
Chapter 36

A/N: Before I start if talk shit about Ukraine I am not pro Russians or whatever. I just don't give a fuck about the war. Since the war started it has not stopped me from eating, drinking, getting paid or keep me up at night. If you have family or friends in Ukraine or from Ukraine then at most I'm sorry its happening but it is what it is. What does get me upset is that its getting so much attention, like where was the support for Palestine, Africans nations, Burma/Myanmar, Sri Lanka, and the middle east. Now everyone cares when its (Pardon my French) a white European country everyone is shitting bricks. Instead of worrying about that ask your governments how they can find money to give Ukraine but they can't find money to help its own people and stop changing history to suite your need. Kiev/Kyiv. Its Kiev and it will also be and for some history believe it or not there was no Kievan Rus. There was Rus. Kievan Rus was just the name of the land after it was taken buy the Rus. Kiev isn't even Russian or Ukrainian name. It's Hebrew. If you want to be technical then there was never a Ukrainian state before. The lands of been ruled by the Russian, Turks, Mongols, tartars and Polish. If you want to change history then Ukraine will have to change its name because its name is borrowed from Russian and Polish meaning borderland and similar words which it has always served as a buffer state. Ukraine is more of the name of the land and not the people hence the meaning of the name. If you want the true owners of Ukraine then i would say its the Cossacks and before you get things twisted not all Cossacks are Ukrainian. Cossack isn't even a national identity. Its a culture. Its like Vikings and Danes Names change and shit happens but Ukrainian and Russian are two sides of a coin. Its like Montenegro, they are actually ethnic Serbs but they got their name from unique Slavic word meaning for forested hill and mountain and a color. If anything Rus and Kievan rulers had Scandinavian names. Some of you will be mad and it is what it is. Thank you for listening to my ted talk.

Meanwhile, Vlad is settling the secret police days that go by on the border. Russian and elf soldiers stare at each other, waiting. Anyone who has waited before knows how boring it can be and at times troops from both sides try to find something to do. On this sunny day, three elves with bows are staring at a flying bird.

"I bet you 5 silver coins I can shoot down that bird in one shot," says one elf to the other two.

"I'll bet as well," elves 2 and 3 reply because to them the bird is too far up and is moving at a decent speed. The first raises his bow and keeps his eye on the bird as he then starts to pull the string back. 'Woosh' the arrow leaves the bow and flies toward the bird. As the three watch, the arrow misses the bird slightly and two of the three start to laugh. The shooter just pays his friends and just shakes his head. All three didn't think about where the arrow ended up until they hear a scream from the Russian side. All three weren't stupid as what are the chances of after the arrow is shot then there is a scream. Obviously it hit a Russian soon their faces turn pale as this could mean a fight. Not long after, as they predicted, the sound of Russian rifles could be heard popping off.

From the Russian side, soldiers were just going about their patrolling back and forth with nothing to do. Other than staring at the elves, eating, and patrolling, that's about it for all the time they've been here. Some soldiers heard a whistling sound in the air and so they looked up to see what it was. Before they figured it, they saw their fall to the grown screaming. They see the arrow in this thigh.

"The elves are attacking!"

"Grab your weapons!"

"Form up, men!"

"Report to the general. We go on the offensive!"

The men quickly scramble around to grab weapons, the officers give commands to their men. The ones who formed up in time were the first to load and fire upon the elves, who were still wondering what was going on. The Russians didn't give them a chance to retaliate back as more continue to form up, not to mention when one line fires they take a knee so the next line can fire.

'boom, boom' the cannons who were already in positions heard what was going on. The cannon artillery officer gave the order to fire. What movies get wrong is that cannonballs don't explode on impact. They hit with a thud and then sometimes roll, which makes it still deadly. A good example is happening now. An elf soldier sees a cannonball hit the ground some meters away from him. He closed his eyes as the dirt had kicked from the impact put soon he sees the ball rolling his way, no one knows why but the soldier thought he could kick it, and well the soldier is screaming in agony as his leg is now gone. The cannonball continues rolling though only hitting another soldier who was running and not paying attention. He too lost a leg.

"stop panicking, form up, defend" An elf trying to gather his soldiers and it was a semi effect as some archers did form to fire back but how could the artillery let it go? 'boom' a cannonball hit the center of the formation and panic once again ensues.

"Retreat" a high-ranking elf shouts and it soon spreads. The idea is to retreat and form farther away. The elves quickly run as some look at their wailing and dead comrades, not wanting to be here anymore or else they might be next. They could only pray for them and be happy it's not them.

The Russian general in charge gives the order after hearing the situation and gives the order to cross the order.

'the elves attacked first, so it is right to advance' is the thinking process of the general and it soon was carried down to officers but the order was also stated to not go too far as this is only considered a border conflict and not full-on war not mention he has to hear the intention of the higher up and the Tsar.