
Turnabout Teardown: Scornful Summer

You are (your/name) (or Geist), a former cop turned criminal and leader of a group of thieves called The Carnival. You became a leader after being nearly killed when you tried to investigate one of the most powerful families in the city. Now seeking revenge you have started to assemble a ragtag group, ready to conduct the heist of the century. Things had been good lately. A team was assembled and ready. TGG and IRIS had been taken down. We were capable. You are still (your/name), or Geist, a disgraced cop who investigated the 'wrong' people. You've gotten a team, you've found love and you have allies in high places. Enough playing. Time to end this. What could have happened next none of us could have predicted. But let me make one thing clear. They. Will. Pay. Especially for what they have done to us. With the team in tow, a lover who will stick by you forever and a newfound anger you will destroy them, even if it means burning down the whole city. This is book 2, containing a record of the events that occurred in Summer. It covers the following three arcs: Night of Fire, Operation Flashbang & Operation Teardown.

odaocer · Videojogos
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40 Chs

Track 10 - The Grim Morning

You had lost track of time. Between the full day, the devil's attack and now Tabi and Huggy's wounds you were losing mind of it all. Had it not been for Theo something would have snapped. He handed you a cup of tea. Wasn't a big fan of the stuff but it gave you something to relax. You were shivering in anxiety, no doubt some form of panic attack already occurring.

Theo readied a shovel and was prepared to bury the body until cruisers arrived. He seemed way too prepared for it all, which would have arose some bells had your nerves not been shot.

The police arrived shortly as Tabi fully lost consciousness. With Theo you hid him and Huggy in Theo's house. There was no way the cops would've understood Huggy, and you didn't trust them to not just arrest Tabi upon sight.

You were trembling, terrified Tabi wouldn't make it. Theo really pulled through and got to work. He made some comment about people being machines and being able to be patched up but it slipped you by. Regardless, with a head full of intensity, you tried to watch as he used a sewing machine on Huggy, and creating some makeshift bandages with towels.

Whether or not it stopped Tabi's bleeding you did not know.

With Theo playing doctor, you found yourself questioned by police.

They thought your fear was because of the attempted murder. They recognized you from your days and a few even said to shape up. That you were fine and you and Theo had taken out a murderer. You should've been celebrating or even heading the investigation.

They had no clue about Tabi or Huggy. It provided cover.

One of them tried to get you to call a relative, someone who could help get you to a safer place. Making up something about calling an uncle you call Displo.

No response. Just a simple "the number you are calling is currently outside the call zone". Desperate you shoot a message to S, only for it to bounce back. Wherever he was, he couldn't hear you.

Then you got a message from Displo. "The Family is coming. Run." You nearly broke down right then and there. 5 stages of grief whipping by, one answer making itself clear.

They weren't going to just pay. They would be destroyed.

With a dying goatman and monster, head full of secrets about the Family there was one last person that crossed your mind.

One who could help out.

Someone who in any other circumstance you would have never called. And it was the only person who you knew despised that Family.

It felt as if you were selling your soul and against better judgement, you called Updike.


Against your better judgement you called him. He picked up instantly, not sounding a hint tired. You explained the situation hastily, nearly panicking again as you did so. Cops watched but you fudged details, not mentioning Tabi, Huggy or Theo. You step away to your house and nearly bawl out fully explaining the situation.

And much as you didn't want to you let slip Tabi's healing power. He murmured something under his breath and then spoke clearly.

"Very well. I shall be on my way. Minimize their blood loss. Stay in a safe place."

Word must have spread about the attack on you as the chief showed up soon-after. Wearing a trench coat, he grew soft seeing an alarmed look on your face. He questioned you extensively about any what cases you were looking in, how the PI business was doing, poking and prodding. "How's your security job too?" You tried you best to stay innocent, never once mentioning Tabi, Displo or the Carnival.

Between the pile of rubble, raised dust and garbage strewn about the 'gravesite' a few cops begun digging through it.

They pulled the body from the wreckage, expired. While it took a few cops to even get him out, when they turned the body over the chief recognized him instantly.

"His name is Bob Velseb, serial killer, noted cannibal. He was killed last Halloween. At least, that was the official story." The chief said. He stopped, appearing to realize something. And then, taking the body, just as quickly as they arrived, the cops left.

The chief's last words to you were "stay safe". He clearly had much to say but seeing Velseb must have alarmed him. You wondered if he guessed the Family behind the attack. It would've explained why his was so alarmed.

You ran back inside to see Tabi still unconscious and Huggy still in a panic, whimpering. Theo's attempts were hasty and weak, Huggy himself still leaking fluff. He had calmed down slightly though seeing Tabi in that state didn't help him. Tabi's eye's were out, no indication of life. Standing next to him you could at least hear him breathing, but slightly.

It was a grim scene.

"I'm sorry for dragging you into this." You said to Theo.

"Ah, old sport. It's fine." Theo said, unaffected. "Trouble tends to find me. I've accepted it."

Updike showed up shortly after with a few doctors. At first you were panicked when a limousine pulled up behind several cars. Fearing it was the family you drew your gun. It wasn't until Updike finally stepped out that you withdrew it. Even before saying anything to you he remarked at Theo's house design, noting it looked very 'unusual' and whispered something to an assistant who followed close.

He had no reaction to the scene, taking it in rather stoically. A few doctors in plainclothes

The thought briefly flashed by how Updike would've known to send civvies-dressed doctors but it got thrown out. There was too much to think about at the moment.

On a stretched and cart they took Tabi and Huggy. Updike did a cursory look at Tabi, remarking he would be fine.

You were about to demand to come to come when Updike commanded them to take you as well. It was rather forceful the way Updike ordered the doctors. No guns were drawn though it didn't make it appear any less threatening.

"I'll come. I don't want any funny business." You said to him.

"Yes yes of course. As I said many times, after Earthquake no one move will be made against you or your people."

Just before you got into Updike's limo, Theo stopped you. "Will you have me along with this?" He asked.


"I sense you have an uncertainty with this fellow. Allow me to stay close."

"Are you sure man? You've helped so much already. I-It's okay. Just rest here. All this stuff..." You sigh. "Heavy shit. You don't want to get involved. Trust me. U-uh p-police businn-ness." You come up with an excuse.

"Bah, you aren't. I can read ya. You don't have that authoritative streak. You're too honest. That's why I like ya." Theo smiled. "I feel I wouldn't be doing due diligence if I did not come. That bastard threatened me too. It is only right I know the truth."

You nod and take him along. Plus he saved your life, you felt you owed him.

You could tell there was an ulterior motive but didn't care. You wanted all the help you could get. Theo's eyes shone a deep-seated interest, like an outsider through the looking glass. He seemed more fascinated than valorant by what had occurred.

In the limousine Updike mentioned a detour, noting he got a message from Displo. Similar to yours whatever it said caused Updike's face to drop. He looked alarmed. As soon as Updike found out he demanded they speed to the establishment.

You can't recall what happened next. It was all a blur. There was a speedy chase to the restaurant and all you could see was the bright flames that emitting from it, someone screaming as you stared. Theo had placed a hand on your shoulder and muttered. "Good god." as he saw the scene.

You watched the restaurant for what seemed like hours, really just minutes.

You wished they it would rain, tears would blot out the fire, you'd find the TV-headed man in it, intact hiding. Or even Updike, the cloud man could put it out, make it so it never burned. You were glad Tabi couldn't see it, though it would have made him fire with rage.

You would have stayed there forever, had Updike not spoken up. You couldn't even see the restaurant properly anymore eyes welling up.

"You're going to have to tell me what this is all about."


It seemed like a restless night for everyone in the city. All sorts of violence and hate rippling across it.

Though quiet in this corner, it some still had issues.

Nikku had been stirring constantly. However, while your night was marked by violence, hers was marked by boredom. The only member of the team without a proper job or school she had been left to her own devices.

The two-week 'vacation' had breezed by though and she felt she hadn't accomplished anything. No new memories had returned and she was left stuck. They had given her a travel laptop. The first day she had tried to research herself but didn't find much. She used it seldom after that.

Spent a few days working as a prep-cook at Displo's though she grew not to like it. Her use of Tess' voice became an issue too causing her to quit after that. Spent a few days reading books at the nearby library. Updike and Displo both offered her positions at their companies but after Earthquake and her time at TGG she wasn't interested.

She spent a day mingling with various IRIS operatives, learning about select cases and ongoing hunts which was fun. It had become the highlight of her 'vacation'. She had become a local confidant, gaining knowledge in many ongoing events and helping others. But as of a few days ago most of the agents had left.

The safehouse was never made for permanent dwellings. None stayed longer than a week. In the remaining days she had developed a friendship with S, he himself spending his days spooking people online and further building his mythos. When she displayed interest in his shenanigans, S had a VR set delivered right to the safehouse. It was just today that she had joined S as he wiped out some company's personal Minecraft server. She felt a kinship to him, learning that he too came from space.

Though space infinitely vast and S determining they never met prior that bond still remained.

As she sat by the window overlooking a river she sighed. Too wired to go to sleep, having only awoken around noon. She wished something could happen. She didn't feel like reading nor did she want to browse the internet. Nothing to do but watch a barely visible river go by.

No sooner was her wish answer as her laptop came to life. It sounded like people talking. Curious she took it out of the bag and set it on the bed, sitting cross-legged in front of it. There, on the screen sat S, back turned sitting on a large red chair. He had some kind of drink in one hand, a chilli dog in the other. He sat staring up at several different news feeds, all reading from "Mobius".

"S?" She asked quizzically. S turned around, a psychotic look in his eyes. Seeing Nikku it softened and changed to disappointment.

"Aw, you're still up?" He said. "Displo kicked me out, thought I could sneak some news here."

"I don't mind. I can't sleep anyways." She set the laptop at the end of the bed and laid stomach-down as she looked.

"Hey, well that's great! There's a lot going on!" S said. "Here look at this." Through the screen S got up and pulled up some article. It scrolled quickly, too fast for Nikku to read it.

One of the screens displayed a blue hedgehog. He looked similar to S but less 'evil-looking'. He appeared to be in battle with a similar looking person, green skin or fur wearing yellow pants. "Who is that?" She pointed to the screen.

"Oh that's Surge, real warlord."

"No. The person beside them."

S looked at her dumbfounded. "That's Sonic."

"Oh. I remember you said that. So are you related to him or something?" She mused.

"I wish. But I am a lot like him."

"That's neat. If he's anything like you I'm sure we'd get along."

S looked at her with scepticism. "Well we're like in a lot of ways. You know about his super speed? Love for chilli dogs? Best friend named Tails?"

Nikku shrugged.

"You really haven't heard of him have you?" S asked, bewildered.

"Not really. I just know that he's a celebrity. And what you've said." She said. She racked her brain.Nope. Only know him from S.

"Well strap in. I have a lot I need to tell you. Prepare to have your mind blown." S said as he pushed up imaginary sleeves.

S looked around. "Hm. Your laptop doesn't have enough storage." He paused and jumped up. "Oh well! I'll just order you some drives. We have a lot to cover!"

And for the next several hours S gave a nonstop lecture about Sonic, the history of Mobius and everything in between. He was so in-tune with it all that he ignored all messages sent to him.

For him this was of upmost importance.


Dawn started on the horizon, the sun finally re-appearing. Three anthros stood on a near empty train platform. One of them carried several bags with him, as did he carry a single crutch. They were waiting for the train to arrive, a few minutes before.

It was a sombre scene, one that only came after a traumatic night. Carrying the luggage on his back was a white cat named Connor. And at his sides were a blue wolf and a grey cat, named Loki and Kapi, respectively.

"You sure you're gonna be alright?" Loki asked. He was still trembling slightly, even if the morning air was sobering.

Connor smiled. "I'll be fine." They had gone to Kapi's apartment after and Connor bandaged his leg and shoulder. They spent the night talking, slowly coming to conclusion Connor would have to go on the run. He suggested Apollo, a futuristic looking city. He determined that he could lay low for a few months and see if the contract would end up being abandoned or expired.

"W-well make sure when you reach Apollo to find Ayana or Dalia." Kapi said. He had repeated it many times already, himself still trembling. Paranoia was kicking in and he felt Anders or another assassin could appear anywhere.

He already spoke to Ayana, asking if it was okay. She wasn't sure but after telling Dalia, Dalia insisted he come by. We don't like assassins here. Any show up, we'll deal with 'em.

"I will." Connor smiled.

They had also received Displo's text, leading Kapi to explain the Carnival. Though as he expected Connor to lash out at him, he just remarked how proud he was. "Dude's that's awesome." He said. Though at the end of the speech, Kapi determined he was done. Joining the Carnival had nearly killed him, possibly gotten one of his best friends killed and made him a possible permanent target in the City. Who know what other friends that Family had? He was done. Full stop. Connor didn't respond then, instead nodding.

Now, Connor turned to Kapi. It was his turn to ask something. "Kapi you need to listen to me. Cause I know you. What you're doing, that whole group and all..." There was sadness in his voice. He cleared his throat. "You can't leave it. Do it for me, man."

"You, you can't be serious. Not after this man. Not after-"

Kapi wanted no more than to blame the group for this outcome, to yell at everyone for destroying his arcade, nearly killing him and sending one of his best friends into exile. But alas, he couldn't. When Kapi finally determined it was his affiliation with the team that caused this, the decision was made. Connor insisted he not back down, that he not only take on the Family but make them suffer for even putting the hit. Connor was always an "eye for an eye" believer and this he stood firm on.

Connor stopped him and made him calm down. Looking at his two friends, Kapi knew what to say.

"I-I will." Kapi said. He was on the verge of tears but knew he wouldn't cry till it was over. "I'll get them. I promise."

"There's really no way you can stay?" Loki asked with wide eyes.

"Afraid not. I killed an assassin. I stopped his mission. That's a clear violation of the pact me and the Society signed."

"But we all killed him!" Loki pleaded.

Connor shook his head. "Doesn't matter. That's not how they'll see it. And when Anders gets back he won't see it that way either."

Loki sighed.

"I'll call you both as soon as I reach Apollo. I promise." He said.

With a hearty roar the train pulled into the station. A cross-country train. It would give him a few hours before he reached Apollo.

"Alright guys. This is it." Connor gave both a hug. A stewardess came out of the train and took his ticket and helped carry his bags. Just as quickly as it arrived the train started to chug along. Connor waved by the window as it slowly left the station, the rhythmic chugging serving as a backdrop for the sunrise.

Both couldn't help but cry, sadness prevailing that this meeting could have been the last time they saw Connor again.

Kapi didn't want to agree to stay in the Carnival but he had no choice. They attacked him, his arcade and his friends. Anyone other than retaliation would've been weak in Connor's eyes.

The next chapter will be called This Means War.

Don't worry. S and Nikku will have some sort of 'event' later to make up for their...inaction in the Night.

This should also complete the timeline of the Night of Fire. Course we're still missing one person's movements but all will be revealed next chapter.

odaocercreators' thoughts