
Tsundere President Daring wife

'Don't overthink it You are only back to work for the family' After 17 years of hoping and wishing to be acknowledged by her mother, Gisele finally is given the opportunity to join the Andres family but it's not for the purpose she thought. After three whole year wasted on slaving for the Andres family, she is Forced into a marriage her step-sister ran away from, a marriage to save the Andres family from their debts. With no option but to accept, she is thrown into a loveless marriage to a man who deeply resents her for separating him from his love. Would she find a way out of this forced marriage or would she spend her whole life with a man who resents her. ... "Mr Devin, we agreed to not interfere in each other's personal life so what is this you have done?" She asked with her hands akimbo and a frown on her face. "You're my wife, it's natural I interfere" The cold man said righteously, not even sparing her a look. "Your wife?" She snorted and declared "I'm filing for a divorce!" He looked up surprised then his eyes turned sharp and deadly "You wouldn't dare!" She smirked "Oh you know how much I dare"

unique2bliss · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
64 Chs


Gisele was surprised by his offer. She had guessed he wanted to give her a role in his drama but the Female rolled seemed too far-fetched to think of.

As much as the Female lead Controversial, the Supporting female lead was equally controversial. He was equally very picky about the role and had ended up cancelling the contract with the actress who had gotten the role.

She had thought he was going to offer her the supporting female lead role but Main female lead?

Wait that wasn't even the case. She had no intentions to go into the movie industry.

Mr Williams saw the reluctancy in her eyes so he hurriedly explained. "You must have heard, Fate is about my life. The female lead role is very important to me as it is about my wife. To be candid_" he paused then sighed.

"I wrote fate in commemoration of my wife. She... She was diagnosed of Alzheimer, She is almost at the last stage." He said. Gisele was shocked to hear this. It had never been publicized that his wife was sick, at the same time she felt sorry for him.

when she came to the Andres family, Grandfather Andres was still alive and was already at the last stage of Alzheimer so she knew what it meant to live with such people. it must be heartbreaking for him to watch the woman he loved slowly forget who he was and treat him like a stranger.

"I just... I just wanted her to see how far we have come through Fate, before she totally forgets about us. At the same time I feel discontent to let just anyone portray our lives." He continued.

He said he wouldn't let just anyone take up the roles so why was he asking her to take the roles? It wasn't like he knew her before.

Gisele refused "but I don't even know how to act" even if she was touched by his words, it was still undeniable that she had never acted before. The expectancy on that role was much and with her measly acting skills, she would only end up destroying the characters.

"That I not a problem. The filming doesn't start until the end of the year, i could assign a few tutors to help groom your acting skills" The man stated firmly. He had his mind set up on Gisele and that was what made this make no sense to her.

Why was he ready to spend so much effort on her when he could just get a professional actress that would be much better than her?

Gisele voiced out her disagreements "Mr Williams there is no point wasting time and effort on me. It would be better if you get a more experienced actress. I might just end up disappointing you, even if I don't, I do not think people would be please to see me a nobody take up the role" She has seen how the Acting industry worked. Fans would boycott a movie just because their Idols didn't get the role they wanted. Forget about Fans, she knew the Andres Family would instigate trouble once they found out that she was the female lead in the movie.

It was lovely seeing how much he was putting an effort for his wife, she didn't want to be the reason it ended in a flop.

The man frowned deeply "Who cares about what people think?! I'm not making this movie for anyone, I'm making it for my Lovely wife, so if nobody watches it at the end as long as my wife has a smile on her face after seeing it, I still wouldn't care!" He announced with Alacrity.

Gisele was going to say something else but then he cut her off.

"Miss Gisele please don't say no, you can take your time to think about my offer after reading this" He stuffed a copy of the novel in her hand "i promise I won't pressure you but please give it a good thought. I'll be awaiting your call"

Gisele nodded and kept the book in her bag. They continued their breakfast with a different topic.


Over at MK corporation.

Devon just got to work only to meet an unexpected visitor waiting for him in his office. His brows frowned when he saw the young man sitting at his desk. A cap on his face and his feet casually sprawled on the working table. He didn't seem to have a care about the world.

"What is the meaning of this?" He asked in a cold tone. His face devoid of any emotions only anger was evident in his eyes.

A smile appeared on the face of the young man that had half his face covered with a hat. He didn't flinch neither was there any form on fear on his build. Anybody else would have jolted if that tone had been directed to them.

The young man stretched and casually brought down his legs from the table and took off the hat on his face.

A strikingly handsome face, Ash eyes and a blinding blonde hair. He was the kind of man that got girls following him around because of his face. Also the kind of face one only got to see on TV and his could really only be seen on TV.

"I must say, I quite am being cheated. If I get an office like this then I would live a life of bliss each day" The young man's magnetic voice sounded.

Devon walked to the table. A rigid look on his face "you sure have a habit of wanting what can never be yours" he retorted.

It was the man's turn to frown. Devon's words had offended him still his frown didn't last for long. He smiled few seconds later and leisurely stood up from the chair.

"That's no way to greet a family who just returned, don't you think so little brother?"

Little brother?

Devon hated how that title had rolled out of the young man's mouth. His problem wasn't being called little brother but the fact that the title reminded him of something he didn't want to remember. Something his family were equally ashamed of. Something that shouldn't have happened in the first place.

"You shouldn't be here Alan"

"Say who?" Alan asked back nonchalantly.

"It seems you have forgotten the agreement your mother made" Devon replied. He was going to take a sit on his chair but remembering that the guy had sat in it, he tossed the idea out of his head and leaned on the wooden table.

"The agreement died alongside with her"

A silence rained on the room. Devon was surprised to hear that woman was dead but he didn't show it on his face. He stayed stoic as he had been before hearing it.

"That makes it more easy for you, didn't you say you didn't want anything to do with my family? Now there is no one forcing you. Go back to where you came from"

"Your family?" Alan snickered "There's something wrong with your statement. It's our Family" He emphasized on the our as he said this.

"No more pretense? You have begun to show the Golddigger you truly are" Devon abused.

Alan chuckled, one could not gauge the amount of anger that accompanied the chuckle. He looked like he was amused by Devon's words but his brows were folded in a cold thin line.

"Golddigger?" He walked to Devon till there was only a few inches of space left between them "That correct. I'm about to show you how big of a Golddigger I can be. Everything you ever had, everything you want and even those you don't want. I'll haunt after them one by one till they are all mine"

He smiled. Devon smiled.

These were not a regular smile but one that could chill your bone. They looked no different than the grim reaper with that smile on their faces.

Seeing he had gotten the effect he wanted. Alan turned and walked out of the room gleefully.