
Turnabout Teardown: Scornful Summer

You are (your/name) (or Geist), a former cop turned criminal and leader of a group of thieves called The Carnival. You became a leader after being nearly killed when you tried to investigate one of the most powerful families in the city. Now seeking revenge you have started to assemble a ragtag group, ready to conduct the heist of the century. Things had been good lately. A team was assembled and ready. TGG and IRIS had been taken down. We were capable. You are still (your/name), or Geist, a disgraced cop who investigated the 'wrong' people. You've gotten a team, you've found love and you have allies in high places. Enough playing. Time to end this. What could have happened next none of us could have predicted. But let me make one thing clear. They. Will. Pay. Especially for what they have done to us. With the team in tow, a lover who will stick by you forever and a newfound anger you will destroy them, even if it means burning down the whole city. This is book 2, containing a record of the events that occurred in Summer. It covers the following three arcs: Night of Fire, Operation Flashbang & Operation Teardown.

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40 Chs

Track 03 - Two Robots At Dusk

It had been a long day. There seemed to be just a few more rowdy customers than usual. And in the times were there weren't rowdy customers the waiters kept asking for you random tasks. More than once did you have to remind them you were a security guard, not an assistant manager, not a technician, nor a guidepost for where the nearest coffee shop is. And after every time you reminded them you ended up just doing it anyways.

The restaurant's business was doing great, some TGG employees now using it as a safe haven. It proved popular enough that you head TGG was planning on opening a diner with the same idea.

This restaurant was a front but Displo had been given complete control over it. And it was through this place that he found he enjoyed running it far more than field work.

Displo was a robot, one with a vastly intelligent AI. He understood, learned and acted according, becoming indistinguishable from regular people. He was what IRIS termed an 'android'. A being with sentience made of artifice.

Androids were not that uncommon in the city and ultimately considered just another type of person.

And just behind Displo, bussing tables or taking orders was Tess. She had been just a regular waiter a few weeks ago but had since been promoted to assistant manager of Displo's. It was through a few downtimes and after work events that you finally learned her whole story.

After all, on slow days things could only be cleaned so much. There were more than a few instances where the three of you sat at some empty table and discussed things. Never about the Carnival however, always just small talk.

The three of you had become friends. During the downtime Tess would sometimes come with a random question.

"So, there's you guys, then there's TGG. Are there any other 'super secret agencies'?" She asked jokingly, but half-serious.

Displo thought for a second. "Well there is the Society but they don't deal with paranormals specifically. Hmm. I guess not...oh wait. There was TCF but they, uh, shutdown. They dealt with 'trollges'. Just some specific type of creatures." Displo said, a little unsure of the last bit.

"Shutdown?" You ask.

"Officially. They had a containment breach. Massive outbreak. TGG caught most of them but last I heard there were a few still missing."

"What caused it?" You ask, curiously. If they were anything like IRIS you wouldn't mind having them on your team.

"No idea. Inside job, someone left something unlocked. I do not know." Displo said, shrugging. "There was a team that investigated but that's not my field." Seeing another customer coming in, Displo stood up.

"You don't think it's the, gasp, Family?" Tess asked.

Displo laughed. "What would they want with those beings? No offense but they carry so much baggage most they could do is bore them to death with their stories."


"There's a reward for catching the lost ones last I checked. You'd have to our weatherman for that."

And that was an average day.

Tess was a relatively recent employee to the restaurant. Another android, her diner was blown up by a 'grease fire' gone horribly wrong. 'Grease fire', being what the police report said. Tess, Displo, and you knew it to be false. The real reason it was blown up was because of Tess' opposition to 'The Family'. Or rather simply, because she tried to force them to pay their astronomically large tab. Her good will had run out and after having accumulating over months she put her foot down.

And with that action she sealed the fate of her diner. She didn't know who exactly in the family did it but explained to you it she had 'rap-battled' both the daughter and her boyfriend a few days before. You mentioned it off-hand to Tabi who just remarked that "she stills continues her reign of terror".

With nowhere to turn to Displo offered to provide her a job with a catch. That if she proved herself capable that IRIS that they would fund the creation of a new diner. The catch would be that she becomes an undercover IRIS agent, similar to Displo's situation.

She was apprehensive at first, not wanting to be bound to some shadowy organization. But after the police investigation came back inconclusive she chose IRIS. She knew they would protect her from the Family. They had a common enemy after all. Her rational was if she had to be under the banner of someone that it may be IRIS. She agreed, but vowed to never do field work. Her prerogative was her diner and from the ashes she intended for it to rise.

At least, she was with Displo for a bit. You found out during the hiatus that Updike had presented her a counter-offer. Same deal but it was guaranteed she'd do no fieldwork. Displo was predictably upset TGG would go behind him like that but didn't speak of it with you anymore. You had no idea if that deal went down or not. Judging that Tess was still around you figured not.

And she had been proving her worth. She had manned the place for a day while Displo dealt with red tape against TGG. She had handled a classroom of rural kids who happened to appear in the restaurant suddenly.

And she had served quite a few unruly and strange customers. From a man made of fire to that giant man made of clouds. She had also seen many people come and go. From a goat-headed man with a thousand-yard stare to a women who didn't have her own voice, preferring to use Tess' instead. That particular scene gave her anxiety, the girl's replicant voice affecting her own thoughts.

There were unusual customers coming and going all the time and she was none the wiser.

Due to her refusal to work for IRIS that way, Displo chose to keep her out of the 'Carnival'. He just figured that after all she had been through and moral standings against IRIS, that a group working to bring the cities most powerful brokers would be something she did not care about. That and the sheer amount of criminals on the team. He figured she wanted to keep clean.

But, despite everything going on Tess grew on Displo.

Summer had finally arrived and the day's temperature started in the double digits. Today, the restaurant packed to double digits as well. Whether it was some employee's retirement party or the monthly of the managers Displo had forgotten. Tables were full and work simply to be done.

Manning the ovens Displo cooked up a storm broiling, boiling, toiling and baking. Tess was outside on the main floor waiting, serving and ensuring everything was on track.

In rare show of irregularity they were behind on orders. The exact reason as to this delay was unknown as there wasn't time to figure out why.

They were just 'behind'.

As Tess whisked from table to table, she wished there was just little more help in kitchen. There was that new security guard but like most days the guard spent it reading. Today in particular the guard seemed swamped with requests.

There was also that girl who took her voice, but Tess hadn't seen her since weeks ago. Tess guessed she got fired. But her help would've been good anyways. She wished Cupid, her girlfriend was here, but alas she was off doing whatever it was she did during the day.

Displo would occasionally take glances outside the kitchen or look through his mind to security cameras to see how the floor was doing. Tess kept up, though like him currently overworked.

It made him feel bad. Business was doing phenomenally at least. And at least she had started to gain more favour in IRIS. They were nothing less than impressed at her work.

As androids they had a specific advantage over the 'synapsids'. They had the ability to cease mundane thoughts and instead focus 100% on the task at hand. Tess and Displo did just that, dipping into their memory banks and getting to work.

As customers came and went, meals were cooked and served. Tips were collected and bills were paid. Food presented and plated, and the plates were cleaned. And finally, they got ahead of the tickets. As the sun flew through sky the customers slowly dwindled out and finally, after several hours of hard work, the restaurant had closed for the night. They decided to shut down just a little earlier, feeling they had made more than enough money for the day.

The staff was relieved as well. Early dismissal. Everything was cleaned and put away for the night. The ceiling lights drew to a close. And the two were beat. Low charges and a few splayed wires they had worked themselves to the metal core.

You yourself were beat, glad Displo had closed up shop for the day.

"I'm going to head out now." You wave to Displo.

"You did well today. (Y/N). I think things have sufficiently calmed down enough that our group can reconvene."

"Really? I'm amped. This was a good little break."

"Absolutely. I think whatever attention we got has faded by now. Surprising to say but I think I am eager to get this all started. Heads will roll."

"Heads will roll. Alright. I'll start contacting everyone. Tomorrow, same time, same place, right?"

"Correct. Be seeing you!" Displo waved as you departed.

The sun hung low in the sky and shone through the glass windows of the restaurant. Irregardless of the dimmed ceiling lights the sun covered everything with a mellow shade of orange. Displo watched as the final cooks left, satisfied they had finished for the night.

Tess and Displo sat at one of the tables across from each other, spent from the work. Displo sat facing the outside of the restaurant, staring off at the sun as Tess looked back, seeing where the sun's light barely reached.

Despite running low on energy, each one's mind was sharp and words they exchanged. They would have had shots or some drink but neither drank. There was no need to after all.

"You did good today." Displo said, looking at Tess.

"Thanks. We do good together." She remarked. Tess sat back and looked behind, focusing on the setting sun just outside the restaurant.

"Any word on my new diner?" She asked.

"There is word actually. They are working on securing a location currently. You are adamant that we not use the original site of the diner?"

Tess looked down. "Yes. I'm sure. I do that, there's no stopping them again."

"I see. It's unfortunate. I do recommend you sell the land. There's no going back there."

Tess sighed but couldn't disagree. Alone with Displo there was something she wanted to ask him about. That security guard had managed to predict the truth about what happened in the diner during that first conversation weeks ago. Was that purely by chance that guard had been investigating them? She decided to ask.

"Do you hire a lot of people like me?"

"What do you mean by that?" Displo said bored.

"I mean like, people that have been wronged by 'them'. Known enemies of that group." She said cryptically.

"How did you come to that conclusion?"

Tess had turned her attention to the sun as well, mesmerized by its blinding glow.

Displo's mind was full of other thoughts. Staring at the sky, he often wished he had a solar-core in him. Had even planned for it too but between the restaurant and Earthquake fallout there simply was no time to.

"Well. I know your superiors have a history with them, but also that security guard knew a lot about them. And sometimes people walk by to go to the back I swore I overheard them talking about the family." She adjusted her glasses, the sun reflecting in them like a mirror.

There was another thing too. "Oh, and when that group of kids appeared one of them was talking to another about how she it was 'practice' for a major takedown or something."

"You're very perceptive." Displo said. It sounded like he was distracted, attention still on the sun. He sat up, snapping out of his trance. "Who else knows the truth of your diner? What really happened."

"My girlfriend, Cupid, and my two best friends Omori and Licorice know. And that guard. And, uh, you I guess."

"Well. Can I presume you won't tell anyone of this?" Displo asked. The pattern on his face flickered a bit, expectantly. He knew the answer already as well as knowing what could happen to her should she lie.

"Absolutely! So what's really going on?" Her pony tails perked up.

"Then you guessed right. Me, the guard and a few others are steadily building a team, planning on robbing the lot." Displo glanced away. "At least, that is the plan. Whether or not other damage is done or certain people get hurt is not out of the question..."

It all made sense as she parsed the information. Strange characters lurking, Displo's sudden busy work, his inconsistent meetings in back rooms and the guard being a former cop. Displo was building a team.

It reminded her a bit of the diner, that it always attracted the most wayward souls. Quite a few plans had been scheduled within those chequered walls. But as she parsed the info there was one question that came up. One so curious she blurted it out as her sensors came to it.

"Why didn't you ask me if I wanted in?"

Displo chuckled. "No offense, but you never struck me as the type to go to such lengths. I mean, after all you seemed to have total faith in the police. I wasn't sure you official stance on it all at the time. Additionally, you had refused to be an agent like I. I just merely followed the logic."

"They destroyed my diner. It was practically my child. I've paid plenty from them." She remarked, mood souring even in the gorgeous glow.

"I'm not against you joining by any prospect of the imagination. However, you do know that such a decision would put you into my superior's sights. Am I still correct in your refusal to become an operative like me?"

Tess sighed. He was right. She had said many times that she wished to remain independent; that IRIS served as a means to the end, not a new life.

"I need to think about it." She said. "But don't count me out."

Displo leaned back, stretching his arms out. It felt good to finally sit down, give his legs a rest. "Very well. Should you choose to come down this path I, and the others will be here."

"I will." She smiled. Figuring this had turned into a Q&A session Tess had other questions. She fiddled with her notepad idly. It looked as if she was writing something down but really just doodling.

"I was wondering. That little boy from a few weeks back? Said he was your niece. Was he really?" Tess asked. It was a random question that arose out of her mind.

"Ah. That was Static. He's an operative like I. Much younger. I know not his origins but he was found by my people and they freed him. Since then he's insisted on referring to me as an uncle to him."

"So you aren't?"

"Not biologically or mechanically am I related to that kid. But alas he's taken to me and to him I act as a parental figure sometimes. He's under care of some agents stationed way out of town."

"Weird. But if it's not a problem. Say are we still short on staff? I know a few people..." Their conversation continued, idle gossip and the like. Now knowing Displo's true intentions Tess looked at him differently. His offer was intriguing but she needed to think harder if she was capable of such an action. She hated them, but engaging in their own tactics? She didn't think she could stoop to that level.

With batteries low and the sun having set the two decided to break off for the night. There was still much work to do and they needed to be in tip-top shape for the next day.

Displo watched carefully as a car pulled up and picked Tess up. He watched closely as it circled the lot and finally exited, last seen going onto another street.

Displo got up and sighed. "A lot of things remain uncertain." He remarked aloud. "Things are going good. Everything is picking up!" He spoke to nobody. "And while tired, I am still energetic." The cooks in the back could not hear him.

"It is just me."

"Okay, who are you speaking to, bozo?" A familiar voice spoke up. "You're so loud you know?!"

Displo smirked, though unseen. In the corner of his vision a small hedgehog appeared. He appeared to look like the real Sonic the Hedgehog but had a twisted appearance. Huge black eyes with red irises, blood dripping from them. A huge grin, teeth sharper than diamond, and much more yellow gleamed too.

His real name was unpronounceable. But you and the rest of the team called him S. He looked awkwardly at Displo, like he had broken character.

"I figured you were listening." Displo remarked. He had heard some sort of sound emanating from the meeting room. He was correct in his assumption. Just S, screwing around.

"Pft. I wasn't. Don't flatter yourself. Oh, y'know what? Watch this!" S blinked, now sitting on top one of the chairs. He grinned maniacally, waiting for Displo's reaction.

"Like what you see?" He said smugly. "That's right. I got out." He got up out of the chair and jumped onto the table.

But despite dirtying the table and appearing to interact, Displo paid him no mind. "See? I'm real now." He said, a little less smugly this time.

Displo chuckled. "That would've only worked the first time. (Y/N) already gave it away."

"Ah, really? Damn. Worth a shot at least."

The helmet Displo had given you after Earthquake had a form of augmented reality built in. It allowed you to have stats displayed in your eyes. Unfortunately S quickly found he could port into that ad appear as if he was standing right in front of you. It damn near gave you a heart attack the first time he did it.

Displo was the first person you told. He quickly determined that if S so wanted he could do it to him as well.

"Anyways, she gonna join?" S asked. He was staring out the window now, though to him it was just empty. He could only see what Displo could at the moment.

"I do not think so. She is too moral."

"Hmm. Well if she's gonna tell, y'know I've been getting better. I could easily take her-"

"There won't be any of that. She is trustworthy. Now would you mind explaining why you are lurking in my establishment?"

"Ah, that's mean. What, a guy can't hang out in his friend's restaurant?"

It was a weak attempt at manipulation. "You have no friends. You are an eldritch creature, born in outer space. I know you don't understand the concept of friends."

"Geez, got a psychologist over here. Alright fine, I don't get it. I'm just here because (Y/N) said I could only watch one stream at a time. Said I was racking up a huge internet bill."

S glared at Displo. "That make you feel good, big man?" He added. "I need to see all of the streams!"

"And you think I'd let you waste my connection?"

"Pft. I've seen your bill. You guys are barely using it!"

"Excuse m-"

"Plus! There's so much going on right now in Mobius! Queen Sally's missing, there's this warlord named Surge, she's-"

Displo held up a hand. "Spare me the details."

"Argh. You're such a bore! The whole of Mobius stands in the balance and you don't care!"

Displo sighed. "I don't. Why are you so obsessed with those people anyway?"

"I'll tell you why..." S started and Displo wished he hadn't. He began a whole speech about Mobius, his love for Sonic and the war there. Displo just shook his head and left. His battery was low and patience even lower. He said S could use the network for now but to keep it down.

He needed a charge.

The next chapter will be called Decommissioned.

There's no stopping this train now!

odaocercreators' thoughts