
Turnabout Teardown: Scornful Summer

You are (your/name) (or Geist), a former cop turned criminal and leader of a group of thieves called The Carnival. You became a leader after being nearly killed when you tried to investigate one of the most powerful families in the city. Now seeking revenge you have started to assemble a ragtag group, ready to conduct the heist of the century. Things had been good lately. A team was assembled and ready. TGG and IRIS had been taken down. We were capable. You are still (your/name), or Geist, a disgraced cop who investigated the 'wrong' people. You've gotten a team, you've found love and you have allies in high places. Enough playing. Time to end this. What could have happened next none of us could have predicted. But let me make one thing clear. They. Will. Pay. Especially for what they have done to us. With the team in tow, a lover who will stick by you forever and a newfound anger you will destroy them, even if it means burning down the whole city. This is book 2, containing a record of the events that occurred in Summer. It covers the following three arcs: Night of Fire, Operation Flashbang & Operation Teardown.

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40 Chs

Track 39 - Before the Storm

You look over the latest draft of the plan. All was done. Every role filled and filed. An entire team all on the same page. A monumental task and, looking back on it now you couldn't believe how it all came together. You even remarked that if Displo could see you know, he'd be proud.

Of course, with the whole team picked out it was now time to rehearse.

You look over the final proposal, listing all teams and rolls.

Team Fortran: Tess, Solazar and Amelia would command and control.

Team Lisp: Nikku, Nikusa and S would enter first, take over the mailroom and surveillance, disable the anti-magic force field and act as watch.

Team Python: You, Tabi, Agoti and Aldryx would enter the vault from the mansion.

Team Zig: Kapi, Huggy, Theodore and Updike would enter from the pipes, rendezvous with Python and assist. Ace would be on standby at the bottom of the cliff, ready to freeze the water if need be.

Team Haskell: Carol, Whitty and Annie would blow up the hellgate and provide any additional distractions.

Team Cobol: Rosie, Radi and Pompom would assist in the memory erasing, getaways and the escape.

A final team member joined, though it was made abundantly clear they weren't going to be helping much in the operation. Botan, that leader of Hololive who battled the 'Circus' after Flashbang. Updike explained it one meeting that she would be assisting Team Fortran in defence of the data centre. Providing lookout she would watch closely for any demons or scouts, sounding the first alarm in case anything tried to attack the data centre. Armed with a sniper rifle she would stand watch over the night. Updike explained she volunteered to help as a favour for TGG helping protect one of her people from the Family.

Kapi asked if they found out why they were attacked. He had no idea, guessing it a case of mistaken identity.

Though the rest of her crew was back in Japan she remarked to Updike, 'Nobody touches my girls and gets away with it.' Though he tried to hide it you swore you saw Tabi's eye sparkle when she arrived.

So thus The Carnival was at its peak. 22 people strong.

Ace, Agoti, Aldryx, Annie, Carol, Huggy, Kapi, Nikku, Nikusa, Pompom, Radi, Rosie, S, Solazar, Tabi, Tess, Theodore, Updike, Whitty and You. Botan and Amelia on standby.

And, despite the already beefy crew you assembled, there stood a number of backup allies and background-workers. The Belladonnas & the Fae, the Seven Deadly Sins, The Greater Good and IRIS, all ready to intervene if need be. Nevermind a crew. You had an army.

A thought crossed your mind that this may be overkill. Though, with this family there was no telling what maniacal, evil and vile things they had planned. Nobody was quite sure what to expect.

Though intel was scarce, Updike obtained what he could. Nothing new aside from one fact about their power consumption.

'We've found that it spikes from midnight to the early morning. We cannot figure out why but we strongly believe they are working on something. Or stealing electricity.'

Whatever it was, nobody had the faintest idea. Not wanting to dwell on what-could-be, that meeting continued with the teams.

Nobody objected to who they were paired with. Even Nikusa who you expected to object to not being with Tabi or Radi shrugged, apparently having taken a liking to Nikku and S.

On standby and for emergencies stood the Seven Deadly Sins. On backup to standby stood TGG's Nightstalkers and the trio. And in a worst case scenario, if the firepower was needed IRIS agreed to send a taskforce.

On the condition of SDS helping, an additional goal was added. Find Retro. With a piece of clothing and Huggy's nose, finding the archdemon was Huggy's goal. After Pompom explained it to him, the monster believed he could do it, patting Ace on the head encouragingly.

You still couldn't believe it. Every single person had a history, some challenge or thing to overcome to join. 3 operations already, all relatively successful and all increasing in risk.

Blindside, Earthquake and Flashbang.

The date was scheduled for the end of June. Just as the summer officially started.

The Carnival vs. The Family.

Performance of the century.

In the final stages of planning many things came up. Various technicalities that during practicing someone would bring up. You didn't write them all down but still can recall each 'issue'.

The final goal. Was it to take all the Family had? Or was it to take them out? And would it be a temporary death or a one-way trip to hell?

Tabi, Whitty, Agoti, Updike and some others all believed it in everyone's best interest if there were sent back to hell, 'where they belong', PERMANENTLY.

Carol, Nikku, Tess, Kapi and some others believed that taking their money and even trashing the joint would be satisfactory. That despite their violent tendencies they just needed to be taught a lesson, so they could understand justice.

It led to a divide on the team 'if' the Family had any good in them at all. During one of the earlier meetings Carol vowed they did, stating Girlfriend and her older sister as proof they could create good.

They weren't part of the game, nor did they engage in crime (aside from Tess claiming Girlfriend didn't pay for her bill). They were innocent and did good across the city. Rosie stuck up for Girlfriend, stating that she helped her cafe get back on its feet and that even after Daddy's war against the Fae, stayed on her side.

The first proposal was to just leave them alone. Their parents and siblings had to 'atone' for what they did but as for Boyfriend, Girlfriend and her big sister. They were innocent. Annie still wanted her answers and claimed if she saw them that she'd find out.

You weren't sure what you believed. Revenge was necessary, you agreed there. And some time in hell could do them good. Or maybe just robbing them would show consequence. As for Girlfriend, you saw it as proof that Family could change. In an attempt to scare you, Tabi explained the various things they did to Boyfriend. And, despite Boyfriend overcoming each obstacle stayed steadfast with Girlfriend, finally being accepted into the Family. The older sister too didn't display any evil of the sort, not once embracing the darkness. As rare as it was, they had some good in them.

The possibility arose that if they did lose their money and the gate, would they just return to Hell or be trapped here on Earth? Trapped with us, it wouldn't bode well for anyone, especially if they figured out what the crew did.

Living your life on the run didn't seem appealing. Updike had an answer for that. He re-assured you that 'demonic psychology' was similar to a pack of wolves. If shown to be the alpha they would back off, permanently, like a school bully in awe of a pissed off father.

"If we pull this off. They will never attack us again." Updike said proudly.

You couldn't bring yourself to believe that. They were vultures. It wouldn't be like them to just bow and give up. Or would it? Not convinced on 'demonic psychology', you reached out to the one demon you were on cordial terms with. Blackjack. Though when you showed up to the Arcade, the staff claimed they still hadn't seen or heard from him in a while.

Still curious, you asked Updike if he could ask Sarventes. Strangely enough he said he couldn't find her. She'd vanished or escaped from the prison; that not even Selever or Ruv knew her location. An investigation was in full-swing, though Updike swiftly reminded you that was TGG business and not to poke your nose in it.

Not perturbed in the slightest you knew one more demon. Zardy. Under the pretext of hand-delivering Huggy, you made your way to the Carrot Farm. You were half-expecting him to have gone too, but, nay, you found him on the farm, tilling the land away, hoe in hand.

He agreed with Updike's analysis, stating that "if you pull this off, take it all and show you aren't to be fucked with, they will run scared! Your cloudy 'friend', is right." Curious about Blackjack and Sarventes you ask their locations. Zardy just shrugged, saying "if they aren't walkin' this earth then they're down below"". Asking why, Zardy continued. "Demons go back home for whatever reason. They probably got called or something. I can't explain it. You mortals wouldn't understand."

It at least put you a little at ease. Tabi didn't see the issue, stating 'if they wanna come at me, I'll throw 'em everything I got. I'm not scared of them. I'll send them back as many times as I need'.

Even then, Pompom's role with her mother would be casting the biggest spell of her life. A massive, compound-wide, memory erasing spell. It would wipe 4 hours away, likely covering the entire operation. The only caveat being if any of the Family were to be slain or sent back to hell, that the spell would not work on them. But, as Solazar suggested, "we aren't supposed to be killing here." Couple that with S planting a decoy and erasing all their security footage there would be no record of the Carnival.

If all successful they wouldn't even know who hit them.

That part of the plan was also the shakiest. To boost the magic, Solazar explained that antennae would need to be set up across the compound during the operation. You were given some to put on the roof, Nikusa some to put in the surveillance room and western outskirts, Annie for the hellgate and the eastern outskirts, Updike for the underground, Agoti had one the top of the manor and Solazar for top of the data centre. While placing them would be easy you didn't expect them to last the night. Surely any patrolling demon would take one look and sound alarms? Despite your worry, Solazar, Carol, S and Nikusa all explained that worst case they could probably boost the spell themselves, using the Compound's magic-forcefield as a booster. However true their words were, it finally put you at ease.

With the team assembled all it took now was preparing for any uncertainties and ensuring all possible surprises covered. With Flashbang nobody was in serious danger. At most there would have been arrests and a lot of legal trouble. With this operation, death would most certainly occur if caught. The Family did not play and would see no reason to not kill on sight.

During that conversation someone asked if they were captured, what the plan would be. Before the team could be divided on the ethics of abandoning each other, Updike stood up and spoke for everyone. 'We are not leaving anyone behind. As we are funded partly by The Greater Good we should follow their protocol. No one person left behind.' A technical excuse, nobody argued against it. Heads looking to each other nobody intended to leave anyone behind. If there were captured, another goal would be added to find and free them.

Another key difference between this and the last 3 operations, was that the crew wouldn't be dealing with typical security guards nor the same security systems.

Demons and nothing but demons patrolled the grounds. The Family had security systems but they all ran demonic-tech; something very few knew anything about. Updike and IRIS only had vague documentation on the systems. Even S had to put in some practice to learn how to port into them. In addition to weird systems and tons of demons, the Family also boasted a proud collection of 'hellhounds', rabid red dogs from the pits of Hades which acted as auxiliary defence.

Much to Kapi's astonishment, S suggested he open the kennels and let them loose, causing mayhem across the compound. What Kapi thought a simple joke, Updike took as an idea, agreeing to it in case a distraction was needed.

Guard posts lined the grounds too, demons occupying each. In those posts, anti-magic emitters which automatically neutralized a few members. Carol, Pompom, Amelia and others would not be able to cast while active. Though S intended to shut down the forcefield it wasn't known if doing so would shut down those emitters.

Another potential caveat arose too. The Family had friends in all sorts of places. There was no telling who or what would be waiting in the Compound on the day of attack.

The question of police came up too, brought up by Theo. Tabi tried his best to explain without being condescending but stated there would be no way the Family would call the police. That it would make them look weak if they needed to rely on some external force.

Thinking back on it now, the question of if anyone would betray the crew never once came up. You spoke with Tabi about it later who laughed, realizing the massive blindspot. "Nobody on our team would've been stupid enough to flip." He commented after a hearty chuckle. "Maybe Kapi but he was too in deep with us."

Carol, with her close relationship to Girlfriend posed a potential risk. Worried, you and Tabi cornered Whitty one meeting about it. He laughed. "She would never betray her roots to them. Look. I live with her. The things I've heard her say about that family...geez. Let's just say you'd think she was the demon."

"What was that hun?" Carol asked, returning to the room.

Whitty blushed and quickly made up an excuse.

With Boyfriend and Girlfriend back on the mind, the team once again came upon the question of those two. Carol put forth a proposal to warn them about the upcoming operation, backed by Kapi, Rosie and Agoti.

Carol vehemently argued that Girlfriend would not only be for it but would even volunteer information to the crew. (un)Fortunately too many on the team were against bringing them in to the fold to have it considered. Carol and Kapi later suggested that they get their friends to take Boyfriend and Girlfriend for a night on the town or something, get them out of the compound for the duration of the operation. Kapi even suggested Tabi use Ayana and get them to Apollo for the week.

Annie strongly opposed that idea, still demanding that she wanted answers.

In the end, no progress was made and the aforementioned rule stuck. They are off-limits for everyone excluding Annie. Only fight if they engage you or ring alarms. Use your own judgement.

It also further confirmed your theory about no rats being on the team. Surely a double-agent would've exploited that divide on the team.

The question of 'reward-splitting' came up next. Just how much money did the Family have? And how would it be split? Did they even have all their money in that vault?

Tabi, Updike and a few others believed they did. Whitty stated that if by some chance the vault turned up empty asked if the crew could blow the place to smithereens. Nobody opposed that except Carol who asked to at least get Girlfriend and Boyfriend off the premises first...which then Annie started arguing with her about.

Updike, with his 'demonic psychology degree' claimed the Family must have kept all their money in the vaults. That, according to them, 'what's the point of having so much money if you can't see it in one spot?' He said that demons keep their wealth visible to them, like a dragon guarding their horde. Even added a statement about demons not liking banks because they own the money then. You wish you could have asked Blackjack about it, with him being a casino-owner but alas, still presumably in hell.

Curious about Updike's claim, you later got on a call with Zardy about it. When asked about what his treasure was he gave a hearty laugh and responded. "Ain't it obvious? This farm and the people here are my treasure. S'why I defend them so."

A sentimental answer but he agreed with Updike. They must have had their fortunes in that vault.

Either way, the split would be decided after seeing just how much could be taken out. The question of 'washing' the money came up next.

Solazar quickly solved that. "I can exchange any gold, artefacts or money in outer space. I have connections. Earth is not the only place gold matters."

Rosie, through her connections to the 'Underground' said she could fleece whatever needed too.

Ace also added he, through the Seven Deadly Sins could do something with it too. Kapi even added that knew Blackjack could launder it as well, himself having connections to various casinos.

With the amount of 'money laundering' connections everyone had all of a sudden had you figured people would be fighting over that instead of the money.

For nearly all of the team, money wasn't the concern. Nobody joined the team to get some quick bucks. Most did it out a sense of revenge (Tabi, you and Rosie), some did it for fun (Pompom, Kapi and Theodore), and some didn't understand/care about motives (S and Huggy) and some did it out of sense of duty (Updike and Carol).

Nikku, rather sombrely got worried that if the heist were successful that Girlfriend would become poor. Updike quashed those concerns, stating he had looked into her boyfriend. "He comes from a powerful family too. His sister is a famous pop singer in Japan. Money is the least of their concerns, believe me."

Tess agreed, stating she knew of this sister as well. "She's loaded."

S suggested the crew rob them next, though unlike The Family, Boyfriend's Family hadn't harmed anyone. At least, not all of them, as Annie quickly brought up.

Another question came up about how to open the vault. While everyone had a multitude of guesses, ultimately Carol confirmed how it worked. Voice-operated, just as Tabi thought. With Nikku and a phone, cracking into the vault would be trivial.

Tabi sighed at that, really wanting to use the white phosphorous he got from that salesman. Saddened, he vowed to keep it safe for some future battle, stating it would 'be good for a rainy day' to you.

The next question was how best to practice. Updike revealed his final trick here. That he had a simulation room in TGG's headquarters that could help replicate the Compound; that with it the team could practice more realistically than ever.

Finally, a name for the operation was needed. Ultimately you came up with it, the rest of the team agreeing.

Operation Teardown.

After the first meeting of everyone, Nikusa asked to speak with you and Tabi alone. It was about Tabi's birthday. She apparently had a present but when she turned up at your house that day, you two were out.

Most of the crew had dispersed already, the only people aside from you three being Updike and Radi, the former cleaning up MALLEUS.

Nikusa stood tall, not preferring to sit down at the table. With a malicious grin she just smiled and handed Tabi a gift box, perfectly wrapped with a bow. Tabi had no expectations, fully expecting it to be either a joke or something to piss him off. While he mellowed out over the time you known him, he knew whatever it was, wouldn't phase him.

With the careful undoing of the ribbon and checking if it were a bomb, the box opened. In it, a tape recorder with a tape inside. Playing the tape back raised a ton of questions.

In clear quality played an exact recording of the Family's secret meeting. The same tape that had been dropped of weeks prior to TGG. The same one Updike presented when the Night of Fire ended. The same night nearly everyone was attacked.

Updike stopped what he was doing, a look of surprise on his face.

"Like it? Radi and I wiretapped the family bit ago. Meant to give it to you as a present but life got in the way." Nikusa said, a wicked smile on her face. "Knew how into the Family you were, figured you wanna hear it for yourself."

"You knew they would attack us?" Tabi asked quietly.

"Through the symbolism yes."

"And you did nothing?"

"Hmm? I went to your tree that night. Nothing there but a wannabe badass and that fairies' crew. And we took him out."

"What about Agoti?" He asked again, quieter.

Nikusa shrugged. "Went to his house that night too. Saw him sleeping, figured they weren't going after him so I dipped. Knew you were getting all buddy-buddy with weatherboy here so I had someone drop the tape off."

"Whatever." Tabi muttered as he pushed away, more annoyed than anything. You found yourself more angry than Tabi was. That Nikusa knew the Night of Fire was coming, that she could have prevented it, that she could have saved Displo. It all came out, along with a bunch of expletives.

She just shrugged, uncaring. "I didn't know about your 'crew'. Not my problem. Plus Radi and I did raid there place few weeks back too." Radi went wide-eyed at your explosive response, himself not understanding what the problem was.

Tabi calmed you down. "Thank you Nikusa." He said deadpan.

"You like it?"

"We'll play it again when we beat those blyats." Tabi spat.

"Hell yeah we will!" Nikusa shouted.

"How in the world did you wiretap them?" Updike asked as he stood up from MALLEUS.

"Radi and I got our secrets. Wasn't that hard anyways. They liked me. Just had Radi set up the receivers."

"Did you get anything else from them?" Updike asked.

"What? One tape not enough?"


"Hmph. But no. I don't have anything. They took out our tap. Believed it was the cops too."

It was relieving to hear the cops weren't on good terms but it still annoyed you that Nikusa knew.

"Coulda saved Displo." You mumble.

"I wouldn't worry about Displo." Updike said.

"Hm?" You asked.

"Nothing in particular. Just don't feel sorry for him." Updike said.

The hell was that supposed to mean?

You were left wondering for a few days what exactly that meant.

The latest meeting had concluded for the day, another round of planning, another set of rehearsals. It wouldn't have been noteworthy had the meeting not been dispersed strangely.

Updike requested that you, Tabi, Kapi, Agoti, Pompom, Huggy, S, Nikku and Tess stay back. A strange combo of people.

The meeting already bared a surprise today that unsaid, put you on edge. S and Theo arrived to the meeting last, S strutting in alongside him. Yes, strutting, physically. Eyes glowing, a metal exoskeleton enshrining him and the same twisted smile. No dripping blood it was painted on and sparkled under the bar room's lights. He walked with such bravado one would have thought him the leader. Theo did it. Made the monster a body. Not wanting to damage the room he only gave a minute demonstration of his new abilities.

Rocket-boots, missiles, a carbon-enforced body, 360 vision, EMP and signal boosters all wrapped together under a sick mind. He was on the same playing level now, and if he wasn't already on your side you would have been terrified. Even Updike was worried, you could see it on his face. Terrifying to say the least.

As the others left, Updike stood up, shuffling anxiously a bit. It was the most nervous you had ever seen him.

"I called you all specifically because, excluding Tess you were the core team of the Carnival. You all, and to a lesser extent, Dalia and Ayana were the ones that raided my tower, effectively changing the course of my own organization.

"Well, not everyone." S said snarkily. "Missing tinman."

"Indeed. It was his untimely fate that helped steer the course of the team. That is precisely why I brought you all here today."

Without saying another word, Updike stepped out of the room, coming back a few minutes later holding something.

A sheet cake covered in a white icing and sprinkles. He placed it on the table, putting a knife and pile of paper plates beside it.

"What's this about?" Tess asked.

"You shall see." Updike said as he fidgeted with something in his pocket. A tube of red icing.

Everyone watched perplexed as he piped out some words onto the cake. Though sloppily written, the message read clearly.

Now Playing...

Artist: Lui37

Song: Ice Snow Map

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlDYfBJYi8w


"Best I can do." Updike muttered as he placed the tube onto the table.

You understood and held your breath, hoping you were right. You looked to the entrance, watching as the door opened. Tess picked up on it next and looked as well. The others reacting slowly.

Someone entered the room. "I hope I am not too late."

He had a gold television for a head, screen displaying a test pattern of colours. While he preferred a vest he wore a full on white suit this time, tailor made to match his slim and tall build. A red bow covered his neck, replica of the same one he used to wear.

"D-Displo?" Tess sputtered. She jumped off her chair and raced to him. "DISPLO!" She screamed as she charged him, arms open. He knelt down slightly and opened his arms.


They embraced, Tess holding as tightly as she could.

Huggy watched, perplexed. It took him a second to process it, originally not fully understanding where Displo had gone. Pompom couldn't figure out how to explain it to him after the Night of Fire, unsure if Huggy even understood death. Regardless, Pompom didn't believe it herself. Displo was a robot. Couldn't there just have been a backup?

Eventually Huggy did understand though if he mourned, Pompom did not notice it. Seeing Displo again he let out a scream and ran at them, pulling both Displo and Tess into a hug, cooing ever so loudly.

"You're back!" Pompom shouted next, joining Tess and Huggy in the hug.

You were at a loss for words, the most surprised out of anyone.

"Is it really you?" Tabi asked incredulously.

"It is. I understand your scepticism but I assure you it is me. Displo, IRIS agent and former restaurateur."

"But how?!" Tess shouted. "I SAW THE NEWS. I SAW-"

"I really did perish, Tess."

"Nah, that's really him!" S shouted, having scanned Displo briefly. "Man I really thought you were a goner!"

Nikku felt a little joy bubble inside her upon seeing Displo. They only spoke briefly a few times but she always felt he was on her side. Even during those lonely weeks he still checked up daily with her. In one instance, he vented to her about TGG.

Kapi and Agoti were surprised but the both felt it made sense. They gave him some praise. Tabi was the only one who said nothing.

"I am so proud of you all." Displo said looking over the team.

He felt wayward looking at Displo. Tinman being here complicated things. Tabi meant for a bullet to Daddy, specifically to avenge Displo. Now that the robotic butler was here now, it changed things. He wasn't sure what to feel. You put a hand on his shoulder, causing him to tense up.

"He's back. But this don't mean it's over." You tell Tabi.

He shivers but leans into you. "They'll still pay."

"So how are you alive?" You spoke up. "You died. Me and Tabi. We saw the restaurant."

Giving them some space, Huggy and Pompom let go. Tess let Displo go too as she wiped away oily tears. She couldn't believe it herself. Nevermind The Family, Displo was alive! They failed! They didn't kill him! She was overjoyed.

Displo cleared his throat. "I was assailed by Mommy during that wretched night. They left me for dead. That night, as I sent the warnings to everyone, I started to upload my consciousness to IRIS and TGG servers. The spy in IRIS deleted them but TGG obtained some of the data."

Displo looked around. He felt back home, even though this was not his restaurant.

"And during Earthquake, unbeknownst to me, Updike copied my matrix. So in the aftermath it was Updike who tried to combine the copy of me and my partially uploaded memory.

Suffice to say it was a near impossible process, taking a long time. You can thank The Greater Good's S.A.N. team. They worked overtime to de-duplicate and correct my data. Through IRIS schematics they rebuilt me, though I am slightly different. No offense, Updike, I really do not like this suit, I shall be returning to my casual wares next time."

"Heh." Updike mumbled.

"I also have a solar core now, meaning I am stronger than before. I can even charge under sunlight. But enough about me. I was given a full summary of recent events and the team. I for one am impressed at that prison break you commanded. Excellent job."

You get up and walk to Displo.

"Welcome back." You put your hand out.

"It's good to be back (Y/N). And to see you again Tess. And to see you all again. I trust they have been treating you all right?"

Tess nodded, still in disbelief and joy Displo was standing in front of her.

Displo shook your hand, a tight but firm handshake.

"You're still wearing my suit? (Y/N), I am honoured."

You smile back.

Displo stood up and clapped his hands together.

"Well everyone. As you can see I baked you a sheet cake. Nothing fancy as I am still rusty." Displo said with a snicker.

The cake paled in comparison to Displo's return. He was back, and the technical mind he possessed was sharper than ever.

He introduced himself in the later days as both the newest and one of the oldest member of the team, confirming him as an additional CO, part of Team Fortran, replacing Amelia. She preferred it, not wanting to be centre stage, insisting she just observe the operation, that Pompom was strong enough.

As the days went by a sense of familiarity fell over the team. Through chance or has-it the team grew accustomed to each other. One meeting Solazar suggested a team-building exercise, though with the training and 'rehearsals' everyone already knew each other well. You weren't sure if this team would exist after Teardown, but if the group ever needed to reform, it would be easy.

The final chapter will be called Last Save Point.

Beta Notes.

1. One of the scenarios for the planning would have been to crash a banquet the Family was hosting. With them busy entertaining it would have been determined that their vault security would be weak. I'll elaborate on that more in the future.

2. I was originally thinking of bringing back Displo even later but decided this would be a good spot. Plus, there was way too much going on in the final operation anyways. 

I forgot to add Ace's character card last chapter. I've since added it. Can't believe I forgot the final character card!

odaocercreators' thoughts