
In Village

(This is a fictional stories, that i made up myself.

A name of person alive or death, or a name of place are all fiction)


Alone a single mother is sitting,

Alone she's working,

Since her spouse is depart, (natural death)

Alone she's living in a small hut, where a smoke came out from it's little chimney.

Her only Son, Robin,

He's studying in city.

Alone she's working very hard, as any mother would do for her child.

She filled with sadness, she filled with depression,

But she stay strong, she's standing on her own two feet.

She planted Potato, Corn, beans, pumpkin, etc.

She stays Alone, she work Alone, she stay strong for her son to return home, and everyone in her village Name her "SHAILAT".

As days and months gone by, five to six, six to seven person talk bad things about her, and spread a rumour about "SHAILAT" for no reason.

At night or noon, in morning or evening, they stalking her, where she goes, what she does.

One day, when SHAILAT is feeding the chicken, some men from her village, they enter her compound, they threaten her, they shout at her, and they said,


You have brought a disease among our children, you have brought death in this village.

Leave now"

The mother, the woman who doesn't know anything, her head is spinning, her heart are beating fast.

She feel like a dry thunder had struck her.

She look at them, she try to breathe, she try to speak, but they don't allow her...

They spit at her, they beat her, she feel like an animal not like a mother and a human.

When the people are part ways, she try to think about what happen,

She said to herself " aaaaaaahhh, GOD, why me...(with teary eyes) why something like this happen to my house", she couldn't believe what happen, She couldn't sleep, she couldn't eat... she's tired crying, she faded slowly into sleepy place, and there she saw her husband approach her, he take her hand, he wipe her tears and he said..

"Be strong my love, all this will be over soon", " get up and go to your son". He hug her, he kissed her.. and he dissappear...

The next morning, when she finished feed her chicken and pig.

She leave her house to go to the city, to meet her son "ROBIN" and told him how the villgers start a rumour about her, how they beat and how they called her a Witch...

But in the village, something happen, something bad happen in her house, which cause by one man..

Soon she'll comeback...

(She'll comeback in the next chapter)..

(This is the end of chapter - 1)

(The next chapter will be available soon, and I'll try my best to release it fast)

Stay tune. And stay safe...

I'll try to make it simple..

and also it's like short stories.

Leading_Syiemcreators' thoughts