
Turnabout Teardown: Scornful Summer

You are (your/name) (or Geist), a former cop turned criminal and leader of a group of thieves called The Carnival. You became a leader after being nearly killed when you tried to investigate one of the most powerful families in the city. Now seeking revenge you have started to assemble a ragtag group, ready to conduct the heist of the century. Things had been good lately. A team was assembled and ready. TGG and IRIS had been taken down. We were capable. You are still (your/name), or Geist, a disgraced cop who investigated the 'wrong' people. You've gotten a team, you've found love and you have allies in high places. Enough playing. Time to end this. What could have happened next none of us could have predicted. But let me make one thing clear. They. Will. Pay. Especially for what they have done to us. With the team in tow, a lover who will stick by you forever and a newfound anger you will destroy them, even if it means burning down the whole city. This is book 2, containing a record of the events that occurred in Summer. It covers the following three arcs: Night of Fire, Operation Flashbang & Operation Teardown.

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40 Chs

Track 34 - 2 Seconds To Armageddon

Updike sighed yet again. He lost count of the times he'd sighed on this trip. He didn't want to be here. He especially didn't want to be here accompanied by the others. The same three thoughts cycled through in his head as he stared aimlessly at his phone. The screen shut off ages ago and he didn't power it back on.

This was a bad idea.

Whitty was his 'turf'.

How dare they force him into this.

Those same three thoughts repeated over and over again, providing something to keep his mind from wandering. He sighed again.

Early evening stood the time. Around dinner, it had been decided to instead meet Whitty, get his (dis)approval then depart for the night. Solazar left a message that he would wish to meet him first, already peeved that Annie joined under his nose. That meeting would occur Monday.

Updike sat in the back of a TGG shock van, one meant for transporting and deploying teams. The driver was obscured except for a bulletproof window which showed his head. Updike sat on one of the benches, not buckled in, because if the car got into a collision it would be the car that be destroyed, not him.

Across from him sat Tess, her armor a different colour. While she always had a bright green metallic outfit it was now a darker green, her eyes lighting up far brighter than the armour's colour. Just this morning she had no idea she could change her colours at will, learning it before they could paint her.

She found she had such an ability like a chameleon. Upon discovery, S christened her Espio, a reference that was lost on everyone, including Tabi and yourself (despite having just met the real Epsio days prior).

Next to Tess sat Kapi, twiddling his thumbs. Unlike the others he was decked out in TGG armor, the helmet sitting on the bench with him. Updike had convinced him put on the uniform after repeatedly describing Whitty's 'vile crimes'. The police report didn't help either, further depicting Whitty as some sort of psychopath. As much as Kapi refused to admit he was worried the Whitmore he once knew was nothing like the current one. He was torn between Updike's claims and his own personal experiences having re-met Whitty day's prior.

He still believed part of Whitty was good and that was the justification he was unarmed.

Across from Kapi, sat Abott, one of the three leaders of The Greater Good. A 'fallen' angel, he, along with another and Updike ruled TGG as equals. Up until recently anyways. Updike had begun to dedicate his time to the Carnival, making sure everyone stayed safe and no legal hurdles were felt. The other two ran the actual company as well as helped out IRIS now.

This had actually been the first time Updike had spent any extended amount of time with Abott in weeks. He was too annoyed to care though.

Like Updike he was considered an 'abomination'. He had one large blue eye that occupied the centre of his face. Thin feathers covered his entire head. Near the top of his cranium two wings emerged from either side. Although they weren't strong enough to lift him; spread far enough that he could completely cover his face.

Around his eye circled a yellow ring of feathers, a similar patch appeared in the bottom centre of his jaw.

Hanging from his ears, a large gold hoop earing on each. If Updike was feeling particularly mean he would have commented on how they were really handles but they would've just been mean-spirited. Abott was not as wide as Updike but somehow stood even taller than the cloudman.

While Updike wore his trademarked suit, Abott dressed more casually, opting for a black turtleneck and black jacket upon that. He dressed more to observe art then track down some 'serial bomber'.

Abott had been informed of the plan. He already knew the team's true goal and welcomed it. He was also the one who revealed to Updike that he knew where Whitty was. It did nothing but make him angry, but he didn't complain much. He suspected Abott knew. After all, it was Abott's intervention that Updike was forced off the case.

Abott in particular chose to go. Back then he said that Updike had become too obsessive, taking the case too personally and thereby violating TGG's rules. As Whitty wasn't actually breaking any crimes Sterling and Abott forced Updike to stop looking into him. Said 'you are becoming the thing you vowed to destroy'. It was a tough time for the three of them.

Updike dared not think it but deep down it was Abott's presence he didn't want around right now. Tess and Kapi he could manipulate. Abott he couldn't control, nor would he stand for Updike's tactics. It was your idea to have Updike bring one of his equals and Updike spent a lot of time trying to think if it was because you too realized this fact.

Abott knew that very well, even explaining to Tess and Kapi a bit of the 'Whitmore incident', how their rivalry drove each to a breaking point, putting many innocent people at risk.

Kapi and Tess had been quiet, occasionally talking to themselves. Kapi didn't have much to say to Abott, having stared at his one eye too long, Abott asking 'what're you looking at?'. Kapi sheepishly apologized and looked away.

The vehicle stopped long after the four had stopped keeping track of time.

"This is the drop off point. Call me when ready for pickup." The driver said. "Good luck for the Greater Good!" He proclaimed.

"Please stop trying to make that a thing." Updike whispered to Abott.

Clearing his through, Updike took control of the situation. "We follow my orders. This is a class zilla abomination, far more dangerous than anything you have dealt with. I shall go first."

Abott ignored the orders and instead got up and unlocked the door, stepping out into the early summer evening.

"We aren't capturing him though. We just need to talk to him."

"Well he's very skittish."

"Hm." Abott said lazily. "I wonder why."

"Quiet you."

"I'll go. He knows me anyways." Kapi got up and skipped out the truck.

Updike and Tess stepped out; Updike annoyed nobody listened to his orders.

Kapi looked around. Presently they stood in a motel parking lot. A two-floor building, almost encircling the lot. Each and every room looked exactly the same. Same plastic chair out front, faded green door, mailbox and buzzer just next to it. A lamp stat to the side of them though most were out.

The only difference was the numbers scribed upon the doors and the different ways each door decayed. Suffice to say the motel had seen better days.

It stood in a touristy area of town, and even though the parking lot was dead, people were walking around the perimeter, passing the motel onto more enticing buildings. Various attractions, casinos, museums, oddities, and the coveted boardwalk all sat nearby.

Updike understood the significance. Hard to catch someone if they lived in a place as public as this.

"No." Updike said to Kapi. "You'll get yourself killed. And put your helmet on. We cannot be seen."

Satisfied the driver took off, turning onto some back street, out of sight.

"Fine." Kapi put the helmet on, easily covering his furry head.

"I think the little guy has a point." Abott chimed in. "Better to send someone friendlier towards him than you."

"We haven't confirmed he knows the target yet."

"Gosh, stop being such a stuck-up." Kapi said annoyed. "I literally went to school with him. Why would I even lie about that? Bro I saw him a few days ago!"

"Whatever. Send him in then." Updike shrugged. He looked to Abott. "Well which is it?"

"Suite 811."

Kapi marched off, climbing the stairs as he ran up. Tess went along with him, much to Updike's annoyance.

Leaving the two leaders alone, Abott saw fit to question Updike. "You know, if you really don't want to do this you don't have to."

"I do. They have made it clear they want him." Updike sighed. "And even if not, I cannot fault that he would be adequate for the mission."

"...Because you expect him to be killed."

"What I think doesn't matter-"

"Relax. Gosh. Just play along, make a team happy." Abott said.

Waiting a second, Abott changed the subject. "Ha! Still can't believe you're a team with abominations, especially one that broke out. Really unlike you. Still torn up about that robot?"

"He wasn't just some robot. He was the nicest and most respectful IRIS agent I have ever met. He was one of us. Speaking of which, how is his state?"

"They're gettin there. Shame though, sounds like my kinda guy."

Peering at the door close up only solidified how dingy the place was. Cracks in the door, chipped paint, a handle Tess knew she could easily break off. The place wasn't in disrepair, but it was clear rent wasn't funding the place.

It served to make Kapi a sadder at Whitty's state. The way he understood Abott, TGG caused all of this.

Kapi knocked on the door, only realizing there was a buzzer later.

There was no immediate response, although he could have sworn he heard someone sigh.

Kapi and Tess knocked again. "Whitty?" Kapi asked.

Again there was no response.

"Target is on the move." Updike said from the comlink. He took immediately, running off, a white boulder. Annoyed, Abott followed him, taking flight.

"I told you this was a stupid idea." Updike cursed through the comlink. Kapi, not wanting to be left behind ran after and jumped off the second floor, leaving Tess to her lonesome.

On the ground Updike gave orders. "Abott will cover the skies. I am heading towards his position. Kapi, make way across the street and try to cut him off. Tess. Stay put in case he circles back."

Tess ignored it. "This is a bad idea. We aren't trying to catch him!"

"I warned you he was skittish!" Updike shouted. Tess watched as Kapi ran onto the street, following Updike's orders.

She had much better hearing than Kapi and could hear someone on the other side of the door. Trying the handle she found it unlocked. Carefully she pushed it open, peering her head in. The lights were on, and it showcased a simple living room, no one present.

At least, Tess thought so before she heard a gun cock next to the door, aimed at her head. "Ah!" Tess shouted. "Don't shoot! I didn't know anyone was in here, sorry!"

"Don't move, er. Tess?" A familiar voice asked. Suddenly the gun was put away and the door opened, Tess now seeing in fully. Standing in front of her, with a confused look on her face was some woman.

Tess recognized her instantly, even recalling her name. She always said hello when eating at her cafe, a regular customer.

"C-carol, right? You were Whitty's girlfriend."

Standing at about Tess' height stood Carol. She had curly black hair that he been stylized into an afro. It curled around her head, stopping around dark eyes and puffing around, like Updike's hair did, albeit not covering her dark skin.

Though summer she dressed warmly wearing a grey t-shirt and lighter grey long sleeve under it.

"Still am. The hell are you doing here? I thought your restaurant blew up."

Below her shirt were jean shorts and black, thigh-high socks, white stripe present along the top. She wielded a shotgun, holding it at her side.

"I-it did." Tess cleared her throat. "I-i'm looking for Whitty. Is he around?"

Despite being inside, she wore her black and white sneakers, though Tess guessed it was cleaner in those than the motel.

"Heh, what do you think? Those your friends outside?"

"Yes! But not like that. We just want to talk to him. Lemme explain."

"Cut him off!" Kapi ran across the street, ducking traffic. There was a fortunate break in the foot traffic, so Kapi didn't have to worry about being embarrassed.

He ducked into an alley between two restaurants. Out of breath he panted in the darkness. Can't see out of this stupid helmet. He thought. Aside from some light from the street he couldn't see much here. "This is so stupid." He spat. "Never wanted to do-" Someone grabbed Kapi and slammed him against the restaurant wall, holding him by the throat, off the ground.

"It's over for you." Kapi's eyes went wide as he saw his assailant's hand light up, a red spark glowing in it.

Recognizing the voice, Kapi started to panic. "Whitty! Relax it's me! It's me! I'm not armed!"

"Huh?" The grip on Kapi's throat lessened. Knowing what he had to do, Kapi struggled and unbuckled the helmet, throwing it off. He hoped Whitty still recognized him.

"It's me Kap-" Whitty put a hand on Kapi's mouth, shushing him. He held Kapi still as someone ran by, either Updike or Abott. It was too fast to tell.

"Keep your voice down." Whitty said in the darkness.

Once clear Whitty took his hand off Kapi, whispering angrily at the catboy. "What the hell are you doing here? How did you find me? Why are you working with that psycho?!"

"I need your help!" Kapi whispered back.

"What?" Whitty asked, now confused.

"There you are." Updike said tersely. His frame blocked out the alley, casting a shadow over it. He drew something from his pocket.

"Just me and you and..." Updike saw Kapi and sighed. He put back what he drew.

"We just want to talk." Kapi said, still being held up by Whitty.

"With him?"

Kapi nodded. "Well, sort of. He's not the leader."

"Uh-uh. No way am I going anywhere with that guy. I don't have time for this Updike." Whitty spat. "You get out of here or else."

"Is that a threat?

"Damn right. Get the hell out of here."

"Hmph. Panzy like you would take the easy way out." Updike said, sarcastically.

Whitty threw Kapi down, turning his eyes to Updike. Though he'd seen him in the arcade, being even closer he got a better look at how Whitmore had changed, taking it in now.

He was tall and skinny fat, though nowhere near Updike's level. He was more average than anything, just really tall. He wore a simple navy-blue hoodie which contrasted his light brown pants and orange running shoes. It looked as if he was wearing black latex gloves but those were part of his defining feature.

His skin wasn't 'skin'. It was made out of some smooth black material that bombs were made of. His head too was shaped exactly round, like a bomb, complete with a wick at the top. Kapi recalled it would light up when he was angry, though it the spark never got closer to the wick.

Kapi guessed that his face, though currently glaring at Updike were the same as he'd once seen them. Two large glowing orange eyes, no visible nose and a mouth that was only visible when he spoke.

He and the other kids back then had never learned why he was like that. But he was so cool that they didn't tease him for it.

"I'm sick of running from you. You're a dead man."

"Oh? Bring it on you two-bit punk."

Whitty jumped at Updike, the two immediately devolving into a fist fight on the block. Kapi was dumbfounded, unsure how to go about breaking it up. Both were larger and stronger than he; and some curious eyes were watching the two brawl. They dragged their fight into the alley, Kapi having to back up as they fought.

Kapi whispered into the comlink. "Guys, I need help! They've both lost it!"

Updike tried to draw whatever he did earlier, but Whitty knocked it out of the way, the gun landing near Kapi. He grabbed it.

"I'll blow this whole city block up you psycho!" Whitty spat.

As Whitty wailed on him, Updike used his free hand and socked Whitty right in the stomach. The force was enough to knock him back. Updike got up, wiping some saliva from his mouth.

Just before he could grab Whitty into a bear hug a lightning bolt shot down, incinerating a piece of trash on the ground. They both froze up.

"Can you two stop killing each other for one second!" Someone said angrily.

"S-sorry, babe." Whitty said meekly. Updike turned to see Carol hovering at the alley entrance now sporting two large white wings. On her back, holding on for dear life was Tess.

"I thought we had a deal Updike!" Carol said angrily.

Carol lowered her and Tess to the ground, Tess jumping off. Just behind them stood Abott.

"This is unbecoming of you Gabriel." Abott said disappointed.

"He threatened me!" Updike said.

"I do not care. Let's go."

"What the hell are you doing Whitty? With all these people around? What were you thinking?!" Carol said, going to the bomber.

Whitty just hung his head in shame.

Kapi got up, going to Tess.

"Now we're going to settle this like adults." Carol said, leading the group back to the apartment.

Updike and Abott walked last, allowing everyone to get ahead. When they were out of earshot, one of Abott's wing's smacked Updike upside the head.

"It's like you've forgotten our whole motto. Just what is so special about him?" Abott said icily.


The motel didn't offer very large apartments, though the one living room / kitchen hybrid fit everyone well enough. The furniture was dated, ancient recliner, couch that seemed in good shape but was one jump from collapsing, a bean bag chair, the newest object in the apartment and a soft green wallpaper solidifying the aesthetic.

Updike stood by the door, as if guarding it. Whitty stood at the opposite end of the room, leaning against a wall next to the back door. Both were still tense.

That left Kapi, Carol and Tess in the middle on a green couch and beanbag. Abott stood nearby though he was more focused on Updike, worried he may try to pull something.

Kapi spoke first, breaking the silence. It was less to Whitty and more to Carol. "We need your help."

"I'm not helping that nutjob." Whitty spat.

"Says the walking apocalypse." Updike shot back.

"Takes one to know one." Whitty glared at Updike.

"Ahem!" Carol said, glancing at both.

"What is with you two? Can't you two just talk normally? Geez." Puffed Tess. "I've seen kids act better behaved than you!"

"I'm just saying-"

"Can it or I will mute you." Carol said to Whitty.

"I am in agreement. If you cannot act civilized about this perhaps I should take over your position in this team." Abott said.

"What do you know about strike teams-"

"Shut up! Or the lord help me I will silence you too." Abott said to Updike. Updike just grumbled and looked away, pretending to check outside.

Carol turned back to Kapi. "So what do you need help with?" She asked, turning upbeat again.

"We are going to do a heist against the Family, and we need someone like Whitty to blow up stuff."

"A heist against them?" Carol asked. "You four?"

"There's a lot of us actually." Tess said. "And we've been practicing a lot."

"Yep! We raided IRIS and TGG. Oh, and that whole prison break the other day too."

"You raided TGG? Hope you took 'em down a no-" A bolt of lightning hit Whitty's stomach, causing him to fall over. "I said no talking." Carol glared at him. 

Updike smiled, though quickly hid it when he saw Abott considering the same thing. 

"Really? That was all you guys? My friend Dalia mentioned something like that."

Kapi nodded. "Yep! Dalia helped us with the TGG operation."

"So, wait. Why is he with you guys then?"

"It's uh, kind of a long story." Kapi said, unsure how to summarize the two month's events.

"I got nowhere to be. What about you hun?" Carol said, suspecting Kapi of lying.

Whitty shook his head.

"Well I suppose I could..." Kapi trailed off as he tried to give as brief a recap as he could. Operations Blindside, Earthquake, Flashbang, the botched assassination attempt, Displo's death, the Night of Fire, the arcade battle, the sheer amount of crap Kapi alone had been through. It took some time, Tess adding in what she knew from her perspective.

"So then what was that crap when we did the arcade battle? You were going to arrest me."

Kapi shook his head. "They were there to arrest Ruv. It was 'sposed to look like he broke out."

"You did attack me that night though." Updike said sternly.

"Well you can't blame me for being paranoid. I mean, after all the BS I went through." Whitty shot back.

A caustic look from both Carol and Abott such each one up.

Carol smiled. "Sounds like fun. What exactly do you need us for though?"

"The Family can summon demons at will. We need someone to blow up their 'hellgate'." Tess said.

"And I remembered you." Kapi said. He gave a helpful look to Whitty, but the bomb just looked away.

"Tbh, I'm not against it. But those two have a long history. No offense but I can't really trust him." Carol said.

"We made an agreement didn't we?" Abott asked. "We kept up our end, haven't bothered y'all. That arcade night while Updike was busy with the prison I oversaw the team in the arcade. Though they reported you many times I ordered them to do nothing."

"I guess, but like, they were literally about to kill each other a few minutes ago."

"Mrm. Maybe." Abott shot another single-eyed glare at Updike. He just snorted in his response.

"What if we made him promise to never go after him again?" Tess asked dryly.

"I want it signed and legalized." Whitty said. Carol nodded in agreement.

"Are you serious? We cannot just let an abomination go wild like this." Updike shouted. "I will not allow it."

"Why not? Half the team is 'abominations'?" Kapi said. He went on the attack. Up till this point Kapi and Tess had tolerated Updike but now it was getting out of hand. "And you haven't gone after Nikku at all, and she tried to bomb TGG! WITH DEPTH CHARGES!" Kapi shouted back.

"He does have a point." Abott added.

"That-that's different. I don't have a history with any of them. Whitty and I are different. You people don't understand."

"And Nikku?" Tess asked.

"Shut up. She's not important. To work with someone who you hate is not an easy task."

Kapi and Tess continued their assault.

"(Y/N) and Rosie."


"Tabi and Nikusa."

"You and Dipslo."

"S and me."

"Me and IRIS. I never wanted to be apart of any of these 'agencies'."

"You owe Agoti from what happened with Springheel. He'd want Whitty too!"

"You people don't know what it's like to just give up on dedicating your life to something like this. Whitty is who-"

"I lost my restaurant!"

"I lost my best friend and nearly got KILLED!" Kapi snapped at Updike. "(Y/N) got beaten!"

"Look what they did to Tabi!"

"Look what they did to Agoti!"

"They tried to kill Pompom for fuck's sake! SHE'S JUST A KID! AND THEY KILLED DISPLO!"

Abott watched the two, in awe of their arguing. He didn't want to say anything but was seriously impressed. He had never seen anyone bring this to Updike, not even the inner circle.

Whitty too was wide-eyed to say anything. Updike went silent, as did they too.

"Personally, Gabriel. I think taking out the Family is far better for humanity and the city than taking out this fellow."

Updike sighed, slouching against the door. He didn't look at anyone, his gaze downcast.

Abott waited a few seconds before speaking, wishing to let everything sink in. "Speaking freely it looks like it's a rite of passage for members of this team to lose something. It looks like such a sacrifice has occurred to each of them. This appears to be your sacrifice."

"Damnit. Someone give me a paper. Let's just get this over with."

"I want to hear it from you first." Whitty said, pushing his luck.

"So long as the Family still-"

"No. I want safety now till the end."

"You know I cannot grant that."

"Then we have no deal."

Abott looked to Whitty. "You realize should you cause mischief we legally have to go after you right? We can't just grant you full immunity."

"He won't. I'll make sure of it." Carol said.

"Still. There's always the chance. He is powerful."

"Well then I want to be able to go where I want without any agents following me. Just want to live a regular life." Whitty said. "You people have no idea the kind of crap I've gone through between you AND that Family. I can't even walk out the building worried I'm gonna be targeted by you or some demons. If you're giving me the option to get both of my back I wanna be sure."

"Fine. So long as you behave I will see to it nobody makes a move against you. No tracking, no pre-emptive assaults, no investigations, we reset you back to zero infractions in the database. Carol will be your assigned watcher." Updike said. "Now accept that before I change my mind."


"Now shake on it." Tess said, hands on her hips.

"What?" Both said in unison.

"You heard me. Make up."

Updike looked to Abott the same way Whitty did to Carol. Do we have to? Both nodded.

It was an awkward shake, both people trying to hold back murderous intention. Whitty had to hold himself back with every fibre to not scald Updike's hand. Updike likewise struggled to resist the urge to break Whitty's hand.

It was an uneasy relationship but one they both agreed on.

The next chapter will be called May 30th.

Carol has joined the party! - Card - https://twitter.com/odaocer/status/1766965030090584207

Whitty has joined the party! - Card - https://www.deviantart.com/odaocer/art/The-Demolitionist-1030153680

In the beta version I was going to have Whitty's inclusion lead to Hex joining, but that was completely cut.

odaocercreators' thoughts