
Chapter 8: Goodbyes Suck

Chapter 8

Goodbyes Suck

"In that case, Levi-san, why don't you go ahead and take them down yourself, please. I'll stay here and watch." -Fran

You're welcome.

Don't own KHR or Cheetos. Otherwise my life would be 68% more cheese-flavored.

Here's Chapter 8: Goodbyes Suck.

I spent the next day with Nosaru and Tazaru, since Mama was chewing out Gamma for losing track of me. Twice.

I threw open the door to the kitchen, where I knew Nosaru and Tazaru would be, with a bang. "I'm spending the day with you two!"

Nosaru jumped, sending Cheetos and cheese-in-a-can flying everywhere. "Son of a- oh, princess. Don't scare us like that!"

Tazaru glared at Nosaru, covered in the cheesy snacks. "It's fine, princess. Just avoid scaring Nosaru when he has cheesy food items."

Nosaru grinned, sheepishly. "Sorry?"

I hopped up onto a stool, watching them. "So is cheese like your favorite food or something?"

Nosaru shrugged. "It's not the best, but its pretty good."

"Then what's your favorite food?" I gestured around. "Is it like ramen? Or dumplings? Or rice?"

Nosaru snorted. "We live in Italy, not Japan."

I struck a pose. "Pasta!"

They stared at me. "...what?"

I beamed. "Hetalia: Axis Powers. Ever heard of Italy-san?"

Tazaru sighed. "Princess...we are Mafioso. We have no time for television."

I raised my eyebrows, in disbelief. "So there's no time for television...but there's time for Neko-chan to pig out on cheese-in-a-can ontop of Cheetos?"

Nosaru turned bright red. "...yes?"

"You're all idiots." I burst out laughing. "But I love you anyways."

I loved them, really, bonds created so quickly in a week.

Gamma, his stereotypical, overprotective self. He was more open, I think, with me, than he was with Real Yuni. But Real Yuni was a delicate, beautiful, perfect person. I was a sarcastic, rude, little bitch with things wrong. But since I was more...human, with flaws, we related more than he would with Real Yuni. Of course, he loved her and Aria. Since Real Yuni had such a pure and beautiful heart, I think he loved her and Aria, because of her kindness and warm smiles. But I would burn IN HELL before I fell in love with him. He was like the father I never really had. Well, not in this life, at least.

Nosaru. He loved the prospect of family. He was an orphan, taken in by the Giglio Nero, at a young age. And Gamma and Tazaru had immediately taken him under their wing, encouraging him to call them 'Bro'. He was only a few years older than me, seven, eight, nine, but he was already quite strong for his age. I remember, he cried for Real Yuni and Gamma when they died, in the original. I think he'd cry for me, if I died, but not like with Yuni. Never like Yuni. Not yet, at least.

Tazaru. He was like my African American uncle! That sounded racist... we got off on the wrong foot ("It's left, sunshine, left!" "WHICH ONE IS LEFT, DAMMIT?!"), quite literally. Gamma tried to teach me how to dance, using Tazaru as my partner. But, seriously, when we first met, I kind of called him a rapist and set Gamma on him... yeah, that probably put a damper on our friendship bus. But we made up, really, and are now friends. He keeps calling me 'Sunshine'. I asked him why, and he said that I, quote, 'am the sunshine that will bring the light to this damn mafia'. Gamma really, truly, is a bad influence with all those curse words...

Whenever I'd see Genkishi in the hallway, I'd give him the most innocent look I possibly could. Later on, in canon, when he'd fight Tsuna, he wouldn't be able to fight him at full power because of Real Yuni's eyes. So, by giving him an innocent look, I'd be setting him up for failure in the future! (I have no idea how I can say that with a smile on my face...)

But the week came to an end and Mama took me home, to Irina.

I sniffed, blinking back tears as I looked towards Gamma, Nosaru and Tazaru. "Gamma... I'll miss you. Go to Japan and find out if they all really do cosplay and make everything really tiny, okay? And try not to be such a stereotypical person, my homie."

Gamma scoffed. "They do cosplay and make everything really tiny. It is a small country, so there is little space for simple objects, so therefore-"

I cut him off, turning to Nosaru. "Neko-chan... don't eat all the cheese-in-a-can or the Cheetos. I think that those cheesy objects are the only things that keep Genkishi from massacring us all."

Nosaru smiled. "I-I'll try, Princess!"

Gamma sweatdropped. "Don't ignore me..."

I smiled at Tazaru. "Sorry for screwing up during our dance, Tazaru. And you're not a rapist, no matter what all those bitches say."

Tazaru chuckled. "Sunshine... I recall you calling me a rapist."

I waved it off. "Blame it all on Gamma. He probably taught me the word."

"GAMMA!" Mama shrieked, spinning around to glare at him. "WHAT THE ******* **** HAVE YOU BEEN TEACHING MY DAUGHTER?!"

"N-Nothing, Boss!" Gamma insisted, edging closer towards the exit. "Absolutely nothing!"

I sniggered. "Mama, you don't have to bleep out the words. Gamma taught me them in several different languages. Hell, I could join Varia with all the new words I know!"

Mama shot me a sharp look. "The Varia members have to know at least seven languages, Yuni-chan. Are you saying that Gamma, here," she held up a half-beaten Gamma. "has taught you seven languages worth of bad words?"

I smiled, innocently. "Yes, Mama!"

Mama's glare could've made Hibird fall out of the sky. "Gamma..."

"Y-Yes, Boss?" he said, hesitating.

"You die today."

Nosaru covered my eyes. I chuckled. "Kufufu~"

As I drove away, with my mother, from the Giglio Nero Famiglia HQ, one thought rang sound through my head.

Fuck. I forgot to meet Spanner.






He calls me sunshine, like he knows what kind of person I am. But he doesn't. He doesn't know that I'm really the sky. The brightest, bluest sky you'd ever meet.

Err, hi? Updates are coming out fast, because I got so many positive reviews :3




...what?! Any normal author likes positive reviews. ...unless you're a masochist and you like having pain.

I'm only on my eighth chapter, I know, but if I have any readers out there who are good at fanart...? Would someone like to be a mafia boss and make me a cover for this story? Post it on like deviantart or something and PM me the link. Please?


GreenDrkness - Thanks for the idea. I wanted to have Yuni meet Dino-san, but I wasn't sure how Dino-san would react. Thanks for the review!

TheParadoxicalOtaku - Am I updating too quickly? ...is there even such a thing as updating too quickly? Not Yuni plans ahead. Hina would NEVER EVER EVER plan ahead. Because Hina never studies for her midterms. Or finals. And she always gets an A because Hibari-san would bite those herbivores to death for failing his sister. I've never watched Yu-Gi-Oh or Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged. I've watched Naruto Abridged, KHR Abridged (dyingwillbullet FTW.) and FMABridged, but that's it. Thanks for the review.

MeLikesROFL - Thanks! I know, its moving quickly, but I don't like it when the OC has this huge background, like every fucking detail of their fucking lives and its like 'I don't even remember the OC's name.'. But Not Yuni isn't an OC...is she? lol, I don't know. Thanks for the review!

xXxMentalPancakesxXx - You like Not Yuni? Ahaha, thanks! I know what you mean. I want to burst out laughing at some fanfics I read, but then...my mother would bite me to death. Thanks for the review!

Michiyo - Who wouldn't like making fun of Mukuro (he's like one of my favorite characters, alongside Fran, Hibari and Yamamoto. And Tsuna, because his HDWM is so sexy. I'd tap dat! lol)? And I love meeting a fellow Hibari lover. You rock, my friend! YOU ROCK. Thanks for the review!

echoandalice - Not Yuni is a real...special case. Her mother needs to test her. For insanity. Thanks for the review! (she'll be calling Squalo Squ-chan until the day he dies. WHICH WILL NEVER HAPPEN, BECAUSE HE IS SUPERBI SQUALO [it looks like Super Squalo. A fanfic pointed that out and I burst out laughing]) AND WILL NEVER DIE BECAUSE DAT BITCH BE IMMORTAL.)

KatoKimeka-chan - Gamma shouldn't have asked! He shouldn't have asked... thanks for the review!

Yesterday, someone STOLE my breadsticks. I ordered them at this hockey arena and they gave me #31. And then they called 31 over the speaker thing, but when I got up there, my breadsticks were gone. So I complained to the guy, but he said that I'd have to buy more breadsticks. I didn't WANT to, because I'm getting closer to being broke, but I was hungry... so I went and got new breadsticks.

But if you know who took my breadsticks... tell me.

(Give me the most ridiculous answers you can. Some of the strange things you might say might appear in my next chapter through Yuni...)

You know how I give the quote at the beginning of the chapter? Do you like that? Or should I stop doing it? Tell me in your review.

Thanks for the support! 7 reviews for one chapter? That is like...my record. :D

Leave a review :3

Expect an update...sometime this week.
