

A demon with skin black as charcoal,and horns pointed forward slightly with four arms and eyes, could be seen with two weapons at his side, one a scythe and the other a huge hammer.(a/n the one from record of ragnarok)

The demons eyes flutter before they fully open, the demon sits up looking around.

"Well time to become a god of demons"

While meeting rob or god Tekon tried to convince him to make him a god right away but he was told he would have to work for it, he also asked to have the night hunter zombie as a secondary form but he would have to upgrade to get the fourth stage.

Getting up tekon grabs the hammer and scythe to look around for a cave to stay in.

A few hours later tekon found a cave,he went in to take a nap after all that walking he did but as he was about to set down his hammer and scythe he heard a screech from in the cave,tekon looks deeper In the cave a sees it's a nest of low ranking demons,so he picks up his hammer in two hands and his scythe in the other which gives of a slight glow as tekon jumps into the crowd of demons and slams the hammer down which let out a pups of lightning.

Tekon then takes the scythe and and swings it in a circle around him, thinking he had taken out all the demons he began to relax,but he heard more growling and eyes appearing within the darkness of the cave.

"Ahh shit"

Three hours later tekon could be seen on a mountain of body's huffing and puffing, though he was tired he had great benefits from this, like the amount of souls that had appeared from the demons, taking his hammer tekon points it at the souls and stores them making the hammer bulge a bit.

After storing the souls tekon fell asleep with both weapons in his hands not caring of the body's he was laying on.

-next day-

Tekon was awoken by the sound of foot steps.


Looking up tekon sees a female that looked mostly human but you could tell she was not from her horns and wings.

'Whoa she looks like albedo Maybe I can get my own albedo hehe'

"What come here to stop me from sleeping too?" Tekon says as he lifts his hammer.

"No no I came here to collect those souls that I was storing here…but it seems you've taken them"

"That explains why they were all here"

"..yes i was going to take their souls."

Tekon could tell she was upset about losing all the souls she was going to collect from the demons he killed, she was not going to do anything because she knew tekon was stronger then her.

"Well I will leave you to your rest then" she turns to leave on the verge of tears she wanted to grow stronger to have better living amongst the high ranking demons, tekon felt bad so he stopped her.

"Wait why don't you join me and together we can collect as many souls as we want to become to strong"

The succubus stops and turns around.

"Y-you mean it" she's says tears now visible.

(A/n I know -_- just go with it;)


Tekon takes out two souls from the hammer and holds his hand out and the succubus runs up and hugs tekon.

"Thank you"

'She's really soft for a demon' Tekon pats her back and she backs off to introduce herself.

(A/n I must)

"I'm albedo"

"I'm Tekon"

"Well then I think we should get rid of these body's" albedo says charging up a fireball

"No need the will be a part of my army" confused albedo was about to question what tekon meant until his skin started to fall of and rot, which cause albedo to scream in shock.

"iTs. Ok." Tekon let's out a raspy voice which made it sound like he was gargling on blood or flesh, Albedo calmed down a bit but is weirded out by his form.

Tekon starts scratching and biting the dead body's which took him a while.

A few hours later tekon and albedo are standing In front of a horde of mutated zombies in numbers of about two thousand which are standing in rows which shows the have a bit of intelligence.

Now in his normal form tekon smiles at his work. He was happy most of the zombies he made were mutated and he unlocked stage two of his night hunter form.

"Now go and bring me souls" saying this the demon zombies go out to collect souls and tekon sets his hammer at the entrance indicating at them to deposit them there.