
Chapter 26

Night fell and after looting the army brought its spoils outside the city where they make camp. They kept in the center. Vladimir is also at the center, sitting on a chair in his tent. He is reading the reports of the things they had collected. Over 100,000 gold coins, thousands of silvers, and other things such as paintings and statues. He decided he will auction the paintings and statues in the capital. The soldiers will get a share of the money tomorrow.

He even saw clothes on the list from the Baron's manor. He will sell those as well since he has no use for them. He puts the report down and picks up another. Despite how the siege went, a few soldiers did get hurt. Some were careless or the needle in their guns had to be replaced and got hurt.

Some civilians also fought back, but no soldier was seriously injured to the point where they can't fight again. He sighs as he leans back and starts to think.

'war is lucrative because the spoils are only from a baron then imagine the higher nobilities.' he even thought of just declaring war now but he soon shakes his head. War only a means not to mention he doesn't want to attack this kingdom for the elves to be prepared for him.

He starts to tap his chin "I'll just take care of the elves first then this kingdom and finally a westward expansion." he says talking to himself. He gets a blank paper and starts to write down other things such as pensions for soldiers, improve education, and other things.

"I want to spread nationalism, but it is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it gives the people an identity and a home, but on the other hand, the same people will rise against the government if it doesn't represent the country's pride. This is one of the reasons for World War I."

He spends the rest of the night writing, for when he gets back he will call a meeting with all his ministers.

That same night many people had received the news that a city has fallen in a day, and they also heard how the Russians looted the city.

The next morning the soldiers were given their share and told they will be returning home except for the royal guards' cavalry and 500 hussars. It was also passed on to General Ivan that once he takes and loots the other city, he shall return with the army as well.

After the sieges, he doesn't want to have a large army to give the Arcanaians sense of relief. He still doesn't want to tear his face with them as well, at least not yet.

He arrived back at the capital where he had breakfast there. When passing the gate, the guards seemed to have been more polite and a little fearful. Vladimir could already guess the situation on why.

He gives some tasks to those under him to carry the paintings and statues to the auction house. He had no reason to go personally because what are subordinates for?.

"6 more days until the ball," he says with a chuckle. "I wonder what the nobles will think of me then. Hopefully fear and understand that Russia is a top power and something they can't contend with. After eating in the restaurant, he continues sitting there wondering what else he can do.

'people of this time usually eat, drink, gamble, and enjoy women, and I can't do most of those because of my young body. He calls a guard and gives him a messenger to pass on to a messenger. The messenger will be sent to the elves informing them that he will visit in due time.