
Turnabout Teardown: Scornful Summer

You are (your/name) (or Geist), a former cop turned criminal and leader of a group of thieves called The Carnival. You became a leader after being nearly killed when you tried to investigate one of the most powerful families in the city. Now seeking revenge you have started to assemble a ragtag group, ready to conduct the heist of the century. Things had been good lately. A team was assembled and ready. TGG and IRIS had been taken down. We were capable. You are still (your/name), or Geist, a disgraced cop who investigated the 'wrong' people. You've gotten a team, you've found love and you have allies in high places. Enough playing. Time to end this. What could have happened next none of us could have predicted. But let me make one thing clear. They. Will. Pay. Especially for what they have done to us. With the team in tow, a lover who will stick by you forever and a newfound anger you will destroy them, even if it means burning down the whole city. This is book 2, containing a record of the events that occurred in Summer. It covers the following three arcs: Night of Fire, Operation Flashbang & Operation Teardown.

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40 Chs

Track 18 - Pink Shadow

Whatever happened last night Kapi, Nikku and S went ahead and cancelled the next meeting. S explained it briefly. In summary, Kapi was apparently better now and his contract dealt with.

S hadn't been around lately, going off on multiple adventures the past two days. You didn't mind much. It kept him out of trouble at least. He made it sound like he and Nikku were exhausted from the arcade but when you questioned it he got angry claiming he couldn't get tired. "You have any idea how much news from Mobius I missed?! I got so much to catch up!"

And thus the meeting was cancelled. You were just happy that Kapi was back in the game. Overwhelmed by sadness he was unpredictable. You and Tabi were worried for a hot sec he could've flipped.

Whatever S did to Kapi, got him hyperactive. He was in higher spirits of all sudden, even going ahead and obtaining a new meeting spot somehow. He didn't specify the location, you guessing he meant the arcade. He only stated that he couldn't believe he hadn't thought of it sooner.

It was still early morning, you and Tabi only having just woken up. With Kapi preparing the new meetup spot most things were on hold.

However there were other plans early this morning. Out of the blue Updike called asking if you, Tabi and Theo could a give few more statements regarding the attack. Re-treading old ground, Updike claimed the attack was important in the grand scheme of things.

His interest in Velseb had only grown. He didn't state why but practically demanded a play-by-play. He denied when you asked but you believed that your 'killer' had some supernatural powers or something that Updike was interested in. He ceased those questions with 'it is not your business to know my dealings with this Velseb. I shall explain when the time is right'.

Theo had something going on with his son and refused to come stating that Updike could seek him out if he cared so much. He seemed to be in a rather foul mood today so you left him in peace.

Now it was just you and Tabi in Updike's spacious office in the clouds.

"I want to go over what happened with the attack. Did the police come by?" Updike asked. He had one leg over the other and his arms were crossed. He didn't seem to be looking at you, rather staring down at his shoes as he sat back in the chair. Though you already gave him a basic summary he wanted it again, in greater detail.

Next to him was an assistant, hastily typing down all the words on a stenograph. You had no idea how they worked, but knew all the court typists had one.

"Yeah, someone called them. Heard gunshots." You say, adjusting your sleeves.

Udpike's expression changed. "What did you tell them?"

"That I didn't know anything. Told them it was either a random attack or some pissed off client." You were starting to feel like a suspect yourself, strange that you were the one being questioned.

"Client?" His eyebrow rose.

"Far as they know I'm a PI. I investigate domestic issues or something."

"They weren't aware of your security detail?"

"Well, yeah they knew. But all I told them was that it was a temporary gig."

"Did you call for help at all? That you three and Huggy were the only ones spoken to in that whole ordeal?"

"No and other than the chief and a few words with the responders I didn't speak to anyone."

"And you did not reveal the existence of Tabi or Huggy to the police."


"And neither did Theo?"

"As far as I know he didn't. They had no idea."

"Any reason why?"

"He's wanted." You look to Tabi. "Least I think..?"

"It's complicated." Tabi muttered, not willing to provide a real answer.

"I see. Have they spoken to you since then?"

"Not about Velseb. Chief called me the other day. Said he had accepted a job for me. I was supposed to relocate to out of the city."

"He did?" Tabi asked.

"Yeah. Told him to F off. I want nothing to do with those people anyway."

"And then what?" Updike asked expectantly.

"He cussed me out, I hung up on him, he texted me that the 'city will destroy me'. Hadn't had any contact since then." It felt as if you were in the hotseat despite nobody suspecting you of anything.

"Very well. Let's just assume for the sake of safety the police don't trust us either.

"Ahead of you there." Tabi said.

"Still. It could have been beneficial to have some semblance of ally in the police."

You shook your head. "There's no way. They've done all they can for me. So why do you want to know all this anyways?"

"I'd like to have a clear picture of events." Updike said glancing up. He didn't miss a beat.

"And the killer?" You asked.

"Yes, a Bob Velseb. Serial killer, presumed dead. He has some sort of power. But I assure you the reason for this is to get a better picture of who's listening. Between the double agents in IRIS I'm also curious as to the team. It's not looking like anyone 'sold' you out but there still is a missing link somewhere."

"What do you mean?" Tabi asked.

"Think about it from their view. You attacked us and IRIS. They had spies in both places. They guess you are up to something and they send Velseb after you. Why Velseb? And so if they're willing to kill people over a suspicion, they we need to monitor circumstances surrounding. Are they really that brash?"

Rather confused by his statement, you reply. "They kinda are. I mean, surely you know how many people they've attacked." You hesitantly suggested. Updike shook his head.

"I am aware. I just feel that between the recent attack on the Compound by those 'Bandits' and them lunging at you that there is something bigger going on. That they are uncharacteristically jumpy these days."

You notice Tabi tense up but quickly slump. "Something on your mind?" Updike asked.

"No." Tabi said.

"What could possibly be going on?"

"I'm not sure yet. I was thinking about when you asked about TCF. The spies we had in IRIS and TGG shared a connection. We found surveillance footage of them hanging out together. In one of the videos we saw them hanging out with a third person."

"An envoy to the Family?" You guess.

"No. We researched this third party. They were a former high-ranking member of the TCF. Meaning the Family had a spy there. Meaning..." Updike motioned.

You shrugged.

"Meaning The Family probably caused the outbreak that destroyed TCF. It's a possibility they intended to do something similar to TGG and IRIS for an unknown reason." Updike turned to Tabi.

"Which is why if you know something I need to know posthaste."

Tabi shrugged. "Daddy was always planning stuff. That's just how he is. I never heard some mention, TCF, TGG or whatever group of letters."

"Well regardless, I'm getting my people to monitor that compound more closely. Moving on, last question. After the police arrive could you describe their actions?"

"We hid Tabi and Huggy. Police showed up, ID'd the body, chief showed up, we spoke and they took the body. Left very quickly once they figured out who it was. Chief seemed pretty alarmed at it. I think he realized it was The Family's work."

"Well thank you. I believe I have a good idea of the events. I still believe there is a reason they send Velseb but I shall continue my search privately. I won't be keeping you any longer. You two may go. Inform me if Kapi's actions are successful." Updike concluded and stood up. There wasn't much say in the matter as two guards immediately showed up to 'help' you leave. "I won't need you today (Y/N). Take the day off, paid."

Despite your newfound status in TGG, armed guards still escorted you everywhere. Updike had said it was just a temporary measure till everyone could be trusted. However, he later muttered to you that Tabi's escort was because there was one guard who had it out for him. You didn't know the specifics but apparently he really pissed one of the guards off.

You still didn't understand why Updike was so focused on Velseb. He was a serial killer cannibal. They probably recruited him for the pig jokes. But if he could find something then it could help understand the Family better.

As the elevator doors parted for the lobby the two guards pushed you both forward and remained in it as it closed. Tabi muttered something but you couldn't make it out.

At least you had a dedicated parking spot. And in the same bay Kapi escaped from during Earthquake. Only issue was that you had to access it from the outside, just until your clearance came in. With summer on the way, you felt a warm breeze stepping outside.

Tabi walked with his hoodie on, you still in your security guard outfit. Tabi would have preferred to walk without any hiding but after the attack and Updike's warning he chose to play it safe. As he repeated to himself before he didn't trust these areas. At least with his job they would have protected him at any cost. And Solazar was only a phone call away.

You recall Updike saying he would have agents watching but as you looked around you couldn't identify any people outright. Maybe there wouldn't be anyone watching this closely to TGG? It was definitely a level of 'spying' that you were going to have to get used to.

You weren't sure if Tabi could identify any watchers. He mentioned to you offhand that he didn't care, nor did he need the extra protection. How much of that was his 'macho-ness' you didn't know. But you did believe him.

After all, he lived practically a full year on the run. He was probably better at detecting threats than you were.

You and Tabi rounded the block. Tabi's mind was awash with the day's work. He didn't care about being late, and practically already moved on from the attack.

"You have any idea who the 'Bandits' are?" Tabi said out of the blue.

"Hm? No. No idea. I can't recall there being a street gang with that name."

"I didn't interact with a lot of gangs. I don't know either. But they have no shortage of enemies. Could be anyone." He shrugged.

You had to wonder if Tabi was still on the run. It had been surprising that the Family decided to have Agoti arrested and not Tabi. After all, he was the one that probably had a warrant. I'll ask him about it after.

As you walked round the building there was one thing that stuck out. A jet black sports car with pink streaks was parked across the street. It had tinted windows and was turned off. It stood out as an eyesore amongst the grey, white and red cars parked around it. It was parked just in front of a cafe so you figured its owner was probably in there.

Looking further up the street you spot a few more cars with pink streaks, though not the same model.

You would have let your curiosity get the better but knew Tabi had to get to work. You just rationalized it as them being TGG agents. You shrug. Probably the Nightstalkers cars. Something to identify them.

Parking, you hadn't found a better way other than directly walking out of the lot, staying careful to avoid cars. The scene no doubt looked suspicious. A detective and a hooded figure walking into an underground parking lot.

And that was even if the car was still there. The first time parking you had learned that a lot of the spots were actually reserved for various managers, though no indication of that was present anywhere. Suffice to write, some random manager wasn't happy about you taking his spot day one.

While getting hit but a car wasn't on your mind, getting in trouble with TGG was. There was no telling if they wouldn't consider you a threat. Never even mind Tabi, who by all their accounts was an abomination. But despite paranoia you make it to the second lower level with your car just in sight. Among all the attacks you had gotten you were still surprised they hadn't touched your car. There was no telling if the Chief's intervention stopped any plans for the car or not. Though, thinking on it you can't recall the Family ever using a car bomb. They always liked to send people after others, often resulting in a lot of violence. Never any quick and clean methods.

Tabi swung around to the passenger side and said something which got drowned out. Sure enough, as you guessed someone had spotted you. The screeching of tires made that obvious as a car swerved into the lot. It was loud, thunderous, the sound clear several cards followed it.

At first you thought it was some kind of break-in or event but the car turned a corner, entering your sight. It was a bright pink sports car and it came right for you and Tabi. You drew your gun, ready to open fire as did Tabi his knife.

For him, it had become instinctual. He would have preferred a gun but you advised against it stating the police would have a field day if they ever caught Tabi.

You hesitated, a single thought bubbling as to whose car that was. There was only one person you knew crazy enough to drive a hot pink sports car.

The car came to a screeching halt, pulling into a turn, bringing it driver side facing you. The windows were tinted and even though the lot was well lit you couldn't tell.

It had to be them. You felt your heart drop. You knew exactly whose car it was. You raised the gun higher, heart rate rising too. Why her? Why now?

Two cars drove speeding behind it, the same ones from earlier. Pink with black stripes. The pulled up beside it, effectively blocking the route out of the lot.

They got out first, thugs wearing bright pink masks. They didn't draw however, preferring to look threatening.

"What the hell?" Tabi asked. He glanced to you, seeing worry across your face.

"You know them?"


But before the situation could get any more tense, someone opened the passenger door and starting shouting "STOP! STOP!", waving hands as they jumped and slid over the car front.

"Whoa, whoa, hold it hold on!" It was Kapi, frantically running up to you to drop your weapon. The driver's door opened and out came a familiar face, though one you hadn't seen since you fought crime.

"Point a gun at me will, ya? HA! That's barely even a gun." A feminine voice spoke. A sweet voice, though not the word you used to describe its owner. Even though she had meant to sound dominant, you could not miss the prickliness that tinted her voice.

She was human in appearance, fair skin and long-flowing blonde hair. It flowed down to just above her glutes. Longer than since the last time you saw her.

There were white bits in lower parts of her hair. You never found out if that was intentional or not. They looked like pebbles, lodged amongst flowing French vanilla hair. You rationalized it residue of her product. She was a gang-leader, nuisance and full-on drug dealer.

Within her hair were two large roses in full bloom. She always made sure to have them, and they gave her namesake.

It was a name that didn't require an introduction to you.

Rosie Belladonna.

Leader of the Belladonnas and the Fairies. As she described herself. She had an excited, schoolgirl grin, taking delight in the situation.

"This is a gun!" She declared triumphantly. She never missed an opportunity to brandish her guns. All custom-made of pink and white metal. The handgun had pink hearts embossed on the white bits. It was in her aunts name which meant any time she was arrested it was returned to her.

You instead lower yours. Her goons watched slowly, hunched just behind their cars. Though unseen you knew they were armed and ready. "Been a long time." You said, almost reminiscent. It sounded like you had just met an old friend, but Rosie was not someone you considered a 'friend'.

This was apparently the correct move as she lowered her weapon too. "That's it? Just gonna give up? I could gun you down right here. Nobody would know."

There were a few things at play. That with Kapi present this wasn't just some random meeting. An upon Rosie's threat did a third combatant make themselves known, at least to you and possibly Tabi. A semi-invisible outline appeared behind the goons. Not acting, just watching. They hadn't seen them yet but there were some people there. Dalia would have recognized instantly as the Nightstalkers. You just figured it to be one of Updike's many minions.

"Cause I figure if he's here you aren't here for revenge." You point to Kapi.

"You got that half-right. I am here for revenge. Just not with you specifically."

You nod to Tabi that it's okay. He lowers his knife, still perplexed at the meaning of this crash meeting.

"Always all business. You're no fun." She muttered.

"What do you want?"

You look to Kapi. He had been anxious about the whole thing, some relief washing over his face. You wonder if he actually thought Rosie was going to gun you down. But before Kapi could speak Rosie did for him.

She was chewing gum, pink like the rest of her attire.

"Heard you needed a place to organize your army." She blew a bubble. "Kapi told me everything." Stashing her gun away the bubble popped. "Told me about your little crusade."

Aside you see Tabi glare at Kapi, instantly disapproving of him blabbering out the Carnival.

"I want in."

She wasn't human, but rather an elf. Her pointed ears were a dead giveaway.

Being an elf lead itself to a joke about her watching over 'magical beings' but as you later found out that's exactly what she was doing. The Fae, or little forest sprites were under her control. Fairies were already a political hot topic, if they even counted as people but in all the political discourse she had managed to unite a ton of them under her banner.

Whether she had invented it not she became the largest distributor of 'fairy powder' a potent and natural psychedelic. And being a 'guardian of the fae' it gave her exclusive access to it.

Of course, it put other fairies targets of junkies who needed fixes but even when you explained it to her she didn't care.

At the suggestion of wanting in however, your surprise turned to scepticism.

"Really?" You said to Kapi.

"W-well you said we needed a spot, and well-"

"Did you-?" You were about to ask but Rosie answered it for you. Towards the end your battles with her, she gotten good at it. "I didn't beat it out of him. C'mon. I hate ya, but I don't hate ya that much to hurt one of my employees."

You did recall Kapi saying he worked for her. You figured either she was moonlighting or had actually gone clean. As if sensing your thoughts Kapi spoke. "I remembered you said you knew her back then so I asked. I don't know what you think she's done but I swear she's been good to me."

It was as if Kapi was trying to testify for her. Of course, had you still been a cop you could have cared. It didn't matter anymore.

"Damn straight. I've gone clean. No drug deals, no extortions. How do you think I've stayed this good without any help. I have a chain of bakeries, patisseries and cafes now."

You never could read her. Couldn't tell if she was lying. Despite her going 'clean' she still had the same 'gang' attire as she did back then. And weapons apparently.

She wore a pink shoulder-top zipped all the way up to her neck. With puffy sleeves it led to her white fingerless gloves which gave her better accuracy. A pair of white-short shorts was on her legs and despite Summer still a week away she didn't appear cold in the slightest. She had pink slip-ons that once again, should have made her cold but she didn't shiver in the slightest.

She was simply too tough to care.

She picked up after Kapi. "Soon as I heard it were you leading the party I had to see for myself. With ringtail here of course." She said. "Well? Is it true? They really attacked you all the other night?"

You look to Tabi. He gives off a look of 'why did that idiot tell her everything'?


Absentmindedly Rosie looked around. "Y'know that night I actually picked off some loser. Lurking around my forest, attacking the fae. He was looking for some goat-headed demon."

Rosie looked at Tabi. "Guess that means you, caprine?" She giggled at Tabi. "Practically saved your life y'know." She looked back to you. "Why do you have a demon on your team anyways?"

"I am not a demon." Tabi said coldly. His first impressions of Rosie sank immensely. And that she apparently 'saved his life' meant nothing to him. You and Theo saved his life.

Apparently Rosie wasn't expecting that response and shrugged. "Huh? That's not what the Fae told me."

Stopping the conversation there you butted in. "No offense, Rosie. But how can I even trust you? 'Specially after all we've been through."

Even before The Family you always considered Rosie your nemesis. It became one of your landmark cases, busting and breaking up the Belladonnas. You considered the drug upmost dangerous. It didn't need special lab equipment and could easily be made. It was a big showdown that brought down Rosie and her empire.

Though it meant little to you now, there was no telling how Rosie saw it.

And that was just the drug side. They engaged in all sorts of crimes from extortion to gang wars, all bundled under racketeering. A comment escaped your lips. "You're perfect for that Family."

"Hmph. What do you know, porky?" The name took you back. Though an insult, it was what she always called you in the interrogations.

"Those bastards took over Chichi Forest. Wanna tear it down for some golf course. That he would do it after our so-called alliance, too! Pitiful."

"They did?"

"Bet your bum they did. Oh I went to him alright, didn't even care about the history we had, just threw me out. We ambushed them...and lost." Rosie said solemnly.

"The whole scene was a slaughterhouse." Rosie shivered. "We had to relocate to your friend's old stomping ground."

You guess she meant Tabi's forest. "Bastards didn't even let the fairies leave before they started their machines, the pigs." She spat. "Not surprised though. You cops are nothing more than a tool-"

You hold up a hand. "Relax. I'm not one of them anymore." You said, sympathetically.

"Doesn't matter. All that's changed is you've become self-aware." She grimaced.

And just as quickly as her speech turned sour she lit up again. "I want them out of the way. And I want my forest back. No golf course is going there. That's what I wanna make clear. Me helping you? Nothing to do with justice. That isn't real. This is for revenge." She said.

"Yeah!" Kapi added excitedly. "She said she can let us use her bakery."

As the conversation continued the space between everyone lessened. In a more friendly approach Kapi with Rosie stepped forward.

"I'm willing to put my differences and history aside. You let me and my gang in and we'll get your backs." She said. "I own a cafe near where your robot friend passed. I can set up a space for you to meet. It'll be under guard 24/7 by my people. You can bet that."

It was a tempting offer, one that under normal circumstances you would have accepted. But this was Rosie. And despite everything you'd done to her, arrested countless times, broken up her gang you didn't know if you could trust her. By the way she spoke the deal was already made. You just had to say yes.

You look to Tabi. He just shrugs. Geez, thanks. You think.

"Take it or leave it but my people are going to launch an attack. He'll pay for what he did to us. We don't need you." Rosie added.

"It'll be better if we team up. C'mon (Y/N)." Kapi said.

You were going to make a comment that she was one of the most evil people you knew but stop. By all accounts S or Updike had that base covered. Only the lord knows how many those two had 'vanished'. That was just your inner cop talking.

Thinking on it, she had a litany of crimes. But during the times you targeted her she never once betrayed anyone. Never flipped, never ratted. There were many times you tried to get her to just name some accomplices but she just remained silent. She always preferred whatever punishment you could dish. And that alone showed that she wasn't as crooked as you thought.

She was a strong person, as was her gang. But there needed to be consulting.

"I'll ask the others about it. We decide as a group." You say, steadfast.

Rosie nodded, appreciating the answer. "You know how to reach me. I believe we can work together." As she turned to leave she said one more thing. "I still can't believe you of all people are doing this. The PuRvEyOr of JuStICe." She said mockingly. "The light in the darkness is the one doing this. Can't believe it." She laughed.

Kapi nodded at you and joined Rosie as she left.

As just as fast as they made their entrance they were gone. You hadn't noticed but the semi-invisible people must have vanished earlier as well.

"A friend of yours?" Tabi asked.

"Not really. I arrested her a few times back then. Pretty much destroyed her whole gang."

"Can she even be trusted?"

"No idea. Let's go."

"Mangy cat. Why is blabbering anyways?" Tabi spat, referring to Kapi.

As if there weren't enough sudden appearances another one showed up. Answering Tabi's question someone spoke. "And yet she may prove to be a worthy ally."

It was Updike. You turned to see him standing there nonchalantly, a team of armed guards behind him. Likely the same ones that were watching you earlier. You figure he must have heard everything. You weren't surprised, and neither was Tabi who just sighed. You lean against the car, wondering how late Tabi was going to be for work now.

"Though. Charging into my domain and threatening people is a surefire way to get killed. She doesn't seem that intelligent." He remarked.

"So what do you think?" You ask. He was clearly here to talk.

"I'll have some people look into her, make sure there's no connections to our target. But otherwise I like her. And if she has the place then even better. With their Mafioso infrastructure it means they'll sweep for bugs constantly too. Loyalty acts different in those organizations."

"She has a police file a mile long."

"Pft. Like that'll matter. She's just as crooked as the rest of us." Tabi muttered. You had to admit he was right. It's not like the whole team was full of angels.

You shrug. Even in the brief conversation she seemed different. Not as gung-ho. Maybe she had matured. Or she was past her prime.

"Yes yes, and her fairies will be a great addition." Updike added.

It was Tabi who picked up on it first. "You want to study them don't you?" He asked, slightly disgusted.

"Correct. I received a sample of their drug many years ago. Fascinating stuff. In direct violation of our policies here. Her 'fae' are abominations."

You do recall one of the techies vaguely saying they handed off samples of the drug to some other company. At the time you didn't care, so long as someone could figure out what was in the drug.

"And if she joins it means the chance of peacefully studying them increases. They are on our list of potential targets anyways." You had to hand it to him, at least he was honest about how screwed up he was.

Tabi just shook his head. "Whatever."

"Okay, well let me know if you guys find anything. I'll ask the others about her." You say.

"Indeed." Updike waved and had his team stand aside as you and Tabi drove off.

"You know anything about the Belladonnas?" You ask Tabi.

"Oh." Tabi said absentmindedly, making the connection. "Yeah, I remember that name. They were close with the Family. But that's all. GF spoke of her once."

"Well, let's see if she still is." You reply.

Another thought occurred, one that you needed to ask her about. If her group was so powerful they were going to launch an attack why didn't they already?

As you pondered it, it occurred that it was entirely possible they just didn't have the manpower to wage an attack, let alone rebuild that drug empire. And that attack was a bluff. You reminisce, remembering all those 10 year sentences that were handed out back then.

You still weren't sure if she was still on the take but it looked as if she really had changed.


The next chapter will be called Patisserie.


Fun Fact: So like chapters 3-9 and 12-18 were written out of order and I organized them later into a proper timeline.

(so this chapter was released regular time because of some one-off change to my schedule, not gonna likely happen friday but i'll know for certain then what the schedule going forward is).

odaocercreators' thoughts