
Turnabout Teardown: Scornful Summer

You are (your/name) (or Geist), a former cop turned criminal and leader of a group of thieves called The Carnival. You became a leader after being nearly killed when you tried to investigate one of the most powerful families in the city. Now seeking revenge you have started to assemble a ragtag group, ready to conduct the heist of the century. Things had been good lately. A team was assembled and ready. TGG and IRIS had been taken down. We were capable. You are still (your/name), or Geist, a disgraced cop who investigated the 'wrong' people. You've gotten a team, you've found love and you have allies in high places. Enough playing. Time to end this. What could have happened next none of us could have predicted. But let me make one thing clear. They. Will. Pay. Especially for what they have done to us. With the team in tow, a lover who will stick by you forever and a newfound anger you will destroy them, even if it means burning down the whole city. This is book 2, containing a record of the events that occurred in Summer. It covers the following three arcs: Night of Fire, Operation Flashbang & Operation Teardown.

odaocer · Videojogos
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40 Chs

Track 24 - The Doctor Is In

Nikusa had been watching everything unfold with her friend. They were standing on a building rooftop nearby as S dropped the bombs.

"What do you think of the whole thing?" She asked playfully to the glowing green man.

"I don't care. Be cool if they can get them out. When are we going in?"

"When Soly says so honey."

"Hmph." He stood upright, hoping there was wind to make his coat flap. There was none.

"Send in Nikusa." Solazar said from the comlink. She stood up as well.

"It's our time to shine! Are you ready?" She declared.

"Yes. No killing."

"Correct! And since Aldryx asked so nicely too. Keep your attacks at a minimum. I don't want Aldy to get on my back about it."


TGG and IRIS existed to deal with 'inhuman' creatures. They didn't think straight, they had warped morals, they made strange choices, and most could take a full clip and still stand. So long as they followed the city law they could exist just fine. They were a sizeable minority in the city and were ultimately just like everyone else. Nikusa and her friend were not this. They walked up to the east gate, not trying the least to be inconspicuous.

This was the kind of behaviour Updike had rallied against. Had the warden not been such a prude he would have refused Nikusa's help in the first place. But the warden had to be taken down a peg.

Even now as Updike stood in the command room, guns trained on him, simply tuned out Solazar's command. He would have even offered to help the warden, possibly betraying Nikusa and her friend. But the warden had been so inhospitable he considered otherwise.

"Can you please lower your guns? I don't want to accidentally be shot." Updike asked.


"You do realize I could kill everyone in this room right now? Claim you lost your marbles and shut down this whole incident right?"

"Yeah, real edgy. Do that and the feds will be all over you like white on rice." The warden with sarcasm, pausing. "Fine. Lower your weapons everyone." The warden said, not even glancing back at Updike. "He can't kill us, by the way." He added mockingly.

Nikusa and her friend reached the steel gate. She touched it, just wanting to make sure. It as indeed electrified, though it did little to illicit a reaction from her.

She nodded to her friend. "Make a door for us, will ya?"

He nodded and walked to the fence. He took a deep breath before putting his hands onto the wire and squeezing. A bright green lit up and the chains began to melt. A glowing green liquid oozed out as it melted away giving freedom to the courtyard. The electricity was surging but quickly stopped as the chains came apart.

"Now then. Let's make a scene, shall we?" Nikusa asked, giddily.

Things were less smooth in the surveillance room. You and Nikku had found the backup room and entered accordingly. A blank room with rows and rows of servers that rose to the ceiling. A window lined the entire east wall, Nikku gained entry by impersonating the warden's voice, any onlookers figuring you and Nikku were allowed in.

It was a loud room, the servers buzzing loudly, built into the ground to the ceiling, columns stretching onward. Each was black with grates and plenty of blinking lights. It was noticeably chilly, an air conditioning system bellowing loudly in the room too.

The servers weren't labeled as you scanned them. Stickers were placed on each listing off a jumble of numbers and letters that meant little.

"We need S!" Nikku shouted through the comlink. You nod and text S. The signal was weak in here, the abundance of radio signals jamming anything.

A text comes back. "Too much interference. Get a better signal." You show it to Nikku who shouts back she was going outside to get S.

You vaguely catch something about Solazar and Agoti but can't make it out. The signal interference was too strong. You go to peer out the window. Nothing there but a dark grassy field and another wing of the prison. You just briefly catch two figures walking into the prison, one of them glowing.

Standing by the window the signal returns briefly. "I can't....bbzztTabiZZtt." It was Solazar.

"I'm right here. "Nikusa, that you?" You ask, guessing that it was them.

"I'm not talking about you." Solazar spat and changed lines.

"Where are you seeing us?" Nikusa asked, looking around. "Top window, due, uh, west of you."

You see her glance over and wave. You wave back.

Even amongst the chorus of machines the door slam was audible. You turn back and head. There Nikku was standing holding the door closed.

"They know!" There was banging on the door, something inaudible shouted from behind it.

"She really screwed up big time hahaah!" S cackled, now jumping to your phone. "Wow..." He said in awe. "This is like some walled garden thing. Sure I can't hear the outside, but this is just beautiful." He immediately jumped to the one of the servers.

"I need help!" Nikku shouted, barely audible in the humming. The banging stopped, no doubt the assailants running back to get the Warden to open it. You motion Nikku to get out of the way.

"What did you do?!"

"I just went to get S. Then they saw me and said I was under arrest! They shot at me!"

Now Playing...

Game: Paul Simmons

Song: Four Orbs

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQRnJDEXPHI

"Alright. We gotta barricade it. Find some other way out. S?" You call out. No response.

Nikku nodded and got off the door. It was a race now, blocking the door before they could open it. If they were opening fire at Nikku there was no telling what else they would do.

Some of the individual server racks were unplugged, awaiting decommissioning. Those went in front, heaving the metal machinery in front of the door. A cart carrying a bunch of cardboard, various plastic tape boxes, and finally you grab the last piece.

A large beige-coloured server was standing next to the stairs in front of the door. Raised higher than the door, as you examined it not plugged into anything. Rationalizing that this was all for Agoti you try to tip it over, with no luck.

You call over Nikku to help push it. It finally tips over the railing and crashes, caught by the pile of cardboard blocking the door. There really was no way out now.

"We're so screwed if they catch us." Nikku mumbled.

"They won't." You said, empty.

"....AND DONE!" S shouted. "Man that was cool. I wanna spend more time here but I can't."

"It worked?"

"Yep! They don't even know I re-directed their recent back-ups to itself. It'll be overwriting itself for the next hour. Nikku! Take me out!" He declared.

"Uhh. We can't." Nikku said. She showed the barricade on the door. It was banging again, a new team of guards trying to open it.

"Wha? So I'm trapped here with you? Someone's gotta drive those cars!"

"S transfer to my phone. Nikku, look for a weapon or something." You say.

S does so and you run to the window. "S, we're trapped here. Drive those cars then tell Solazar." You held the phone to the window, a brief signal returning.

"You got it bub!" S vanished.

"You do realize that your two 'guards' have currently barricaded themselves in the server room right?"

"Oh? That is unfortunate. What exactly were they doing without an armed escort?"

"Don't screw with me, Updike. What the hell are you playing at?"

"Are you even sure it is them?" In his mind, Updike cursed. He hadn't anticipated things would go that south. He wished he had brought body-doubles of you, wondering how best to do that next time.

"Oh, I'm positive. You literally sent them to the SOC, big guy."

Updike shook his head. "And how pre-tell did they get into the server room?"

"How the hell am I supposed to know?"

Updike sighed. He hadn't wished to do this but saw no other way. He produced a black handkerchief. "I apologize, I never intended for it to get this way, but you did say it was shoot to kill. They are likely acting in fear. When this is calmed down I shall go there and coax them out."

"DAMNIT! That order was those prisoners. I'd never shoot your people! You're paying for this you oversized marshmallow!"

The prison was never meant to hold 'abominations'. As such it was trivially easy for Nikusa and her friend to get in. It took her a few hits but she punched through the wall easily.

This set off alarms all over the place as Nikusa made her way into an occupied cell. Both inmates trembled at her sudden appearance, only running to the back when she ordered them to. With a nod Nikusa's friend walked up to the bars, melting them with his bare hands.

Nikusa was expecting a lot more fanfare to her sudden appearance but the prisoners watched her with curiosity and fear. She was immediately opened fire on and ducked back into the cell. With the prison was on lockdown and the 'shoot-to-kill order was active. Most prisoners knew what even encouraging her meant. They kept quiet.

Not knowing that detail, Nikusa figured she's start opening cells, letting the chaos take over from there.

Her appearance was not unnoticed however. In the command room the warden had already gotten several calls about a crazed woman and a goth tearing things up.

The warden sighed, turning to Updike. "This is your work I presume?"


"Get over here you dolt. Look at this."

A guard flew across the screen as Updike narrowed in on Nikusa's appearance. Like he had rehearsed with Solazar he took a step back, gasping.

"That cannot be."

"Uh-huh. And what is 'this' exactly?" The warden asked, not biting.

With a grave face, Updike explained. "That is Nikusa, known target to TGG. I do not know who she is with. She has sent several of my men to the hospital and even launched an attack against my headquarters a few weeks back."

"I see." The warden said, bored. "And what is she doing here now?"

"How should I know? We gave up on tracking her. She's an anarchist at best, murderer at worst. I request you give me permission to summon my nightstalkers. This is no longer a joking matter. I will even call of my own agents from their siege."

The warden seemed to consider it for a second. "No. This is all part of some elaborate scheme. I don't trust you."

Updike sighed. "I will give you full command of the nightstalkers and TGG resources. I shall even tell you how to slay Ruv. Does that sound like the kind of thing I would do if I planned this out?"

"Hm. No it doesn't. Alright. Call in your nightstalkers. But first you tell me what my guards need to do. That prisoner is making a fool of us."

"Very well."

Ruv had no problem with the gunshot wounds he now found himself having. What he was annoyed at was the sudden show of force preventing him from reaching Rosie. Aside from the guards, drones were deployed making things complicated. The gunfight turned more into a standoff, the guards were starting to win against and push back. Even the fairies were having trouble, robots providing excellent magic resistance against them.

Pomona's spell had worn off, the smoke vanishing in the gunfire. She was ready to go in help but was held back by the Belladonna she was with.

They needed something to tip the scales.

Ruv was put in a moral conundrum, wanting to kill the guards but unable to do so. They hadn't done anything wrong. At most he disarmed them but then drones and bots would replace them.

He targeted the drones too but there were too many. He wanted to run across the field but also knew that would be dangerous, even for him.

Updike took notice of this too, when he was forced to disclose Ruv's weakness. He added in that they should threaten Ruv's kid, but the warden knew better than to say that.

Finished with you, S ported to Pompom's phone. "What's the holdup? Can't we leave yet?"

"No." She grumbled. "They can't get to Ruv."

A scream emitted in the distance. "Damnit!" Rosie shouted. A bullet had hit her shoulder, causing her to drop her gun. "Can't deal with this BS right now. You shoulda let me bring my actual guns!" She shouted into the comlink.

Pomona and the Belladonna's attention were on Rosie. The Belladonna drew her gun. "Wait here." She said to Pompom and ran after. "Aw come on! I want to help."

"We just need the big guy and we go right?" S asked. Pompom nodded, now sad.

"Let me see...." S scanned the area. "I got it! Pompom watch this!"

An electric car was nearby that S ported into. No care for its owner he forced it alive and drove it right towards the warzone. Pompom, still alone and at the back watched as the door opened. "GET IN!" With a huge smile, Pompom jumped into the driver's seat and strapped in. "You better hang on Applejack! I'll show these people how to capture." S shouted. He drove right into the paths of guards, swerving and hitting a patch of concrete discard. The car flew through the air, nearly hitting Ruv.

"Get in Espio!" S shouted from the console. He slammed on the horn. Ruv nodded and quickly got in, the car driving off before he could even close the door.

"Y-you." Ruv said flabbergasted. "Yeah, yeah, can it." S spoke up. "Get strapped in!"

"They got him!" One belladonna said to Rosie. "Let's get the hell out of here." Rosie nodded and got back into the car; windshield wrecked with bullets. She pulled the car into reverse, the other belladonnas doing so.

They sped off, robots and drones in hot pursuit.

"You better get ready Pomona." Solazar said. "Aye-aye!" She began charging up.

Breaking all speed limits all the cars sped along, trying to get as much distance between the camera of the bots and themselves. As S drove, he tried to hack into the drones to disrupt he let go of the car. Finding the multitasking harder than usual he ordered Pompom to drive. Not having a clue what she was doing, Ruv had to unbuckle and push her aside as he tried to steer, the two narrowly missing a myriad of parked cars.

An alley out of sight was determined as the teleportation spot. They all pulled in and got out. There was no time for introductions. Everyone locked hands and Pompom casted.

"Good luck, S!" Pompom winked at the car before she vanished. With them gone, S was to begin the next phase he took control of all the cars and sped off, drawing with them the robots and now pursuing cops.

"Tell Kapi to watch this. I'll show him how to drive."

"Okay." Solazar took a deep breath. "That leaves (Y/N), Nikku, my children, Kapi and Updike. I can't reach any of them." He looked through the cameras, desperately waiting for anyone to reply.

Behind him the Belladonnas, fairies, Ruv and Pomona found themselves in the control room. "Alright everyone. To the washroom. Change your clothes. Solazar, is the furnace ready?"

"It has been warmed."

"Good! We got a cafe to run!" Rosie said, not missing a beat. Amelia went after her, ready to help stitch up her bullet wound.

With Pomona back Huggy shouted, scooping her up his arms.

Versus Springheel: https://twitter.com/odaocer/status/1754484086775640420

Now Playing...

Game: Mystical Chain

Song: Battle of Lycoris Field

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GN_LeOPZmgo

The examination room was large with a high ceiling. Towards the top of the ceiling stood a viewing gallery, no audience currently present. The walls were concrete with industrial patterns sculpted into them. It looked more like a blast chamber than an examination room, wide, circled like an arena, full of various medical equipment.

Despite the set up no cameras were present. The lack of observers was the least of their concerns. Agoti was bound to a table and Springheel had shut the door.

Unbeknownst to the lot of them the comlink had been severed. The room's walls were simply too thick for the signal to penetrate. Solazar, too focused on your and Nikku's predicament did not notice, something he would regret later.

Tabi went first, frantically seeing if he could pull off the restraints.

Aldryx turned to Springheel, now standing, blocking the sealed door.

"What the hell have you done?" Aldryx saw red. Looking at Springheel he had changed. While his goggles concealed his eyes they now shone bright red. He was drooling too, a dark purple liquid oozing out his beak.

"I simply MUST. KNOW MORE. Please understand. If you would just allow the examination. Agoti was not cooperative. I hope you shall be." He said.

Aldryx removed his helmet too, his face taking on anger and fury. He tossed it aside.

"I simply took a sample. "There is simply so much research to be done. You cannot fathom the breakthroughs I will make with you. Just relax and allow me."

Tabi found a lever on the bottom of the of the table. It was rusted but gave way easily. With the restraints removed, Agoti ripped the wrap off his mouth, pulling Tabi into a hug. He cried as Tabi hugged back, a look of fear on Tabi's face.

"I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" Aldryx yelled and ran towards Springheel. Springheel raised the scalpel, ready to stab when Aldryx moved into a dropkick. He slammed into Springheel's abdomen knocking him to the ground and dropping the scalpel.

"Unfortunate. I did not want to get violent." He muttered, before pushing back just before Aldryx could curb stomp him.

From his coat he grabbed a vial and smashed it into the side of Aldryx's face. It exploded in a clear liquid, glass shards hitting the ground.

"AAAAAAAAAH!" Aldryx screamed.

"Dihydrogen monoxide. Otherwise known as water."

"Bro, we gotta get out of here. This guys a total nutjob-" Agoti's eyes went wide as he saw something behind Tabi.

Tabi thought fast and spun around, smashing his knife into Springheel, standing behind him. Springheel reeled back, his mask knocked loose. He tripped back, landing on his back.

"BRO!" Agoti shouted, seeing Aldryx.

Tabi put Agoti down and drew his knife. "Bastard." He mumbled.

Moving fast, Springheel recovered and focused back on the Andromedas. Agoti jumped up and grabbed Aldryx, just before Springheel could stab, another scalpel appearing from his coat.

"There is alcohol and oil on the side cabinet there." Springheel said in the same calm voice he had used. He adjusted his mask, now able to see straight.

Tabi took advantage and slashed at him, Springheel just barely parrying it with two scalpels he wielded.

"Be glad I am not gassing you all." He muttered. With Tabi focused on the knife he didn't see Springheel's leg. He kicked up, knocking Tabi's hand loose and swiped, jamming the scalpel into Tabi's dominant arm.

"If I have to bring you to that cat in a bag I will." Springheel said.

Tabi took no time in grabbing his knife with his other hand. He winced in pain but otherwise ignored it. Seeing a vial on the on the counter nearby he grabbed it and threw it at Springheel. It exploded, covering him in an orange liquid.

"Oh how petty." Springheel sighed, as he wiped the liquid away.

Now full of anger Agoti charged him, having grabbed a surgical saw and pierced it into his back.

Aldryx stood in the corner, desperately wiping himself off with the alcohol.

The saw cut his through jacket but didn't damage him.

"I've already examined you." He mumbled and dodged just as Agoti tried again. He grabbed Agoti's arm and held it.

Tabi charged him, ready to plunge the knife right into Springheel's heart. Springheel caught it, the knife going right through his hand. Tabi's eyes went wide as Springheel didn't react, instead pulling the knife out easily and stashing it.

"No more of that tool." He said proudly. While still holding Agoti he pulled back, throwing Agoti into Tabi.

Aldryx was back in the game, jumping upon Springheel in an attempt to rip his mask off. Springheel stumbled back and landed on Aldryx. He didn't weigh much and Aldryx was about to push him off before he got up.

"Don't make me gas you." He grabbed another scalpel out and wielded it, ready to strike. "Er..can your species even be affected by gas?" He asked, the thought perplexing him.

Aldryx acted faster and grabbing the nearby metal plate brought it up, stopping the stabbing motion. Letting go, he performed a jump kick and not only disarmed Springheel but got his footing. With a heave-ho, he landed a punch directly into Springheel's goggles. He stumbled back, the glass on his goggles breaking.

"It appears we will need more stringent measures."

Agoti groaned in pain as he pushed Tabi off him. Tabi got up faster than he did and lunged at Springheel. Hearing Tabi yelling, he swung back, unintentionally knocking him aside. With Tabi out of the way, he turned back to Aldryx.

"I do apologize for this but there are simply too many of you." He reached into his jacket, just as Aldryx readied a kick. Springheel withdrew a bottle and threw it at Aldryx. He blocked it, but it still exploded into a ball of purple gas. Almost immediately, a drowsiness overcame Aldryx. He nearly fell over, but Springheel caught him, lowering him to the ground.

"Melatonin gas. Shouldn't have any major effect on you. Just make you sleepy for a minute." With Aldryx dazed had charged Tabi.

Tabi hit the operating table but got up just as quickly. It wasn't fast enough and Springheel grabbed Tabi's throat, forcing him onto the table.

"Just enough to make you relax. I promise. This won't hurt." He apologized as he squeezed. Tabi didn't intend to go down without a fight and grabbed the nearest object, a pair of scissors. He jammed it into Springheel's arm, pushing it as deep as he could, Springheel not relenting in his assault. It got through his jacket, blood trickling it out. Despite it going deeper than it looked, Springheel did not stop.


Everyone froze. A voice in from the intercom shouted. "Damnit Springheel where are you?! What the hell is all that noise?" It was the warden.

Springheel cleared his throat. "I am just dealing with some rowdy patients sir. Nothing to concern yourself with."

"Like hell it's not. Do you have any idea the kind of CRAP is going on right now!?"

Springheel kept his vice grip on Tabi, holding him down. "No sir. I have been busy with patients all evening. Is there something you wish to discuss? I am quite busy right now." He loosened his grip on Tabi's throat, allowing him to breathe. Tabi let go, the scissor dropping to the ground.

The warden sighed. To him Springheel was a psychopath at best or a complete moron at worst. "A patient was admitted to your hospice this evening. Name Sugar MacDowell. What is his status?"

Agoti tensed up. He held onto a chair and was mid-assault about to smash it over Springheel.

"Sugar is deceased, sir."

"WHAT?" The warden bellowed. Agoti took as step back, not expecting those words out of Springheel.

"Deceased. Patient came in claiming abdominal pain. I'm running the autopsy as we speak. Appears to be perverse alcohol poisoning."

"That damn Excorcist." The warden muttered. "Springheel I want death certificates ASAP."

Despite the brutish position Springheel found himself in he spoke formally and without stutter. It was like he was completely back to normal.

"As you wish, sir."

Aldryx stood up, the effects of the gas now wearing off. He didn't understand why everyone had stopped moving.

"Now quit screwing around! We have guards on your way. The bay needs you help!" The warden shouted.

A click on the intercom signalled the warden had hung up. Aldryx, Agoti and Tabi were left confused, unsure why Springheel was all of sudden following the plan again. For Tabi it didn't last long. Springheel's red eyes came flooding back and he resumed his 'examination'. Springheel jammed a scalpel down, Tabi just barely catching it from piercing his snout. "W-wait!" He said.

"This will only take a second. I just. Need a sample." Springheel pushed down, Tabi shaking as he pushed back.

"I-if I just give your sample will you stop?"

"Willingly?" Springheel didn't let up. He was ready to cut Tabi.


And just in that second, Springheel got up, adjusting himself as Tabi got up himself, coughing and sputtering. His back and arm hurt like hell, only just realizing it now.

"Now then. This will only take a few minutes." Springheel said, reaching down to pick up the various scalpels.

Moments later, Aldryx found himself sitting atop the examination table, still unsure if the last few minutes were even real. "L-look, we can't be wasting time here. It's only-"

"Yes, yes. I know. I just need...hmmm." Aldryx had started to say but Springheel shushed him. He flicked Tabi's bone snout, remarking at how it felt. Tabi just shook his head. Updike's dead after this. He thought.

"I should like a blood sample from you instead." He pointed to Tabi.

"This is so stupid." Tabi muttered.

"Nothing is stupid in the progress of science. And from you I want know how you fare under fire." He added, pointing to Aldryx.

"This is so stupid." Tabi muttered. Aldryx turned serious. "Hell no. That would kill me."

"A simple burn. I just wish to see how your skin reacts to such a hypothesis."

"No. You don't understand. Me and Agoti we have oil in our stomachs, we react differently to fire. L-like water." As he spoke Aldryx realized he shouldn't of. There was no telling really what Springheel's ideals were. He hoped he was just crazy and not malicious.

"Oh. I see. My apologies." He started hastily writing stuff down. "Then I require nothing further from you."

Springheel walked to the medical cart and picked up a syringe. He still had the deranged look in his eyes.

"I am still human. I just have a skull over me. There's nothing special about me." Tabi said.

"Don't lie to me. I see how fast your cut coagulated. You are not 'just' some human." He flicked the syringe, making sure it was sturdy. "Now roll up your sleave."

"We don't have time for this." Agoti said, stunned by the sudden normalization of everything.

"No. Let's just get this over with." He rolled up his sleave. "Wait." He pulled his arm back just before Springheel could inject.

"Did Updike put you up to this?"

"Hrm? No he didn't. I know only of the plan. This is for my own research."

"If Updike gets of any of this 'research' I will snap that beak off your face, you got it?"

"I understand just fine. I am still a doctor. I always follow patient confidentiality to the end. Updike had nothing to do with this. I am simply curious to you wonderful creatures."

Agoti shivered, not liking in the least how Springheel kept referring to them. Tabi presented his semi-invisible arm. It glowed translucently white, just barely visible against the grey floor. Tabi winced as the sample was taken, rubbing his arm when it was over. Out of his jacket Springheel produced a juice box, handing to Tabi.

"Now then. Get your helmets on. Agoti get into the bin and let us depart." He wiped the spittle from his mask, red eyes vanishing behind the now-smashed goggles.

With Springheel now cooperating everyone moved fast. Agoti hid in a large blue bin meant for medical waste. Springheel draped a tarp over it and started pushing it. Aldryx and Tabi walked on either side. They moved in silence ignoring most of the commotion from across the prison. The guards did arrive but didn't stay long. The strange appearances of Tabi and Aldryx next to Springheel intimidated them, rumours now floating that Springheel was experimenting on the guards.

Still silent, Tabi and Aldryx were at a complete loss as to why Springheel snapped at them in the first place, then just relaxed. Regardless, Tabi found him disturbing, moreso than S, Huggy and even Nikusa were. He never wanted to see him again.

The medical bay was barren, not a soul in sight, Kapi's truck still waiting at the dock, lights off. Tabi knocked it a few times just to signal they were there.

"I'll sit with Kapi. You two stay together." Tabi said to Aldryx and Agoti. With a heave of the door it opened and the two brothers got in. Aldryx held Agoti tight, Agoti exhausted from the ordeal.

"Woah, what the hell happened?" Kapi asked, noticing Tabi all roughed up.

"Just drive." Agoti said quietly from the back.

"You got it! Everyone else ready?" He looked out the rear view, seeing Springheel standing there, looking like hell too.

"I shall be getting those death certificates now. Best of luck. If you are ever in need of medical attention do seek me out. I shall become the foremost expert on digidevils." Springheel shouted as he waved them off.

Unsure what happened between them all Kapi shouted back a thanks and drove off. The gate guard gone, Kapi got Aldryx to open it and they all drove off.

"What the hell do we do?!" Nikku shouted. The banging was getting worse. Never mind the security protocol, the guards had taken to trying to ram the door open, now seriously considering explosives.

"I don't know!" Even though you were at the window the signal kept cutting out. Unbeknownst to you Updike and the Warden had forgotten, both too focused on Ruv's getaway and Nikusa's rampage.

She too was having problems. She and her friend had burned open several cells and engaged with guards but there was no luck. She had been hoping to start a prison riot but alas, no such riot occurred. At most the prisoners ran to the guards, arms up, not wanting to get shot, showing they had nothing to do with this woman and a glowing fiend.

If anything, she was starting to get bored. At least Updike's men had zeal, this is just, ugh, she thought.

Picking up a chair you hurled it at the window, it bouncing off. You knew better but were getting desperate. Reinforced glass, nothing short of a tank would open it.

A tank...that's it! Face up against the glass you page. "Nikusa? Are still on the prison grounds?"

While nothing but static played to Solazar, Nikusa heard you okay. Updike had turned his off as he worked with the warden, it would be too dangerous if someone nearby heard the static.

"What do ya want kid? Kinda in the middle of something."

"*bzzt* and I are trap*krt* in the server room...barricaded the door...get us out of here?" Nikusa heard as the signal chopped.

"Is Agoti safe?" She asked aloud.

"He and Kapi have just departed. Nikusa. You can calm your attacks now." Solazar said. "Prepare to depart."

Nikusa turned to her friend. "Alright. Let's bounce. We got a pickup to do." Charging back out the Nikusa-shaped hole in the cell they ran to the courtyard.

"Nikku! Get over here!" You shout to her. She had been holding the door closed, thinking if she pushed back it would keep the barricade in place.

She runs, just as you see Nikusa running across the field, a police jeep following her. Her friend was on her back, shooting off a green goop at them. With a heavy lift off, Nikusa aimed head-first at the server room. You barely had time to pull Nikku away as shards of glass bellow around the room.

No introductions needed she held out her hand. "Tabi's lover right? Let's bounce."

Nikku got up, Nikusa getting a good look at her. "So you're the one they call Nikku, eh? Cute name."

There wasn't much time for else when an explosion rippled across the sever room. The response team, now fed up with lack of progress attached breaching charges to the door, blasting the thing open.

At that same time nearby S had concluded his escape. In a violent chain of events he crashed all the cars into each, detonating them all in a ball of fire.

In one fell swoop Nikusa grabbed you and Nikku and jumped out. The world span and she ran, jumped and flipped out. You held on for anything, feeling as if she would drop you at any second. Worry ripped across your mind, losing track of time. With a thud Nikusa dropped you and Nikku to the ground. As you opened your eyes it was clear Nikusa had brought you to the roof of some building.

"They're still coming. I'll keep them preoccupied. You find some other way home."

Nikusa took of her comlink, tossing it to the ground and smashing with a boot. "That's enough for me. You tell Tab and Ago I'll seek them out later."


Nikusa started walking away.

"And 'Tabi's lover', don't break his heart. Or you'll have to deal with me." Nikusa smiled, sounding rather motherly as she strolled away.

Her friend stayed a bit after, giving you a nod. Before he could leave you ask, "Thanks, er, what is your name anyways?"

"Radi." He said coldly. He appeared to start a sentence but paused, looking away. Still no eye contact he asked, "It true you're gonna take down the family?" He uttered behind the mask.

You nod. "Absolutely. They'll pay."

"Good," he said before turning away, following Nikusa.

You let out a large sigh of relief, sitting on the ground. You didn't feel the least bit tired, the nonstop action keeping your heart rate up. It felt good to sit down, even if it was on a hard floor.

"Status, (Y/N), Nikku?"

Another sigh. "We made it. Nikusa and, uh, her friend left."

Nikku had removed her mask and starred at Nikusa and Radi running off, drawing police fire.

"You okay?"

"That was Nikusa?"

"Yeah. Sol's worst enemy apparently."

"She's so cool!" She said in a rare show of happiness.

"I can't reach Nikusa. I'll just assume she's done. That leaves Updike who will be stuck dealing with all the fallout." Solazar said. "No need to wait up for him. You two, make your way back to base."

The next chapter will be called Lights Out.

Agoti has re-joined the party!

Beta Note

1. When picking Nikusa's new partner in crime I was seriously considering Garcello, Void, King (from Dalia's mod) or Radi. Went with Radi instead.

2. SCP-049 was briefly considered if I couldn't get Springheel for whatever reason.

3. In the beta version there was a different Operation planned. Operation Partycrasher. It would have seen the crew crash a rapper's concert in an attempt to save him from being assassinated by the Family. That got cut. I'll reveal who the rapper is later.

odaocercreators' thoughts