
Chapter 30: Behind the Door

Empty hall with nothing but the red magic circle in the middle and red miasma. Red miasma is even thicker in here. So, the real one was here, huh. I suppose one in the sky is just a manifestation. I still don't know what it is used for.

I walk into the hall. And I start to feel someone's presence as soon as I step into the hall.

"You should have turned back when you had the chance."

Suddenly I hear a woman's voice from who know where.

"But this is a good thing for me. Now I can kill you myself."

After that, figure starts to materialize on middle of the magic circle. After few seconds, I see what it is. Another succubus but in a red mage's robe.

"So, are you the oldest one?"

"Yes, I am. And you will regret killing my sisters."

Ooh. She is horrible calm for someone who lost her family. Well, she may seem calm, but I can see her fury from her blood red eyes.

"If your sisters were so important to you, why didn't you save them instead of standing there?"

"Because I'm fueling this magic circle. So, I can't leave this room or else this circle will be canceled and cause the barriers to break."

So, this circle is responsible for the barriers, huh.

"Got it. But what makes you ladies to sacrifice everything. Is it for someone or something?"

"I have no reason to tell that to a dead person."

"Hehe. I killed your sisters by myself. What makes you believe that you can kill me?"

"There are a few important factors that I'm too angry to elaborate on."

Okay then. I guess I will extract the necessary information after beating her.

Red staff like her sisters materializes in her right hand and she points it at me. As soon as she does that blood ice spear shoots its way toward my chest. As soon as it gets in range, I hit it with my gauntlet expecting it to break apart.

Another mistake. It simple keeps pushing. And while I was preoccupied with the spear, red magic circle constructs over my head and starts raining blood ice spear on me. Just before the spears hit me, I put up my barrier over my head.


As the spears come into contact with my barrier they pierce through my barrier and stick on it.


While I was focusing on the spear, red fireball hits me on my back and throws me toward the succubus. I see her draw her staff in an arc and pull out a red lightning from who know where with her left hand and throws that at me.

I get zapped hard. Barely holding on to my consciousness, I try to wake myself by shaking my head, but once again she hits me red lightning and throws me away into the walls.

Shit this is getting dangerous. I didn't expect her to be this strong. As my sight gets back into its focus, I see her looking to my direction with her hatred filled red eyes.

Shit. I can't move. Most of my body is paralyzed from the lightning. And as if she knows that, she starts to chant in some language unknown to me. I think she is preparing something big.

As I realize the danger I'm in, my world tree starts to pump more vitality and get rid of the paralysis. And as she continues to chant something starts to materialize on my sides. More it gets clearer, I see it is something like an iron maiden.

Shit. She is trying to lock me up in an iron maiden. Come on, come on. I know my vitality is strong but I'm not willing to test it with an iron maiden.

Shit, shit. It is almost done materializing. As if she is getting to the finale, she starts to lift her staff up. And the iron maiden is almost finished materializing on my two sides.

As she lowers her staff, iron maiden starts closing in on from my sides. Ooh, it is gonna hurt. I close my eyes and wait for the excruciating pain to come. After waiting for five seconds I notice something strange. There is no pain.

I open my eyes and see nothing but darkness. This is peculiar. Did I die without feeling anything? As I think that I lift my arm. I can't see it, but I can feel my arm being lifted. Now that I noticed it, paralysis is almost gone.

As the paralysis disappears, I step forward and come into the light. Succubus is still standing in the middle of the circle looking at me with hatred and little bit of surprise.

I turn around and see the iron maiden. Only thing different is, darkness occupying place where I was and holding the iron maiden in place. Fenrir saved me, huh.

Don't know which trait it is but it still did the job.

"Thank you little one."


After I said that the darkness vanishes, and the iron maiden clamps shut. After shutting itself, it starts to sink into the ground. Huh. After the kill, it serves as a coffin too. Convenient.

I suddenly het a tingle on my back while watching it sink and jump to my left to dodge and see another red fireball streaking past me. I look the to succubus and see her pointing her staff toward me.

"Now, shall we try this once again?"

"Remember there won't be a second time."

She starts to cast her blood spear and while that I summon two more wolves. And position them on her sides.

Blood spear flies over to me. This time I dodge it instead of clashing with it and throw my own fireball to her. But she doesn't do anything and keeps standing in the middle of the circle.

As my fireball comes into range, transparent dome barrier flickers around her. Shit. This circle works as a one-way barrier too. So, that means I need to break it to kill her.

Then, let's do it.

I start to bombard the barrier with fireballs. She throws her spears at me or rains them down on me. This is getting kind of redundant. And as if she realized that she starts throwing in her red lightnings too. And those are really hard to dodge.

And because of my armor, I'm practically a walking lightning rod. But if I take of my armor her other spell will hurt me. This is a vicious circle.

"I can do this all day."

And I can't I need to do something about this barrier. So, I guess I will try that out here. While exchanging spell, I give my wolves command and supply them with necessary mana.

After few seconds they got their command, their mana starts to form a whirlwind around them. Since they are made from my mana and got their AI, they can actually execute my techniques. So, I got them to execute my fourth technique.

As they will their mana with their prewritten programming, mana whirlwind around them starts to rise up and take a shape of a white dragon with long whiskers. I have no idea why the whiskers from, but it's fine since it looks so cool and the firepower is off the chart.

But the succubus notices what my wolves were doing. I thought she would do something, but she doesn't. And that arrogance will be your downfall woman.