
Turnabout Teardown: Scornful Summer

You are (your/name) (or Geist), a former cop turned criminal and leader of a group of thieves called The Carnival. You became a leader after being nearly killed when you tried to investigate one of the most powerful families in the city. Now seeking revenge you have started to assemble a ragtag group, ready to conduct the heist of the century. Things had been good lately. A team was assembled and ready. TGG and IRIS had been taken down. We were capable. You are still (your/name), or Geist, a disgraced cop who investigated the 'wrong' people. You've gotten a team, you've found love and you have allies in high places. Enough playing. Time to end this. What could have happened next none of us could have predicted. But let me make one thing clear. They. Will. Pay. Especially for what they have done to us. With the team in tow, a lover who will stick by you forever and a newfound anger you will destroy them, even if it means burning down the whole city. This is book 2, containing a record of the events that occurred in Summer. It covers the following three arcs: Night of Fire, Operation Flashbang & Operation Teardown.

odaocer · Videojogos
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40 Chs

Track 08 - Insert Coins to Continue

Flashpoint Arcade.

A 'front' for a game preservation society. It was here were aspiring players could enjoy any of the many games they preserved. This particular location held a selection of the most famous and best cabinets they had. Aside from work and home it was the place Kapi spent the most time at.

It had been his personal goal to try and obtain all the high scores and for a while he had many. But then S came and having far more patience than Kapi started smashing his scores. S had moved onto greater things since he was freed.

With S gone, Kapi would be king again. But still, he liked S' bravado.

In-between his work and meetings with for the team he let his records lapse. While the team was on hiatus he wished to reclaim those records.

So tonight he was at the arcade, planning on smashing what records he could.

Kapi dressed colourfully, his favourite jacket on, red body, blue arms, yellow sleeves and gold trim. It made him stand out from a kilometre away and he loved it. All under a red and black baseball cap. From his belt a strip off a racing flag, a chequered pattern. He acquired it recently finding it made a stylish add-on to his personage.

He had brought a friend this night. One of his trio of friends. He'd wanted to bring the third one but alas, he was busy. It would be just Kapi and Loki tonight.

Loki was a wolf anthro with ocean-blue fur. He dressed casually, a long-sleeve white overcoat with a black shirt under it. It may have been early summer but he still felt the cold. His 'winter coat' never came in either, requiring him to dress up in those nights. He had black track pants and red and white sneakers which matched the bandana currently around his neck. He was Kapi's age and about as tall as him. His face showed a youthful fervour and a deep enjoyment of all video games. Hanging off the side of his belt was a PSX controller, something he never went to the arcade without.

It was his lucky charm.

He had a large bushy tail which did appear odd to most onlookers, especially the way it got darker as one reached the end.

S said he'd join them but he had been completely absent since that message. For now it was just the two.

Now Playing...

Artist: WufuDufu

Song: Obtuse


The arcade was abuzz with activity. The warmer weather brought with it many new faces, many deciding to try the arcade after satiating themselves at neighbouring restaurants.

Another arcade, one across the country, MiniClip had shut down recently. And Flashpoint obtained all those games. It was a great haul, many of which Kapi intended to clear once he could get a shot. He at least wanted to let the people get some score before he come in and destroy their hopes.

The arcade was brightly lit. A large room of colours. Coloured lights on the ceiling, LEDs in the floor tiles and an entire rainbow of arcade cabinets all beside each, winding along the walls. Even the walls above the cabinets were lit. The place was alive and full of energy. Had an onlooker walked by they could have mistaken it for a club.

All in all, the arcade had been doing well.

Kapi and Loki were standing at an arcade machine, one Kapi had cleared long ago. Taking a break the two played against each other for fun.

Kapi held the joystick like a professional, left hand upside-down two fingers holding the stick. His right palm over all the buttons, barely hovering above them. He was in tune.

Loki played far more casually, whole hand on the joystick and hand above the buttons, only pressing when he needed to.

They could've played more seriously but were on break. They need a rest from the record-breaking.

It was a simple co-operative game titled Fireboy and Watergirl. The two were working together in deep harmony.

"Hurry up man! Move that block there." Kapi demanded.

"In a second, geez. You're gonna burn yourself out at this rate." Loki said.

"Nah, I'm just getting started!"

It was a cooperative puzzle game they had beaten it many times before. They knew all the solutions to all the levels, it had become a test now to see how fast they could beat the game. But while Loki found it relaxing, Kapi was energized, planning several moves ahead of Loki, then getting frustrated when the blue fox wasn't keeping up.

They were a spectacle in the arcade, people sometimes congregating around them as they played strangely. Had the whole trio been there it would have been a party.

After 'relaxing' for half a hour, Kapi and Loki decided to get back to 'work'. But before work could resume they at least wanted some time in the lounge.

Originally for parents to relax while their kids ran around the arcade, at night it was just a place for people to hang out in-between runs of games. Though not an alcoholic bar, a counter at the end stocked plenty of junk food and drinks.

They each had a soda while they cooled down. Kapi was more than ready to give Burnout another go but Loki had convinced him to wait a few minutes. As they discussed Kapi's job at the bakery Loki's phone went off.

"It's Connor." He said with a grin. The third member of their trio. He answered it eagerly.

"Whoa, slow down. What you mean? Who's coming?" Loki's expression changed, not understanding what Connor was saying.

"What's going on?" Kapi asked.

Loki put the phone down. "I don't know. Dude's freaking out about something. Says it's urgent."

"Alright, I'm gonna put you on spea-oh. Okay, I won't." Loki shook his head. "Here. He wants to talk to you." Loki handed Kapi his phone.

"Kapi? Are you okay? You weren't answering your messages!" Connor said. His was out of breath. The way he heard the wind in the background indicate he was running fast.

"I'm fine, geez. What's the problem? Slow down."

"You don't understand Kapi. These people don't play. Once it's put out there isn't much time left." He said scared.

"What are you talking about?"

Kapi heard Connor take a deep breath. "Have you done anything recently? Steal something, piss in someone's soup, oh no! Did you hang out with Boyfriend again?"

"Connor I don't know what you're talking about. Are you okay? You aren't making sense. I haven't even seen BF in weeks, shoot months I think-"

"Listen Kapi. Whatever you did. You pissed someone off. There's a bounty on you, put out today, anonymous bidder."

"What?" Kapi shouted, gathering a few curious glances from around the lounge. "What do you m-mean?"

"I mean someone wants you dead! I-I'm on my way there. I would've claimed it but some other cleaner got to it. Look. I don't know where they are but you gotta get out of there. It's the Society! The Assassin's Society!"

"I-is this some kind of joke?" Kapi's expression changed. He wracked his head trying to figure out what he could have done, who he could have pissed off, high scores, jokes he pulled, everything. There was an irate customer at work the other day but that's the only thing he could think of. Loki looked back concerned. "What's the matter?"

"Bro, I'm literally almost at the arcade now. I'm serious. Get to safety. Someone already signed up for it! I don't know if the assassin is nearby-just-just just look around. You see anyone that doesn't belong?" Connor asked, frantic.

"I-uh..." Kapi gulped, his stomach sinking. The reality started to set in just what Connor meant.

The lounge had several people, groups of friends hanging out, a few parents with kids tuckered out, a shifty group of anthros keeping to one corner, some businessmen unwinding, waiters serving soda and other drinks, a few of the cooks on break, nothing that stood out to him.

At one of the lounge corners was something that looked slightly different. At best they weren't human or anthro. Overlooking the lobby someone standing and reading a newspaper. He was by his lonesome.

He was a short fellow, though that on account of his hunch, inability to stand up straight. As Kapi looked he couldn't tell if he was human or just an android. His head was grey and he looked around nonchalantly with glowing white eyes. On the sides of his face were grates, or speakers, or the filters of a gas mask. He briefly saw the man's mouth, a grate. It was unclear if it was a mask or his actual head.

The mask was just minor compared to his attire which really made him stand out. He had on a perfectly unwrinkled grey suit with a red tie. Further down he had black dress pants and black dress shoes. It contrasted horribly with the relaxed and retro feel of the arcade.

Even against the businessmen unwinding he looked odd. Glancing back Kapi noticed the businessmen were all dishevelled. This person was better tailored.

He put down the newspaper and glanced over the lobby, scanning it.

He could have been a salaryman coming to arcade after a long day but nah, his attire was in far too good of condition. The black latex gloves he wore didn't help either.

Kapi was convinced. That had to be the hitman. He gulped. He looked to Loki who was still confused as ever, not knowing what was going on. Nausea building, Kapi didn't notice himself tapping the table quietly. He was still trying to comprehend that someone had requested he be killed. Could it have been his scores? He felt he was gonna be sick.

"I-i think I see someone." Kapi whispered into the phone. "Gas mask, black gloves, suit, red tie. I t-think he's a robot."

"Damnit. I-I think I know who it is. Look, stay put. Act natural. Assassins wouldn't want to risk getting caught and not risk making a scene. Stay within the crowd, if it's who I think, he wouldn't risk other people getting shot. Usually. I think. I'm gonna be there soon. Just stay tight. I can sort this out." Connor said.

"O-okay. Get here quick."

"I will. And Kapi. Whatever you do, don't leave the arcade." Connor said and hung up.

Kapi was mortified. Loki picked up on it to. "You okay bro? We can head out if you wan-"

"No! We can't go anywhere."

"Well what's the problem?"

"I..." It was a tense moment, Kapi wasn't sure if he should tell Loki. And if he did, what if that guy was listening in? Connor did say that guy "usually" doesn't make a scene but he was never lucky. Tonight could be the night that assassin broke his promise.

"Kapi?" Loki asked. To him, everyone had been acting weird.

The announcement on the P.A. broke Kapi's trance.

"This is a last call for the Super Smash Flash 2 tournament. If you think you have a shot then come to the prize desk on the first floor and register! Entry cost is 10 dollars."

"Oh! Let's do it!" He declared and grabbing Loki ran out of the lounge, down the stairs to the main area.

"So you're okay now?" Loki asked as they re-entered the arcade.

"No. Not at all." Kapi whispered. "You saw that guy in the lounge, with the newspaper?"

"Yeah, think so. Why are you whispering-"

"Connor think he's out to kill me. Look, just play along. I can't appear suspicious."

"Really? Then Connor's-"

"On his way. Just. Keep quiet. If you see that guy tell me."

Loki finally understood the severity of the situation. He nodded. "I got your back. W-what did you do though?"

Kapi shrugged. "Hell if I know."

With watchful eyes Kapi and Loki registered for the tournament. They asked to be not be paired against each other round one just so there wouldn't be a moment where they both weren't looking.

As Kapi waited for the tournament to start he continued to think about potential attackers and how he could get out of it. A knot welled in his stomach, nausea building.

But if that guy was a bot, then S could help! S could counter-act him! Kapi shot off a text to S. The reply back was instant, automatic.

"Gone fishing!"

Suffice to say, S was not around. Kapi cursed.

The first round came. Just as they had asked they were paired against each other. What was supposed to be a "someone throws the match" situation quickly evolved into a tense competition, both players putting in their all.

The crowd went wild as two local 'celebrities' of the arcade squared off. They had both become so engraved into it all they completely forgot about the potential assassin, instead continuing a brawl on Final Destination.

Kapi hit Loki with what many would construe as a dirty move. With one life up on Loki he grabbed him and jumped off the stage, killing the both of them but kept Kapi alive.

Even with such a cheap shot the crowd went wild. It was a perfect start to the tournament. With the round over the two took a seat in the centre of the audience.

Loki spotted the suspect first, at the edge of the audience, watching the tournament perplexed.

And as Connor had said, the suspect made no move. It occurred to Loki that Connor could have just been wrong about an assassination but shrugged it off. Connor was never wrong about these things. He wanted an update, shooting off a text to him about the tournament and their location. Connor sent back a garbled message about how it was a dumb idea but couldn't back down now. He wrote that he'd be there soon. Something about 'cinema'.

Eventually it was Kapi's turn again and he went off, glancing around paranoically. "Be careful man." Loki said. He glanced over his shoulder to where the suspect was, eyes wide as he saw the man was missing.

"Excuse me. Is this seat taken?" A muffled but posh voice said behind Loki.

"Sure go aheaoohh." Loki turned to see the suspect standing behind him. He gave a friendly smile. "Something wrong?"

"N-no. Go ahead."

"Thank you. I just wish to get a better view."

Loki's stammered, his mind taking over what that meant. Could he have known?

As Kapi got started Loki texted Connor. He tried to do it out of sight.

Something hard jammed in his side causing him to yelp. It wasn't sharp but it was firm and circular enough he could tell.

A silencer barrel.

"There won't be any of that." The suspect spoke. He was looking straight ahead but had his close hand holding a pistol under his jacket.

Loki froze.

He knew.

Loki tried to play dumb. "S-sir?"

"Please, call me Anders. Now I wouldn't recommend any sudden movements. Just sit and enjoy the show."

Loki gulped. He put his phone away. "Good boy." Loki sat forward terrified and humiliated he couldn't do anything.

After what seemed like hours to Loki, really 10 minutes Kapi returned. He had spent a bit more time up front, mingling with the other players, believing Loki had his back.

He won the round with much fanfare, no longer relying on cheap moves. It was all skill now. He strutted back to his spot as the next competitors stood up. As he approached his row he stopped, seeing the suspect sitting beside Loki.

Anders just smiled, waving him over. Loki's terrified face gave all that he needed. He knew he should have ran but also knew he couldn't abandon Loki, even if he wasn't the target. He didn't think he would get very far either.

"Have a seat, please." Anders said calmly.

Kapi hesitated. "I promise you. I will make no move against you until after this tournament." He said.

Kapi still hesitated. "You have my word."

Against all his instincts he sat down.

"Good." Anders said and withdrew his gun. "See? Go on. Win the tournament. It shall be in a blaze of glory you go out."

Kapi wished S or anyone would just show up.

"Name is Anders. Professional hitman. Pleased to meet you." He held a gloved hand out to Kapi. He didn't react immediately which was met by disdain by Anders. "I won't bite. Go on. Shake it."

Kapi did so, gulping again. He felt he was having trouble breathing with the way things were going. Connor better be here quick.

"I have been commissioned to take you out. I apologize for roping your friend into this but I promise after you I won't go for him. I keep things simple." Anders said, as if he were a clerk speaking to a customer.

"How about you and me, DDR? If I win you go away, and if you win, then I'm all yours." Kapi said confidently. "Never mind the t-tournament."

"I will not take a wager I know I have little chance of winning. I know little of these games. " Anders said. "Additionally, we are already two rounds deep. It makes little sense to abandon this quest."

"I need to go to the washroom." Loki said.

Anders rolled his eyes. "Fine. go." He motioned Loki to leave.

But, just as Loki got up, Anders stopped him. "Give me your phone."

Loki sighed and handed it to him. "Thank you. Now go." Anders said, placing the phone on Loki's chair.

Anders knew Loki intended to get help but also knew whatever he do would not save Kapi. He felt confident in this wager, allowing Loki to leave.

But as he walked to the washroom and idea hit him. He waited till he was completely out of sight and then b-lined for the front desk. A quick conversation later he was talking to Connor on the front desk phone, out of sight.

"What I do-What do I do?"

"I'm gonna be there literally 10 minutes. Why the hell did you guys go to an arcade so far from my apartment!? Don't answer that. Okay. Go up to him and tell him this. You're gonna pretend to be me."


"Now memorize this..."

"I must admit I have never played one of these games before. This scene, the flashing lights, the glitz, the machines, it's all rather glamorous. Not exactly my cup of tea but I can see the appeal." Anders mused to Kapi.

The catboy didn't respond.

Loki went back to sit down. Kapi was trembling and Anders had grown quite bored of the current players and turned to reading a small book. Kapi was trying his best not to have a panic attack, though looked like hell already.

Loki kept an air of authority among him, getting ready to speak. He puffed his chest out and spoke.

"You can't do this."

"Oh? And why not?" Anders asked. "If you're going to give me a speech on morality, afterlife or how he's your friend please spare me. I have heard them all."

"No." Loki said sternly. "There's a high writ that the order has been called off."

Anders chuckled. "You cannot possibly know what that means."

Loki continued his rehearsed lines. "I have, under executive order by the high council that this order of assassination has been deemed invalid."

Anders' expression changed from amusement to shock. "By what grounds?" He said, a little louder. It attracted the attention of someone in front who glanced back. "By what grounds?" Anders repeater quieter. He leaned down, closer to Loki.

Loki took a seat. "On the grounds that the customer's payment had been declined."

"That's impossible! Those clients would never have enough funds. You must be lying. Probably just searched some answer up. What is your callsign?"

"Callsign P.GOD. If you don't believe me then go check with the office. That's why I was so surprised earlier. I would have taken the contract myself if it was still up." Loki said without taking a breath. He was trying his best to look big, keeping the chest puffed up.

Anders still had a shocked look. "That is impossible." He repeated. "I will go check. If I find out you are lying I will have you hung for this. Stay. Here." Anders said and got up. He ran off, pulling his phone out as well.

As soon as Anders was gone, Loki exhaled, dropping the "authoritative" appearance.

"Ohmygosh. Thank Connor man." He mumbled.

"Dude. Was that true?"

"O-of course." It was a lie but Connor had also said to him that Anders had excellent hearing. Never drop the lie.

"Well shoot. Let's get back to gaming then!" He said, as if his life was never on the line in the first place.

"R-right." Loki said.

"I'm gonna win this tournament now. I'm amped."

"Y-you sure? Maybe we should go take a break, y'know go play some DDR."

"Ah, c'mon man. You're still all pent up about losing?"

"Dude, I'm serious. We shoul-"

"Don't be a suck. I'm on a roll." He waved in front of Loki. "I got this-oh!" Kapi's attention was drawn back to the front. He saw someone playing his main. "I'll be right back!" He said running off to the front.

"No, Kapi wait.." But it was too late, Kapi ran off, the tournament now taking over his agenda. Loki sighed. He knew Anders would be back any second and didn't want to be around when he returned. He got up and ran to the front, only stopping when his phone went off. It was Connor. He had arrived and was in the building, currently buying a ticket.

"Oh thank goodness." He texted back where he was, relief washing over him. "I'm at the front where the tournament with Kapi. Hurry." He texted.


Kapi was meanwhile back to normal, cracking jokes with the other players, engaging in camaraderie. Loki had joined too and stood awkwardly around. Kapi noticed this. "Why are you so on edge my guy?" He asked.

"N-no reason. How much longer till the next round?"

"'bout 20 minutes I think."

"Ah well let's go do some DDR. I need a break, away from here."

"Alright, sweeet yeah I could go for something to get my blood boiling." He practically grabbed Loki and ran off with him. As they went Loki glanced back at his seat. There was no sign of Anders.

"You okay man? You seem a little off."

"N-no. I'm fine. Let's go."

And in the few seconds they had made their way upstairs to the DDR hall, called The Spraker/Tsugami Gallery.

The place was originally designed as a tribute to "two rhythm legends". A wide open room with glowing purple walls lined with all forms of rhythm games. DDR, Stepmania, OSU, Taiko and more. It was practically a museum for music-based games. There were many to chose from but Dance Dance Revolution was what Kapi preferred.

The area was situated on the second floor of the arcade, with the lounge just beside it. There was an overlook where one could see the main stage area below but Kapi did not pick a machine near it.

A text from Loki read "Just got the ticket. I'll be there in a sec. Sit tight." Loki responded back. "Hurry man. I'm freaking out. Lost the hitman. Kapi doesn't know."

In the centre of the whole room was a few statues of the developers and pioneers of the various games. Emblazoned on a plaque at the far end was the names of the various high-score players. Kapi's name was on there, noting his high skill level. It was something he was quite proud and vowed to help get Loki and Connor's name on it one day too.

Kapi cracked his knuckles. "Let's do this." Popping a coin into the machine he selected his song. Loki wasn't paying much attention, his eyes darting around for Anders or Connor.

With the song picked and difficulty set to max Kapi got started. Facing forward he placed his hands on the railing behind the board. It allowed him better control.

And the song began. "Yo, Loki. Watch this." He gloated, easily hitting all the notes as his legs became a blur, lighting up the various arrows. Loki glanced back and said he was doing good but continued looking around.

Something did catch his eye as one of the DDR players across the gallery turned. He hadn't noticed but they were not playing, just occupying space. They person turned. It was Anders.

He had a grin on his face and his eyes flashed a deep red. He was pissed. He walked up to Loki.

"K-kapi?" Loki said, tapping Kapi's hand.

"Not now man. Haven't missed a note. Going for an S-rank baby!"

Loki trembled. Anders put a finger in front of his mouth and tapped his foot to the beat. As soon as the hihat hit he drew his gun and fired a bullet into the screen, the shot not being heard, completing the motion with high speed.

Kapi froze, nearly having a heart attack seeing the bullet hole in the screen. Every single note was being missed as they all passed by the screen. He slowly turned, now realizing Anders standing there. His score was quickly dropping.

"I am glad you two could seclude yourselves." Anders said calmly. He glanced around. "Yes, not many witnesses here."

"I will give praise due though. It was a gallant attempt to save your friend. I don't know where you learned that language but it was quite convincing." He said, praising Loki.

Kapi glanced to Loki. "T-that was a lie?"

"Quite." Anders said. "The Family would never rescind such a request."

"S-sorry. Connor told me to say it." Loki said apologizing.

"Wait. Wait. Hold on." Kapi raised his hands. "I didn't do anything against the Family!" He racked his brain, trying as quickly to think what he could've done. It had been weeks since he even last saw BF. "It's gotta be a mistake."

Anders sighed. "It is always such a scene when the target learns who their buyer was. I apologize. I should not have spoken. But it was you they asked for. There can be no mistake about it."


"Please calm yourself. I promise, I will keep it quick. As for your 'why', do not concern yourself. It is improper to ask why such hits are set out."

Anders turned to Loki. "As for you I will be informing callsign P.GOD about your impersonation. It is highly improper to do so."

"There is no need." Someone said from behind Anders. "I am callsign P.GOD."

Kapi and Loki peered over. Standing there with a serious look was Connor. He had finally arrived.

Of the trio, Connor was the most mature. He gamed sometimes but was always close to his work. Most of the time it meant being a professional singer and musician, but once in a while he'd do some side work. Mainly 'assassinations'. It was not something he liked discussing, especially with Kapi and Loki. All they knew was that he occasionally did work for a group called the 'Society'. He clarified to them once his specific killings dealt with "extra-realm escapees", demons or souls that have left hell. He always joked that if he ever saw their names put up on the list he'd take it instantly. This night should have been one for that joke had it not actually been the case.

He dressed rather plainly, possibly having to quickly throw on outside clothes. He had a thick red t-shirt, pink scarf around his neck and plain brown pants. Even his black shoes were unremarkable. He wasn't dressed to impress. This was business for him. Still, it worked well with his snow white fur.

His eyes were a orange haze as he was clearly anxious. Behind him a thin white tail, groomed perfectly but it never grew as much as he thought it would. He had tied the back of his fur into a ponytail.

Atop his head a small black top hat. It was his trademark.

"Put the gun down. We do not need a scene." Connor said.

"I remember you." Anders put his gun down. "You are rather young to be a cleaner."

Cleaner, as Connor described it was the 'politically correct' term for assassin. When he first told Kapi and Loki it was met with many jokes about him being a janitor.

"Well. I have already claimed this job. Your assistance is not required."

"I am not here to kill anyone. I won't let you kill my best friend."

Perplexity splashed across Anders' face. "You'd dare to face me. Youngin, I'm sure you know what will happen if you interfere in a mission."

"I know the risks."


Link: https://www.deviantart.com/odaocer/art/Insert-Coins-to-Continue-1001108025

Now Playing...

Game: Rocket Knight Adventures

Song: Boss Battle


Connor put his hand out and light formed on it. A gold-coloured trident materialized in his hand. On the short end there a glowing orange crystal embedded in it. The top of the trident broke out into 3 sharp blades. On either end were a thin crudely curved spikes. In the middle of the two spikes a larger spike that formed around another glowing orange crystal.

Magical in nature, all they knew was Connor never went anywhere without it. Kapi and Loki had only seen it a few times. This was one of them.

"You'd fight me here?" Anders said aghast, surprised at Connor's lack of discreteness.

"Don't see why not."

Anders shook his head. "You newbies. Always think the killing is supposed to be some big event. Discreet isn't even in your dictionary." He continued to complain. "Always with the theatrics and fancy weapons. Partial the reason why so many retire earl-"

Kapi's score had reached zero, the machine emitting a loud "GAME OVER."

Anders quickly turned to see what had happened. Connor lunged at him, charging the trident directly to Anders' head. Anders reaction time was impeccable and he raised his gun, jamming it in-between two of the spikes.

"No sense in monologing either. It's despicable." He spat.

The sudden movement was caught be a few onlookers, who upon seeing Anders armed screamed and declared to the arcade "HE HAS A GUN!" Coupled with other loud sounds in the arcade, it built chaos.

People had started running.

Kapi and Loki looked at Connor holding against Anders. They were at a loss what to do. With no direction they bolted, running towards the lounge.

"So annoying." Anders muttered and drew another gun. Before he could shoot him, Connor yanked his trident down, pulling Anders with it. Just before the blade hit the ground he kicked it back up, dislodging the gun and knocking the other one out.

Connor jumped back, ready to go again. There was an air of smugness emanating from him.

"Meddlesome brat." Anders muttered as he got up. He reached into his jacket and threw a few small grey balls to the ground. Connor recognized them instantly.

Smoke bombs.

They exploded, a thick grey fog covering the visible area. In the last second before everything went hazy Connor saw Anders run off.

The rest of the arcade was teetering on the brink of chaos. Someone had seen a gun, others 'heard' gunshots and now smoke was pouring out of the second floor.

Kapi and Loki, trying to focus amongst the confusion ended up in the lounge. They dove under a table.

"We gotta do something." Kapi said.

"Like what? That guy's nuts. We gotta go!" Loki responded, frantic.

"No way. We can't leave Connor behind. We're a trio. Damn! If only S were here."


"Nevermind. We gotta-" Breaking Kapi's line of thought was a text message. He checked it. From Displo.

"The family's coming. You gotta run." Oh geez, I know that already. Thanks, he thought. Wait...Displo was a robot. That was it!

Kapi got up, hitting his head on the table. "Ow. I know what we need to do. He's a bot, right? We can electrocute him."

"How?" Loki asked amongst the mayhem.

They both instinctively glanced towards the soda bar.

Connor wasn't going to let Anders get away. He knew he needed more attention, keep up the chaos. It was what Anders was trying to avoid. He grabbed the discarded gun and ripped the silencer off. Aiming at the ceiling he fired off the whole clip, re-igniting the fervour below. There was a shooter! People exclaimed and started running en masse out the arcade. It was under the cover of smoke so people assumed it was multiple shooters.

The soda clerk ran off too, making his way to the emergency exit. With no one there Kapi and Loki jumped the bar and grabbed a bucket. Filling it with water and whatever open cups they had started hauling it.

The smoke has spread to the lounge too and although thinning was ruining visibility. Just as they left the lounge they turned a corner only to find Anders.

"There you are." He declared.

Kapi and Loki threw the bucket at Anders, soaking his dry suit. At first he furious, unsure why they even did that but then it hit him. A large smile crept up on his face as Kapi and Loki's fears rose.

"D-did you seriously think you could short-circuit me?" Anders burst out laughing. "You utter buffoons!"

But right behind him was Connor, ever vigilante. He jumped up trident aiming right for Anders head. He shouted as he did, instinctual but it was enough for Anders to move out of the way. The trident slashed through the fabric of his suit, exposing a white undershirt.

"Another example of poor tradecraft. Yelling when attacking." Anders grabbed the blade of the trident. "Going for the head though? You really are fearless."

"What the hell are you guys still doing here? Get out!" Connor shouted.

Kapi and Loki ducked under Anders and ran forward, inadvertently returning to the rhythm hall.

Anders held the trident hard, trying to rip it out of Connor's hand. Still holding it, Connor used it as a leverage and jumped up the wall next to him. Letting go he used it like a pole and jumped up, kicking Anders in the head. While to Connor it hurt like hell kicking a metal object, it was successful. Anders tripped and plummeted off the floor, landing on the first one, crashing into some steel chairs.

"Show you what I know." Connor muttered and wiped his brow. Defending Kapi was one thing but he was starting to get pissed from the constant pretentiousness Anders exhumed.

Back in the rhythm hall the two made it. "You're right. We gotta help him." Loki said as they looked around. "Well water didn't work."

"Maybe he's a better robot?"

"That's it!" An idea formed in Kapi's head. "We gotta override him!"

Connor too made it back in the rhythm hall, fully expecting Anders to come back up any sec. Just as he was hoping Loki and Kapi had gotten out he saw them fiddling with an arcade cabinet among the smoke.

He ran up to them. "The hell are you guys doing! You gotta go!"

"No way man, we're gonna help!" Kapi declared. Loki held up a wire, sparks emitting from it. "Gonna take him out!"

"That might actually work. Let's do this then!" Connor said. He sounded a bit relieved.

Just as they had started work Connor caught sight of Anders. He climbed the stairs, looking more annoyed than ever. Even more, he was aghast Kapi and Loki were still present.

"Do you wish to be killed as a group?" He said.

Connor jumped in front of them. "Not if I have any say." He held his trident out. "Come and get it!"

Anders didn't bother replying and instead drew guns and opened fire. Kapi and Loki instinctively ducked behind the cabinet as Connor made for the statues for cover.

Emptying entire clips he had no problem reloading, seemingly having infinite ammo. With both of them in hiding he had to make a choice. He went for Connor first, determining him to be the most dangerous.

With sight still low from the smoke, Connor couldn't see properly. He could just nary make out a figure working towards the statue. Anders walked close to Connor, hoping he could see him. Anders tossed a gun on the ground in front. Rising from his position Connor lept up and stabbed into the air. Before he could retract the trident Anders grabbed it again, using his strength to throw him and it away. Connor lost the trident as he landed on his paws backwards hitting a wall. Anders stood in front of him.

In the next motion Anders opened fire, directly hitting Connor in the shoulder. The catboy winced, ignoring the now bleeding bullet wound.

Anders raised his gun towards Connor. "Any last words?"

"Just one."

Connor raised his hand up. At first Anders was puzzled until he heard something whip by. He nary had time to react as the trident ripped through, again knocking the gun out of his hand. Connor grabbed it and slammed it into Anders. Anders caught it with an open hand but the trident went through it sending sparks around and creating a sharp hole in the assassins hand.

"Connor! Over here!" Kapi yelled.

"Unbelievable." Anders shouted as he observed the damage. No longer caring about sensibilities he instead just opened fire with a new gun in Connor's direction, actually hitting him in the leg. It was a 'mugger's shot' but had been the best shot so far.

"Connor!" Kapi yelled.

Connor dropped his trident and fell to the ground.

Loki didn't react, he was too busy putting the finishing touches. He couldn't stop, Not now. He was hitting each of the four buttons on the DDR machine as the screen started to go crazy.

"Get him over here!" Loki shouted.

"Wait! Don't shoot!" Kapi shouted. He ran past and grabbed Connor.

"It's been a valiant effort but all you have managed to do is injure my hand and annoy me." He raised his gun to Kapi.

"Kapi don't. W-we can still win-aah" Connor pleaded but was stopped by Anders putting a foot on the wound.

"I-it's fine. C-can I go doing something I enjoy?"

Anders paused for a second. "Very well. What is it?"

"I wanna play DDR."

"Very well. One round. That's it." He raised the gun, motioning for Kapi to step onto it. Putting Connor on the ground he strolled up to the machine.

It had resumed its normality. He started pressing buttons on it and it glitched out. "Uhh, j-just hold on. Something's wrong."

"What is the problem?" Anders said, tapping his foot.

"H-hold on. I think it's bugged. You think you could fix it? I think you broke it." Kapi said, motioning to the bullet hole in it.

"Just play another one."

"No! This is my machine! If I'm going out it's this one!"

Connor weakly spoke. "K-kapi don't. Just r-run." Anders kicked him, silencing the catboy.

Loki looked on with extreme anxiety. He knew what was coming next. He stood next to the machine, unseen his tail holding a single wire. He gulped.

"It's just a stupid machine. How would a bullet into a CRT cause anything. The motherboard should not have been there. Move over!" He shoved Kapi to the side. He inspected the machine, leaning in close.


With his tail Loki yanked the wire holding the machine's stability. In a sudden it exploded knocking Loki against the railing of the floor. Anders similarly was flung, except back, hitting the statue, smashing into it. Kapi was flung too, in the opposite direction back hitting another one of the arcade cabinets.

Loki groaned as he got up.

Having been face first in the explosion Anders had taken the brunt. Part of his suite had been burnt off and part of his face had charred.

Connor was the first one to go up, using his trident as a crutch.

"This isn't over." Anders spat. "I made a backup before engaging in his stupid quest. I will find you."

"Yeah, well per Society rules it's me you gotta come after." Connor said. He hobbled forward, getting closer to the hitman.

"Oh I will. Never mind your grey haired friend. You are what's wrong with the Society nowadays. I will expose you to the whole of the-URK"

Anders was cut off, Connor raising his trident and jamming it into Ander's throat. With a few sparks emitted, his lights flickered off.

"Spare me the BS." He muttered, knowing full well Anders could hear his final words.

Anders was slain for now.

With Anders dead, Connor slumped over, losing his balance. Kapi and Loki were quick to grab him. "We gotta go." He said.

"They're gonna send more?"

Connor shook his head. "They will..but...No I mean we gotta go before the police arrive. It's gonna ugly."

With a flick of his hand the trident vanished. Holding Connor on either side of them Kapi and Loki quickly got out of the arcade, unsure what to do next.

The next chapter will be called Last Smoke / Tree Leaves.