
Trying To Take My Mask Off

My dream came true but I'm not happy. I became a legend in the entertainment world, and everybody knows me. But I sacrificed too much to stand here. I don't even know myself anymore. If you ask me what my biggest regrets are. It is that I don't know myself anymore, that I don't feel what I used to feel, that I don't know what makes me happy, that I'm now almost like a robot. It would be nice if I could change myself. If I could just turn back the time or go to another world, it doesn't matter what, if I could do it I would. And then I would change myself and search for what I want and become a person again. The girl smiled and said: "I'll give you a change." [Will you take this change and change yourself or will you stay the same? I really hope you'll change and be happy this time.] ---------------------------------------------- A boy who achieved his dream but felt alone met a girl who gave him a second chance. Will he be happy this life? ____________________________________________ THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW: English is not the language that I speak normally. So, my novel will have a lot of mistakes here and there so be prepared if you are going to read this. But it will be an honor if you will be reading my first novel. You can contact me by my e-mail MightyMiruLin@gmail.com or on instagram MightyMiruLin. Updates on days when I have time. Disclaimer: _Cover art belongs to the rightful owner_ Started: somewhere around April 2021 Ended:

MightyMiruLin · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
83 Chs

Extra 4.3_POV Melissa

People I'm getting off-topic! How did talking about handsome men end with me talking about my best friend? I've got no idea, but let's get back to the topic.

So, I was talking about the handsome boy from Lilyann her class, right? I did tell you that I that there were only three handsome boys, but I suddenly realized that he too is from her class! It's not fair how many handsome boys there are in her class! I'm so jealous.

The boy who I forgot to introduce is...Arthur Felikex! If you ever saw him, you'll think about the prince you heard about in all the fairy tales. I'm not lying when I say his looks came right from a fairy tale book! His striking blond hair that almost looks like golden strings and his light blue eyes that seems to tell thousands of stories!

I know that Erebus his hair is also golden, but Arthur his hair just shines, you know? It's almost blinding!

Personality-wise is just great! Even more, if you compare it to the other hot boys I mentioned excluding Lucius though. Lucius is a super adorable boy! He is a nice boy who listens to other problems and gives advice when he can. He doesn't exclude anyone and is fair to everyone. The position as class monitor really does suit him!

The smile he gives is just too much for my poor heart! The blinding person becomes even more blinding! No wonder he belongs to the populaire group! I know it sounds cringe but yeah it does exist. How hard I want to deny it, there really does exist a populaire group in our school and he belongs there.

Last but not least, I want to tell you guys another secret I found out about Arthur. He's most of the time happy and all smile, but I realized when I observed him that Arthur is not always as happy as he seems. Sometimes it is like he is not here anymore but somewhere out of our reach. It's kind of scary you know. He seems like he has fun, but at the same time, he wants to do something. What? I've got no idea, but you know it's just a feeling.

The last one is from a different class, finally! He is Luke Des Belphegores! You're right it's the twin brother of Narcys. You can say that they do look like each other. Luke has the same soft-looking black hair, but his hair is shorter than his twin. While Narcys hides his beautiful eyes, he shows them to the whole world. He may not have the same fabulous eyes as Narcys but it still is something to adore. His light green eyes are so, so, so you know? It's hard to describe but it's just so amazing!

He's kind and generous and so on. He does have a wall around him, but I don't care since he's so nice! I once again realize that looks are really important. I feel ashamed. Okay, maybe I don't. I sit my fault that I like handsome men? I thought so!

That's for the first year. I know that most of them are in the same class and so on, but the rest aren't really on the level where I'll put them on the list. There are handsome ones like Leo or Kai, but the five I mentioned were just a bit more on a different level.

But okay let's go on to the second year. What I saw in the last one and a half months was definitely that this boy is placed first for most handsome boy in the second year. Sadly, I can't see them a lot because we are on different floors, but the buildings are at least the same, so we do bump sometimes in each other. And it's worth it!

Are you guys curious about the most handsome boy from the second year? Of course, you guys are, so I won't keep quiet his name is Adonis Satanike.

Adonis had dark brown hair that was more on the longer side. It's not super long, but long enough to tie his hair. His eyes have a violet color, it does look blue at times but most of the time it has a violet color. That's a super rare eye color you know! It's awesome to know that I once saw it in my lifetime.

You know, the first time I saw him it looked like he had black hair. His hair is on the side of really really dark brown that almost looks like black. He had an aura, you can say, that made people feel attracted to him. So, when someone called him, and he turned around my heart really did stop beating for a second. He looked like a male lead of a story, and I wouldn't mind being the female lead LOL.

But okay, his personality is hard to tell. I really don't have any interaction with him, but my impression would be that he is kind of cold-like Narcys but approachable like Erebus. He won't start a conversation but doesn't care if someone starts one with him. Do you get what I mean?

I do hope I'll have more conversations with him, but that won't ever happen. I mean we don't have anything alike.


A/N: Hello everybody! Did you miss me? I hope you did, but here is the chapter for the day. I'm not sure when I'll update again but it will happen someday.

There are still some handsome boys that I want to introduce so that will happen in the next chapter, then I'll do a chapter that shows what her family life is like. Afterward, there will be a chapter where you'll see her POV in school. I'm not sure what comes when, but I'll see. So, the extra will continue for 3 or 4 chapters.

Lastly, I want to tell you that my exams have already begun, but that wasn't my reason for not updating LOL I was just too lazy, but I did want to work on it sometime but then something came between till I could only write today.

I do hope you all have a nice weekend!

From you lovely Author!