."

"Well. To success and to Agoti's tour." Amora raised a glass.

And they all toasted.

-- TEN --

With his 'resurrection', Displo took charge. Acting as a counter-balance to Updike's strict training and Solazar's commanding, Displo found his niche. He unofficially became a group medic and therapist, acting as a 'easy-going cool uncle' of the group.

Though he had skills as a restaurateur he wasn't the least bit interested in working for Rosie. Instead he resumed his post as the IRIS-TGG ambassador staying at the same halfway house Nikku once stayed at (now re-opened).

He missed cooking though when you brought it up to him, Displo already said he had plans to get a new restaurant.

Being on your way home you decided one day to give him a ride. After all, it was the least you could do. Much as you wanted to talk and fill him in on the last operations he already knew.

Apparently, during those days he was being rebuilt, Updike would come to him and just speak of the team and vent about related issues. Displo knew all about the Whitty-Udpike fight, something only you were even vaguely aware of.

Wracking your mind of topics, there was something you knew you could tell him. "Oh yeah. Updike thinks the Family took out the TCF."

"Hm?" Displo asked. Sitting in the passenger seat he just stared ahead.

"Yeah, said they shared agents, there were connections and stuff to the Family."

"Why are you telling me this?" Displo asked, turning the scene rather awkward.

"I thought you were close to TCF. Into that kind of stuff."

Displo chuckled. "IRIS and TCF had connections between each other, often shared intel. Before I had the restaurant I was a junior agent. One after I was bored and looked into the files one afternoon."

He laughed again. "I got caught by my superiors and, not wanting to risk decommissioning me pretended to be an expert on Trollges."

"You lied?"

"I did then. But to commit myself I read all of the files, becoming an expert on Trollges and the TCF. Around then I proposed to get my own restaurant. But anytime trollges or the TCF came up I would be asked about it. Just funny that even after all this time people still thinks I studied them all my life."

"So you know everything there is to know then."

"What was known to TCF yes. I've never encountered one but they are a depressing bunch. The one IRIS did know of was a father who got corrupted. A tragic story I believe he is still out there."

"Hm. Still interesting stuff. You should tell me when this is over."

"Perhaps. Haha, it hasn't helped me much in my life aside from some reading material before bed. Thank you for reminding me of that. I would say life was simpler then but I think my current standing is simpler."

-- ELEVEN --

Now Playing...

Artist: J. Shetcliffe

Song: Once in New Jerusalem

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yElq7MOC_T4

Stars shone in the sky above. Summer officially arrived, the last night before the big bang. The last meeting had long concluded, everyone departing with a heightened sense of accomplishment and worry. This was it. No backing down now.

You didn't think anyone was planning on backing down but you could tell everyone a little nervous. You and Tabi found yourselves at home, and after a relaxed dinner, Tabi vanished. Checking all the rooms you eventually found him lying on the roof, staring up at the stars, thinking.

He apologized for not inviting you though didn't say much. You could tell he something weighed on him heavy. Though a mishmash of words he asked you to come up top, his eyes turning to a white flame, something which caught you off guard.

So you climbed atop, lay down and stared at the sky above nex t to Tabi.

"You know, if you'd had told me months ago I'd be doing this, I wouldn't be scared of dying. I would go out in a blaze of glory, taking all those monsters with me. And I would be happy." He said, voice creaking on those last words. It sounded like he choked back tears.

"But now. I don't want to die. I want nothing more than to kill all of those people, but I don't want a blaze of glory. I want to live. I don't even care if they don't know I did it."

You weren't sure what to say, and just let your heart do it. "You will. Where's this all coming from?"

"I just can't stop thinking about that. That I was ready to go, That it was it. But after everything I'm just not sure anymore."

"You're...we're gonna get through this. We'll perform like our lives depended on it, get out there and sell out. All of us. There's nothing to be worried about."

In your mind you thank Displo for coming up with that 'concert-talk'. If anyone else was listening they would be none the wiser.

"I never understood how you can be so just, okay with all of this. You're the weirdest cop I've ever met." Tabi said, still staring up.

"Heh, heh. Feeling better?"

"We go in there. Do what we need to but I'm not dying. None of us are."

"I agree."

"Hpmh." Tabi said.

A few minutes passed without any word. A few times he moved and glanced at you, and a few times you did so to. No words exchanged you two were content watching the moon in silence.

"After this. What are we gonna do?" Tabi finally asked.

"Beats me. I'll tell you what though. I'm not going back to the force."

"I'm not going back to stalking around." He mumbled.

You sit up. "I don't know. I doubt the team's gonna stay together after this but who knows? Maybe a few of us will, we form a full on pentest team. I've had a lot of fun doing those mock heists."

"Me too. Did some stupid stuff though. Like when I released that schoolbrat."

"Or when me and Nikku got stuck in the data centre, guards tried to blow the whole thing down."

Both of you laughed, reflecting on the previous operations.

"There's um, something I got asked." Tabi said, now fidgeting. "Agoti's about to go on some big tour after this. Round the country. He's asked if I could go along, you know, pyrotechnics and all that." Tabi said. "I was wondering, if, um, uh, you could come. Be in charge of security, if-if that's okay." He said, looking away.

"Sure man. That sounds fun. I'm down."

He put an arm around you, trying to pull you in to him all slick. Though it failed to be sly, you scoot over, now lying directly next to him.

"Thank you. It's gonna be great for all of us."

Tabi seemed content not to say another word as he and you observed the stars, cuddling.

"When we get face to face with him, you gonna ask him to change you back?"

His reply is instant. "No. This is what I am now. I'm not going back. I want this skull to be the thing that makes them fear me. I accept it."

"I think you look beautiful." You pull him a little closer and he reciprocates.

"I can hardly wait."

Image: https://www.deviantart.com/odaocer/art/Below-the-Stars-1037372912

See you in all in Book 3 - Operation Teardown.


Originally I was going to include Operation Teardown as part of this and make a clean 3 arcs per book. However, as Operation Teardown is 20 chapters long I'm not going to include it here to reach Track 60. So on Friday just check my page and they'll be a third book started (except on AO3, you'll just see the arrow to 'Next Work'.)

I'll conserve my final thoughts and opinions on the whole series for after Operation Teardown.


I will say though. I hope you like boss fights because Operation Teardown has A LOT.

Ended up writing Carol a little more like Charlotte Aulin than I would have liked lol.

I had a lot of fun writing this chapter; just a compilation of short slice of life blurbs before the big event. The last 'chilling' we're gonna get before the big battle.

odaocercreators' thoughts