
Chapter 21

While the collection and trade are going on, Vladimir is happily enjoying the food. They had brought him freshly roasted pork and some steak with fish soup. The soup was watery, and it was bland as well. He didn't eat much of it. On the side, he had some vegetables and fruit.

After eating, his main complaint was the lack of spices and seasonings as well. He walks out of the restaurant and walks the main street looking for a few shops and buildings. He plans on opening a store with spices and a restaurant to cook everything better.

He couldn't wait for the coins to fall into his pockets. If one was to describe Vladimir in his past life, then it would be greedy. He loved money and if there was a way to make money, then he would take part in it, especially stocks. Even in high school, he convinced some friends to help buy storages at Auctions and resell them back and make a profit.

Sometimes they did, and sometimes they didn't. He wasn't greedy to the point of being selfish since he would spend on his friends when going out sometimes and as for spending on girls? He never had a girlfriend, so he never needs to spend money on one.

After acquiring a store and a restaurant in prime locations and he had to rough up the owners a bit into selling.

Hours go by and the sun starts to set. Vladimir returns to the hotel. He sits at the desk and starts writing a letter to his merchant group, which was named the St.Petersburg Merchant group by him. In the letter, it entails the details of the store and what he wants them to hire staff from Russia and not the local people.

He has nothing against the locals but the peasants if not all, then some can read and count and if he doesn't want to hire anyone educated either because they might steal from him whether in goods and money. It might not happen, but it's better to be safe. He also wants to show the Russian charm and maybe start Russianizing the people slowly.

After writing the letter, he goes to sleep. The next morning he returns to the military's camp. He entered to brush his teeth and have a morning bath. After his bath, he gets dressed in a black and gold braided tunic and black cape over his left shoulder with black trousers/pants to match. He was thinking of something close to the hussars when picking it. He stands in front of his mirror and admires himself a little longer, especially the golden braids on the sleeves, the front of the tunic, and the shoulders. He didn't wear a shoka since he thought it would be too much.

"I should get one in white," he says to himself. One of his loyal guards comes into his hands and stands still with a paper in his hand. He didn't want to disturb the little Tsar.

It wasn't until Vladimir turned around to look at his back he noticed the soldier. His cheeks turn red as he is embarrassed. He then coughs into his hand and looks at the guard.


"I brought you a report your majesty" he hands Vladimir the paper, then salutes and leaves.

Vladimir finds a chair and sits while he reads the report. While reading, he opens his eyes wide and mutters.


He quickly stands and walks out of his tent. He didn't say anything to his guards by the tent entrance and walks over to a regular soldier.

"where are the children that were brought in yesterday?"

The soldier turned around, thinking it was a fellow soldier, but quickly straightened up and saluted when he saw it was Vladimir.

"Long live the Tsar!" he says loudly while standing straight.

"The children brought in yesterday are the East side of the camp your majesty" Vladimir thanks him and walks off while the soldier takes a deep breath. He looks at his friends around him and said.

"Did you you guys see that? the Tsar himself asked me a question and even said thank you," he says with a proud tone.

"He just spotted you first,"

"if I was there, he would have asked me,"

They soon started to laugh.

Vladimir made it to the east side of the camp and saw many young boys of different ages eating breakfast, which consists of bread and porridge. They were being watched by soldiers.

"Long Live the Tsar!" some say while coming near Vladimir. It is General Lev.

He had heard the Tsar is coming here, so he came quickly and also guess the Tsar must have read the report.

"the soldier in the city has collected 10,000 your majesty,"

"It is more than I expected," says Vladimir

"for some money, people were willing to give up their children, and it was easy to pick some off streets,"

"I see, well after they are done eating, send them back to St. Petersburg and have them cleaned up and get used to barracks life and also send back 20,000 soldiers. Mostly Artillery, especially the horse-drawn ones, They eat too many supplies, especially then they are not doing anything," General Lev nods and leaves after being dismissed.

He returns to his tent where he meets Yuri, who compliments him.

"the uniform suits you well, your majesty," Vladimir nods and thanks to him.

"Yuri get the Pavlogard hussars for me and meet me outside the camp at the west entrance" Yuri then leaves. 10 minutes later, a little over 700 men on horseback wearing green tunics and pants with red braids and turquoise blue cape on the left shoulders.

They greeted him and he soon gets on a horse with Yuri behind him on the horse. Once facing the Hussars he says.

"Today I want to see the countryside and the surrounding areas and the reason I chose you over my guards because you are light cavalry and we look amazing "Vladimir wasn't joking about the last part. They soon set off past the capital.


First time wrting over 1000 words.

1,027 words this chapter

Also if your interested in investing then use my robin hood invite about if you have an account that way we both get free stocks.

chevar28creators' thoughts