
Tuntuni Bird

This story is about a king and a bird .......and here I'm showing some funny interaction between them .

DRDRX05 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Time for revenge part 2

chapter 5

Did you remember few days ago King ask to bring him a tuntuni bird? But sadly the bird has died few days ago.But you have nothing to fear when Raj is here 😇.

So we need something that can substitute tuntuni bird's meat .Have you ever heard of crocodile meat 🐊 taste just like chicken?If you fry the meat of crocodile you will not be able to tell that it's crocodile meat case it's taste like fried chicken 🐔. Not many people know this is a secret. That crocodile meat tastes like chicken meat. But there is a slight difference in taste.

You know, chicken tastes like bird. We can't give him chicken because he eats chicken every day and he can easily understand that it is chicken.but neither he has eaten crocodile meat or bird meat. So we can easily swap between two types of meat.He will think that you gave him tuntuni birds meat but in reality it will be crocodile meat.

Then naturally he will think that you work really hard for him to make him happy. Your relationship will also become much closer than other Queens. By doing this you can also show your capabilities that you can do things that none could do.