

Obi-Wan and Iris arrived at the door where the children stayed. They felt a chill go down their spine. Iris opened the door to see the elder sister in meditation. The others were in the back looking at the elder Jedi. "Hello there may we come in?" Obi-Wan asked not sure what to say. "We are trespassing on your time, and you ask if you can enter a room? " Meadow said opening her eyes to face her soon to be parents. She stood up so she could have a sense of eye level. "Well it rude to just enter a room without permission." Obi-Wan said making Meadow laugh. "We are your kids you don't need permission to enter just come in." She said with a bit of sass. "Now now I'm sure we taught you not to sass us. We aren't exactly your parents yet so.... wanna tell us how this happened." Iris said referring to Obi-Wan. Satine spokr up "Well mama's lover betrayed her by *choking* sorry sorry I won't say." She said before Meadow let her go. "I'm sorry but some things just can't be said. We are here to alter some events not delete ourselves. " she said before helping her sister sit. "So do you know your father?" Iris asked Zephyr and Meadow look at eachother. "Zephyr and JD are not on speaking terms with him. I am just starting to be. I cant say I forgive him. What he did was wrong. Then again he had his reasons." She said giving Satine some water. "Are you force sensitive?" Obi-Wan asked. "JD, Satine and myself are. Zephyr can but it's very weak. He was weak as a baby so that had a roll." Meadow now facing them. "What is your mission?" Obi-Wan asked "Kill chansler Palpatine." Meadow said looking them dead in the eyes. "Why the chansler?" Meadow shook her head. "He is the sith lord you are looking for. He needs to be taken out. It's  better to do it before, he knows we are here. My brother is not far behind us. I want to move quickly." Meadow said sitting back down. "Do you have any idea how serious you accusations are? You want to take out one of the most powerful men in Coruscant. Do you at least have a plan to do so?" Obi-Wan asked concerted for the young jedi. "Our orders are to do what is necessary. He is to die at all costs." Meadow said looking at the man. "At all cost we are prepared to die for a better future, for the fate of the galaxy. It is what the force wants." Satine said calmly placing a hand on her sister's arm. Meadow looks at her and nods. "So um....are you three hungry?" Iris asked making the three young jedi look at eachother then back at her. "We can take to somewhere in the city. If not that then we can make something for you." Iris tried seeing the confusion in the children. "Well we haven't seen Coruscant before we were born. Meadow I think it's a good idea." Zephyr tried to  persuade his twin. With a heavy sigh the temptation was grate. "I'm sure it wouldn't hurt but we have orders to stay out of sight." Meadow reminds her siblings who are sadden by it. "Maybe we can help with that? I have some spare clothes for the girls. Why don't you take Zephyr and see what you can do." Iris said guiding the girls out of the room.

Obi-Wan pov

My eyes follow after the female jedi. "You love her even now? So I guess what you told me was true. You have always had feelings for her." The boy said "I guess I have alway loved her. She is a remarkable woman. Though she can't fully commit to the order she does what she must. I am sure you are aware of her ways." I said leading the boy away. "When Yatoosa was crumbling beneath us. Mom led the three of us away. She looked so scared and helpless. I never want to see that look again." He said looking sad. I put an arm around his shoulder. "It takes a lot to faze her. Come on lets get you ready. Knowing your mother she is almost done with the girls." I said taking him to my apartment I had some civilian clothes from when I was his age.  I gave him black pants and a white shirt with a leather vest. Lets hope they fit.

Time skip

The girls show up in what looks to be sun dresses. Meadow was in a blue one that went to her knees and brown belt. Satine was in a white sun dress with a blue belt. Meadow did not look happy with this. "Oh my maker Meadow your a girl?!" Zephyr joked only to get punched. "I feel naked can we just go." I am guessing she is not used to clothes for girls.